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2009, Palaeohispanica
2 pages
1 file
El proyecto 'Hesperia'comenzó a desarrollarse en el año 1997 bajo la dirección de Javier de Hoz en el Departamento de Filología Griega y Lingüística Indoeuropea de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en la actualidad se realiza de forma coordinada entre equipos ...
Revista De Economia Aplicada, 2002
que tus padres en herencia te dejaran, hazlo ganancia propia que puedas poseer" Goethe. Fausto
Bases de Datos I, 2007
... Eva Gómez Ballester Patricio Martínez Barco Paloma Moreda Pozo Armando Suárez CuetoAndrés Montoyo Guijarro Estela Saquete Boro Dpto. de Lenguajes y ... CELMA03 Celma, M.; Casamayor, JC; Mota, L. Bases de Datos Relacionales Pearson-Prentice Hall, 2003. DATE01 ...
El término bases de datos fue escuchado por primera vez en un simposio celebrado en California en 1963.
Se ha estimado que cada 12 meses se duplica la cantidad de información en el mundo, es decir se almacena un 30% más de información al año. Actualmente las empresas han mejorado sustancialmente la capacidad de adquirir y almacenar
En el siguiente trabajo se habla la historia de las bases de datos, empezando desde 1960 cuando se crearon los discos duros hasta la actualidad con su respectiva línea de tiempo, también se muestran los distintos modelos de base de datos explicando los más usados como son; Modelo de Red, Modelo Jerárquico, Modelo Relacional, Modelo Orientada a Objetos y Modelo XML y finalizando con el concepto de que es una copia de seguridad, su importancia y de que manera funciona
Nuestra propuesta 1 se formula para el análisis del campo de la fotografía artística, ya que es el tipo de imágenes que da el juego suficiente para poder desarrollar un estudio analítico en profundidad. Creemos que en el contexto actual es más necesario que nunca ofrecer un trayecto metodológico en el estudio de la imagen, y más concretamente en el caso de la fotografía, que contribuya a responder la pregunta "cómo significa la fotografía".
Journal Article, 2024
The acknowledgment of juristic disagreement (ᶜilm al-ikhtilāf) as an independent field of Islamic law by Western historians of Fiqh and Uṣūl is over a century and a half old. Yet, there is still much ambiguity and confusion about this legal subarea, its history, its theories and methods, and its place in the emergence and development of Islamic law. This paper provides a critical reading of modern Western studies of ᶜilm al-ikhtilāf. It analyzes the ways in which Western scholars have conceived of this sub-science and visits key unresolved issues with a focus on the conceptual and methodological undertaking of ᶜilm al-ikhtilāf. Through its critical reading of modern Western studies of ᶜilm al-ikhtilāf, this paper mends two gaps in the examined scholarship: the conceptual confusion of the concepts of 'ikhtilāf' and 'khilāf' on the one hand, and the confusion of the genres of "ikhtilāf fiqhī" (juristic disagreement) and "jadal fiqhī" (juristic dialectics) on the other. The methodology employed in this study comprises a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach, which bridges the realms of pre-modern and modern sources. It hinges on a meticulous analysis of both Muslim and Western studies of Islamic law, deliberately interweaving these two dimensions to provide a more holistic and nuanced perspective on the questions undertaken within this research. After close examination, it is observed that key distinctions made with regard to the science of ᶜilm al-ikhtilāf, such as between the concepts of 'khilāf' and 'ikhtilāf', are a modern invention that has no lexical precedent. According to this study, distinction is to be made between Fiqh-based, practical disagreements and Uṣūlbased, theoretical disagreements. This study contributes the first source reading of Western scholarship on the science of juristic disagreement. In addition, classifying ᶜilm al-ikhtilāf in terms of practical (Fiqhbased) and theoretical (Uṣūl-based) studies is an original reading.
PLOS ONE, 2024
Tefillin are Jewish ritual artifacts consisting of leather cases, containing inscribed slips, which are affixed with leather straps to the body of the tefillin practitioner. According to current Jewish ritual law, the tefillin cases and straps are to be colored black. The present study examines seventeen ancient tefillin cases discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls in caves in the Judean Desert. All seventeen cases display grain surfaces with a very dark, nearly black appearance. We start with a hypothesis that the cases were intentionally colored black in antiquity using either a carbon-based or iron-gall-based paint or dye. The aim of this study is to test this hypothesis by subjecting these tefillin cases to a battery of examinations to assess the presence of carbon and iron used as pigments, and of organic materials which may have been used as binding agents in a paint. The tests deployed are: (1) macroscopic and microscopic analyses; (2) multispectral imaging using infrared wavelengths; (3) Raman spectroscopy; (4) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); and (5) scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. The results of these tests found no traces of carbon-based or iron-gall-based pigments, nor of organic compounds which may have served as binders in a paint. These results suggest that our posited hypothesis is unlikely. Instead, results of the SEM examination suggest it more likely that the black color on the surfaces of the tefillin cases is the result of natural degradation of the leather through gelatinization. The Judean Desert tefillin likely represent tefillin practices prior to when the rabbinic prescription on blackening tefillin was widely practiced. Our study suggests that the kind of non-blackened tefillin which the later rabbis rejected in their own times may well have been quite common in earlier times.
Вопросы истории, 2022
Статья посвящена новому витку дискуссии «оптимистов» и «пессимистов», связанному с публикацией интервью известного российского историка Б.Н. Миронова в журнале «Историческая экспертиза». Автор анализирует ответы Миронова на критику оппонентов по вопросам точности официальных урожайных данных, составлению хлебофуражных балансов, величине расходов на фураж. Особое внимание уделяется обсуждению антропометрических расчетов Миронова, указывающих на увеличение роста новобранцев в 1874-1913 гг.
South Atlantic Quarterly, 2002
Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019
Revista de la …, 2008
Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 2018
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 2018
Revista De La Union Matematica Argentina, 2000
Aletria: Revista de Estudos de Literatura, 2011
L'inconscio. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia e Psicoanalisi N. 9 -L'inconscio e lo spazio , 2020
JPPP - Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengukuran Psikologi, 2020