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Equitable access to safe abortion is part of the corpus of human rights. Providing women with access to safe abortion means protection and realization of one of their fundamental human rights. However, around the world, even nowadays, women face not only legal obstacles, but as well stigmatization and conviction against fulfillment of the right to abortion. In North Macedonia there a multiple type of barriers and large inequalities related to the accessibility and availability of reproductive healthcare services. Women with low socio-economic status are mostly affected. The need for contraception has not been met and reproductive healthcare services are unevenly distributed across the country.
Equitable access to safe abortion is part of the corpus of human rights. Providing women with access to safe abortion means protection and realization of one of their fundamental human rights. However, around the world, even nowadays, women face not only legal obstacles, but as well stigmatization and conviction against fulfillment of the right to abortion. In North Macedonia there a multiple type of barriers and large inequalities related to the accessibility and availability of reproductive healthcare services. Women with low socioeconomic status are mostly affected. The need for contraception has not been met and reproductive healthcare services are unevenly distributed across the country.
Equitable access to safe abortion is part of the corpus of human rights. Providing women with access to safe abortion means protection and realization of one of their fundamental human rights. However, around the world, even nowadays, women face not only legal obstacles, but as well stigmatization and conviction against fulfillment of the right to abortion. In North Macedonia there a multiple type of barriers and large inequalities related to the accessibility and availability of reproductive healthcare services. Women with low socioeconomic status are mostly affected. The need for contraception has not been met and reproductive healthcare services are unevenly distributed across the country.
1. Tozija, Fimka (автор) (уредник) a) Репродуктивно здравје-Македонија-Истражувања COBISS.MK-ID 74386954 This publication was made possible through a contribution from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The opinions expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the UNFPA.
Prizren Social Science Journal, 2020
Developments in science and technology have, among other things, challenged the family. Human values, which change in step with this technological progress, have faced many legal, moral and ethical dilemmas which await answers from the science on bioethics. We are in such a situation when we discuss about many advances in contemporary and national family law, including new forms of family reproduction that differ from a natural process of child conceiving. The authors in this paper bring comparative aspects of biomedical and family legislation of the Republic of North Macedonia and Republic of Kosovo. Among other things, they emphasize that given the traditional and biological model of the family in our society, new reproductive forms are a very reserved topic in the family and biomedical field, but it awakens a curiosity of discussions on ethics, philosophy and legal regulation of reproduction of human beings in both countries. The numerous stereotypes that prevail in the society of both countries regarding the application of artificial reproduction technology methods are contrary to many legal and medical justifications for couples who do not have the opportunity to become parents in a biological (natural) way. Therefore, the purpose of the authors is to provide accurate and grounded information through this text about the legal framework and medical options available to all persons who wish to exercise their reproductive right to establish a family.
“This analysis does not constitute a comprehensive assessment of all ESCR issues faced by women in Macedonia. It does, however, describe some key areas of concern, particularly for women belonging to disadvantaged and marginalized communities”. – Senada Sali, Lawyer at European Roma Rights Centre
Law on pregnancy termination: The intersection of biopower and legitimacy in the Macedonian context 2013-2015, 2018
The focus of this essay is on examining the interplay between biopolitics and political legitimacy in the context of the Law on pregnancy termination adopted by the Macedonian assembly in June 2013. Specifically, it seeks to examine to what extent the law on pregnancy termination made an impact on the legitimacy of the ruling party (2013-2015). More concretely, it sees how with the given Law the government was delegating power to other bureaucratic and medical authorities to make the final decision over the act of abortion that involved a violation of the fundamental rights and liberties of the women as humans and citizens guaranteed by the Macedonian Constitution (article 25 and article 41 ). The interest to focus on this question is the position of the majority government led by the conservative VMRO DPMNE party that introduced this Law in the Macedonian context in the period 2013-2015. This was just one year before their gradual marginalization in the political scene of the country and the culmination of the overall situation in a severe political crisis and turmoil that are still present in the Macedonian society characterized by ethnic and political polarization. The essay will introduce a theoretical background consisting of biopolitics and political legitimacy. The works of authors such as Foucault (2004), Weber (1922) and Esposito (2004) will be used. Thereafter, the essay will provide a brief description of the Law on pregnancy termination, which will allow for the examination of the ways in which the given Law shares and reproduces aspects of biopolitics and the connection with the human rights dimension. Moreover, the essay will explore the specific bodies of knowledge that are utilized to support and increase the legitimacy of the ruling party in the abovementioned period. Hence, there are two variables that will be analyzed: a) the Law on pregnancy termination and b) the legitimacy of the ruling party. These will be explored through a combination of desk research, discourse and visual analysis of the introduction of the law and the public appearances of the most influential officials of the ruling party in the period 2013-2015.
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2016
A phenomenon which recently has become almost usual is termination of pregnancy. About 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Some of them occur so early that some women do not realize that are having a miscarriage. Part of them occurs before the 12th week. The main cause of abortion is normal fetal underdevelopment and damage of the genetic structure. But the data show that half of abortions are performed after the 12th week of pregnancy, due to unwanted sex of the child. Interruptions made beyond this period, because sex is determined after the 12th week, would be called criminal interference. Terminations of pregnancy figures made on this purpose are high. This has made Albania to be part of the problem reported to the Council of Europe. Prohibition of ultrasounds that indicate the sex of the baby in the womb is supported by the majority of gynecologists in the country, who say that Albania should adopt a law stoping mothers to see sex of the child, to prevent abortion if the child is female. The performance of abortion in our country is allowed until the 12th week. Nothwithstanding this, it has been proved that abortion is associated with psychological consequences, social and health.
Existen factores que confluyen en la configuración y alcance del derecho humano a la protección de la salud. Uno de ellos es la posibilidad de analizar la historia de este derecho a través de la jurisprudencia establecida por nuestros tribunales nacionales e internacionales. En el caso de México, hemos presenciado desde junio de 2011 la configuración de un nuevo escenario en el que resulta relevante la necesidad de robustecer el diálogo judicial entre las instancias nacionales e internacionales, particularmente la recepción de la jurisprudencia emanada de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. El impacto que esto tendrá en la protección del derecho a la salud plantea contextos en los que pueden construirse nuevas formas de entendimiento de este derecho. Por lo anterior, se propone en esta investigación el análisis del tejido histórico-jurídico del derecho a la salud mediante la revisión de los criterios de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en los últimos 10 años (2004-2014). A partir de este estudio sería posible ver que la Corte ha elaborado un desarrollo jurisprudencial, por demás interesante, precisando los alcances y contenido para la protección del derecho a la salud.
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Caminhos da Aprendizagem Histórica: Relações de Gênero e Sexualidades. 1ª Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Sobre Ontens/UFMS, 2021. ISBN: 978-65-00-24360-4, 2021