DOI: 10.1002/sd.2044
Special issue: Law and sustainable development
Despite the large consensus on both the theoretical and ethical levels
• the sociocultural dimension of environmental issues and the rule
of law.
toward sustainable development, a grounded skepticism coming from
the business side has been for a long time an obstacle to the imple-
• the emerging of social enterprises directly oriented to environmental goals, as part of their “core business”;
mentation of practical behaviors and the building of effective rules.
The major challenge remains to overcome definitely the trade-offs
• the regulation of intrageneration effects of natural resource use
(Mc Shane et al. 2011) in favor of economic growth over social well-
(assets of biological diversity including ecosystems on land sea
and air);
being and ecological viability.
The achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs)
• the preservation of cultural and historical heritage.
requires the commitment of private and public institutions (UN 2015),
and from the economic and political debate, a call for action arises to
Law as a research discipline is mainly based in social science, and
the member states of the United Nations, required to translate the
thus, it is no surprise that several of the contributions to this Special
international principles and rules shared so far into local policies and
Issues enter from the social dimension of sustainable development
including its cultural aspects (besides the environmental and the eco-
In this vein, this Special Issue on Law and Sustainable Development aims to enrich the existing body of knowledge through the dis-
nomic dimension; UN 2015), addressing particular issues of social capital, social capacity, and social carrying capacity (Mauerhofer 2019).
semination of a selection of studies focused on particular aspects
Abraham Klaasen leads in the first contribution titled “The quest
related to legislative issues of sustainability in a specific geographic
for socio-economic rights; the Rule of Law and violent protest in
South Africa” to a nation with a very particular sociocultural situation
Legal provisions that are responsive to the achievement of suit-
where riots threaten the maintenance of the social carrying capacity
able conditions of equilibrium under the approach of sustainable
within sustainable development. Therein he explores two conven-
development—intended as “balanced integration of economic perfor-
tional methodologies about how to strengthen the rule of law, namely,
mance, social inclusiveness, and environmental resilience, to the bene-
the institutional approach and the neocultural interventionist
fit of current and future generations” (Geissdoerfer et al. 2017)—are
approach. Klaasen (2020) advocates for a reform to strengthen the
being issued in all industrialized countries, and although with some
rule of law in South Africa toward the realization of socioeconomic
delay, this process of enforcement has been initiated also in develop-
rights and advocates in this connection an integrated and problem-
ing countries.
solving approach to the rule of law, focusing on problems experienced
As it is well-known, the perspective of sustainability covers
almost all aspects of human activities, moving from the need to shift
by end users of the law system to complement the substantive components of the rule of law.
from an anthropocentric toward an ecocentric view of the economy
Within the growing social economy sector, many new terms are
(Purser et al. 1995). The ecocentric philosophy urges preservation and
starting to gain recognition, and for many of them, there is still no
restoration of natural ecosystems and their component species,
shared definition. The study of Tineke Lambooy, Pjotr Anthoni, and
and claims the adoption of the ecocentric framework in the definition
Aikaterini Argyrou (2020), titled “Aren't we all pursuing societal goals
and interpretation of the SDGs, as well in designing the body of inter-
in our businesses? Defining “societal purpose” as pursued by social
national environmental law (Kotzé and French, 2018).
enterprises,” highlights the spread of social enterprises in Europe,
The public action should encourage private production, when
underlining that several legal frameworks refer to “societal purpose”
deemed able to boost environmental objectives, and consider sustain-
in a general way. Therefore, the authors want to verify how the
ability as a priority in the agenda for future development, assuming an
notion of societal purpose and the therein reflected public benefit aim
active role in guiding the change of the organizational paradigm and
can be defined in the context of legislating a tailor-made legal form
of the rule of law.
for social enterprises. To this aim, both doctrinal and empirical
Absolute environmental and social improvements – also consider-
research were performed. Results show that there is no universal defi-
ing intergenerational and intragenerational justice – should be given
nition for social enterprise, that has been defined differently by
priority in a flexible decision-making system of priority setting in order
scholars and by policymakers of different countries and regions exam-
to prevent rebound effects (Mauerhofer 2019).
ined. Furthermore, similarities were detected through the comparison
Among the different topics considered as the focus of the legislative efforts and examined the following special issue:
Sustainable Development. 2020;1–3.
of the definition of societal purpose in Dutch legislation and in the
Netherlands (Lambooy et al. 2020).
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment
Jonathan Liljeblad and Khin Thinn Thinn Oo are bringing with
Sustainable Development Law. The broad geographic and thematic
their paper on “World Heritage Sustainable Development Policy and
coverage can serve an interested reader from Science as well as from
Local Implementation: Site Management Issues Using a Case Study of
Practice with a first “teaser” to explore more and to dive deeper into
Sri Ksetra at Pyu Ancient Cities in Myanmar” the cultural aspects of
the endless legal widths of environmental, social, and economic inter-
the social sustainable development dimension even stronger in the
actions toward a sustainable development.
focus. Based on a recent resolution on policy within the frame of the
Finally, the guest editors would like to take the opportunity to
World Heritage Convention (WHC) and a case study about ancient
express their sincere appreciation to the authors of the articles pres-
cities in Myanmar, the authors explore how management practices
ented in this special issue to the reviewers for their valuable feedback
toward local communities can frustrate the implementation of WHC
and comments and to Sustainable Development for inviting us to be
policy goals. The paper argues that the implementation of WH Policy
the guest editors of this issue.
involves not only the contents of policy statements but also the
actions of site management practices, such that efforts to promote
sustainable development via community participation require consideration of both the articulation of appropriate management systems
in formal policy documents as well as the practice of appropriate conduct by those systems (Liljeblad and Thinn Thinn Oo, 2020).
law, national policy, regulation, sustainability, sustainable development goals (SDG)
The next paper in this special issue is written by a larger team of
Volker Mauerhofer1
authors, namely, Nguyen Hong Quan, Tran Duc Dung, Dang Kim Khoi,
Daniela Rupo2
Dorien Korbee, Pham Dang Manh Hong Luan, Vu Thi Lan, Luu Tang,
Lara Tarquinio3
Ho Huu Loc, Nguyen Tan Phat, Ngo Thi Thu Trang, Nguyen Thi Kim
Dung, Andrew Wyatt, Maaike van Aalst, Tran Anh Thong, and William
B. Seal. It is titled “Land use dynamics in the Mekong Delta: From
Department of Ecotechnology and Sustainable Building Engineering, Mid
Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden
national policy to livelihood sustainability”. Thus, it connects the economic and social dimension of sustainable development stronger with
the environmental one. They investigate in the Vietnamese Mekong
Department of Economics, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Department of Economic Studies, University of Pescara, Pescara, Italy
Delta (VMD) land-use changes during the past based on institutional
analyses across multiple scales, that is, from national, provincial to
local livelihood based on institutional and sustainability analysis. The
results indicated a strong relationship between legal settings over the
last 30 years on land use and livelihood transitions. In addition, the
Volker Mauerhofer, Department of Ecotechnology and Sustainable
Building Engineering, Mid Sweden University, Akademigatan
1, Building Q, Room Q317, SE-831 25, Östersund, Sweden.
authors identify the constraints of implementing national legal frameworks at provincial level in practice (including effects to local livelihoods) and offer some recommendations for sustainable livelihoods in
the VMD, with a focus on increasing socioecological resilience
(Nguyen et al. 2020).
With a focus on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS), Aysegul Sirakaya comes with her paper title “A Balanced ABS System: Stakeholder Perception on ABS Goals” from the environmental angle of
biological diversity and explore the social dimension of a sustainable
use of environmental assets. She addresses the current perception
regarding the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol which is that
the national implementations bring complexities for both the provider
countries and users of genetic resources (GR) that result in less willingness to access GR. Then she identifies an apparent need for a
methodology in regulating ABS models in a way that is supportive for
both the provider countries and users. Sirakaya (2020) provides with
hear paper an introductory part of a comprehensive study on creating
a methodology for mutually supportive ABS systems for users and
providers by introducing international ABS goals and the stakeholders'
(both users and providers) perceptions thereof.
This short introduction can only provide a glimpsy overview of
the multifaceted structures and contents of the papers and how they
roughly fit into an emerging but already wide research field of
Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N. M. P., & Hultink, E. J. (2017). The
circular economy—A new sustainability paradigm. Journal of Cleaner
Production, 143, 757–768.
Klaasen A. (2020), The quest for socio-economic rights; the Rule of Law
and violent protest in South Africa (this Special Issue)
Kotzé, L. J., & French, D. (2018). The anthropocentric ontology of international environmental law and the sustainable development goals:
Towards an ecocentric rule of law in the Anthropocene. Global Journal
of Comparative Law, 7, 5–36.
Lambooy T., Anthoni P., Argyrou A. (2020) Aren't we all pursuing societal
goals in our businesses? Defining ‘societal purpose’ as pursued by
social enterprises, highlight the spread of social enterprises in Europe,
underlining that several legal frameworks refer to ‘societal purpose
(this Special Issue)
Liljeblad J. and Thinn Thinn Oo, K. (2020) World heritage sustainable
development policy & local implementation: Site management issues
using a case study of Sri Ksetra at Pyu ancient cities in myanmar (this
Special Issue).
Mauerhofer, V. (2019). Legal institutions and ecological economics: Their
common contribution for achieving a sustainable development. Ecological Economics, 156, 350–359.
McShane, T. O., Hirsch, P. D., Trung, T. C., Songorwa, A. N., Kinzig, A.,
Monteferri, B., O'Connor, S. (2011). Hard choices: Making trade-offs
between biodiversity conservation and human well-being. Biological
Conservation, 14, 966–972.
Nguyen H. Q., Tran D. D., Dang K. K., Korbee D., Pham D. M. H. L., Vu T.
L., Luu T., Ho H. L., Nguyen T. P., Ngo T. T. T., Nguyen T. K. D.,
Wyatt A., van Aalst M., T. A. T., Sea W.B. (2020). Land use dynamics in
the Mekong Delta: From national policy to livelihood sustainability
(this Special Issue)
Purser, R. E., Park, C., & Montuori, A. (1995). Limits to anthropocentrism:
Toward an ecocentric organization paradigm? Academy of Management
Review, 20(4), 1053–1089.
Sirakaya A. (2020). A Balanced ABS System: Stakeholder Perception on
ABS Goals (this Special Issue)
UN (2015) Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 Sept
2015,” Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development” A/RES/70/1, Retrieved at 27th Sept 2016 from