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2016, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
4 pages
1 file
A phenomenon which recently has become almost usual is termination of pregnancy. About 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Some of them occur so early that some women do not realize that are having a miscarriage. Part of them occurs before the 12th week. The main cause of abortion is normal fetal underdevelopment and damage of the genetic structure. But the data show that half of abortions are performed after the 12th week of pregnancy, due to unwanted sex of the child. Interruptions made beyond this period, because sex is determined after the 12th week, would be called criminal interference. Terminations of pregnancy figures made on this purpose are high. This has made Albania to be part of the problem reported to the Council of Europe. Prohibition of ultrasounds that indicate the sex of the baby in the womb is supported by the majority of gynecologists in the country, who say that Albania should adopt a law stoping mothers to see sex of the child, to prevent abortion if the child is female. The performance of abortion in our country is allowed until the 12th week. Nothwithstanding this, it has been proved that abortion is associated with psychological consequences, social and health.
Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology, 2020
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, which permits unrestricted use, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium, non-commercially, provided the new creations are licensed under identical terms as the original work and the original work is properly cited.
The European Journal of Public Health, 1999
ABSTRACT Background: Bulgaria is in a state of socioeconomic transition. Along with the political, economic and social system, the current changes affect the health care sector. The present article focuses on the issue of induced abortions. Bulgaria has one of the highest abortion rates in Europe, and this poses an important public health concern. Methods: Data were collected from the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute, articles and the reports of WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, and AIHA. The data was analysed by stratifying abortion rates according to age, marital status, parity, socio-economic status, level of education, and ethnicity. In addition, possible contributing factors were reviewed. The main factors included were demographic characteristics of the country; legislation related to induced abortions; financing of the health care system; organization of family planning services; and data on contraceptive prevalence and practices. Results: Abortion rates show a general trend of shift towards younger age groups, as well as to single nullipara women. Definite associations with ethnicity, level of education and socio-economic status could not be established, mainly because sufficient data was not available. The observed cases of multiple abortions indicate the inadequacy of the post-abortion counselling. The new financing system is expected to make the family planning services more effective. Finally, recent data still show a relatively low rate of modern contraception prevalence. Conclusions: The objective of this review is to contribute to a better understanding of the problem of high rates of induced abortions in Bulgaria. Detailed analysis of associations between different factors related to the problem would be important for developing adequate strategies for intervention, i.e. reduction of the number of induced abortions. This would undoubtedly be of social, financial and public health benefit for Bulgaria.
Second World Congress of Philosophy of Medicine, August 23-26, 2000, Krakow, Poland in Universitet Jagelonski w Krakowie, 2000
The aim of this report is to describe some aspects of women's decision on abortion as a responsible moral dilemma: whether and how it is influenced by their close relationships. 398 women who had already decided to terminate their pregnancies were inquired by self-administered questionnaire. Their voluntary consent for participation in this study was taken. They represent 95% of all women undergone an induced abortion in abortion clinics in Stara Zagora for the period of three mounts. The problem was considered by women's basic demographic and social characteristics (as age, marriage, parity, education). Majority of women had discussed the situation of their present pregnancy at first with their partners (78.1%). The most of women (77.6%) expressed the view that they were not been able to decide on abortion without sharing the responsibility about it with their partners who had to be involved in the decision making process. Women had a right to decide by themselves but they did not apply this right. The most of women faced the real problem to decide on abortion did not make the decision as a freely obtainable option. Their decision on abortion was not personal. Women preferred to share the responsibility about it with their partners.
Equitable access to safe abortion is part of the corpus of human rights. Providing women with access to safe abortion means protection and realization of one of their fundamental human rights. However, around the world, even nowadays, women face not only legal obstacles, but as well stigmatization and conviction against fulfillment of the right to abortion. In North Macedonia there a multiple type of barriers and large inequalities related to the accessibility and availability of reproductive healthcare services. Women with low socioeconomic status are mostly affected. The need for contraception has not been met and reproductive healthcare services are unevenly distributed across the country.
International Journal of Human Sciences, 2013
Aim of this study was to investigate causes of abortion in pregnant woman applying with vaginal bleeding and pain and diagnosed abortion to Gaziantep 75. Year Maternatiy Hospital. Material and method: This study was conducted on pregnant woman applying with vaginal bleeding and pain and diagnosed abortion to Gaziantep 75. Year Maternatiy Hospital between 13 September-29 December 2009 and total 53 pregnant woman were used as a materials(in the first and second trimester). The data for the study was obtained through a questionnaire that determine gynecologic history and fertility information with demographic characteristics of pregnantomen. The questionnaire form were filled by researcher applying face to face. Statistical analyzes were conducted using Chi-Square. The level of significance was determined at p< 0.05. Results: To examine rate of women's abortion they have experienced 62.3 % first, 18.9 % second abortion respectively. To examine causes Özet Amaç: Bu çalışmada Gaziantep 75. Yıl Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Hastanesine vajinal kanama ve ağrı yakınmasıyla başvuran ve abortus tanısı konan gebelerin düşük yapma nedenlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve metod: Çalışmaya 13 Eylül-29 Aralık 2009 tarihleri arasında Gaziantep 75. Yıl Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Hastanesine vajinal kanama ve ağrı yakınmasıyla başvuran ve abortus tanısı konan, hastanede yatırılarak tedavi gören birinci ve ikinci trimesterdeki 53 gebe katılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri gebelerin demografik özellikleri ile jinekolojik öykü ve doğurganlık bilgilerini belirleyen bir anket formu aracılığı ile elde edilmiştir. Anket formu araştırmacı tarafından kadınlarla yüz yüze görüşülerek doldurulmuştur. Verilerin analizinde ki-kare testi kullanılmıştır. p<0.05 değeri istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan kadınların %62.3'ünün ilk, % 18.9'unun ikinci düşük deneyimi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kadınların %28' inde düşüklerin herhangi bir neden olmadan
Equitable access to safe abortion is part of the corpus of human rights. Providing women with access to safe abortion means protection and realization of one of their fundamental human rights. However, around the world, even nowadays, women face not only legal obstacles, but as well stigmatization and conviction against fulfillment of the right to abortion. In North Macedonia there a multiple type of barriers and large inequalities related to the accessibility and availability of reproductive healthcare services. Women with low socio-economic status are mostly affected. The need for contraception has not been met and reproductive healthcare services are unevenly distributed across the country.
Yurisdiksi: Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains, 2018
Abortion or commonly referred to abortion into the human civilization because humans do not want the pregnancy. Since centuries ago, many nations have known checkers wear some plant species believed to stimulate contraction of uterus to shed or dropped fetus. Abortion itself can occur either due to human actions (abortion provocatus) or because of natural causes, that happens by it self, in the sense that not because of human actions (abortion spontatus). Abortion is happening because of human actions can occur either because it is driven by medical reasons, such as pregnant women who suffer from a disease and to save the lives of these women then abortion must be terminated (abortion therapeuticus). Besides, for reasons that are not justified by the law (abortion criminalis). The method used in this research is normative juridical consideration that the starting point of the research analysis of the laws and regulations of the Criminal Code, Act No. 35 of 2014 on the Amendment of A...
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 1996
Method.9. Official health statistics from the six countries were compiled and analysed. Results. High abortion rates (up to 142 per 1000 women of fertile ages and years) were seen in all countries analysed, but since 1980 a continuing decrease is noted for Estonia, Latvia and Kaliningrad with a lowest rate of 50 abortions/1000 women/year in Latvia in 1994. Teenage abortions and childbirths are increasing. Maternal mortality, including complications of abortions, is still a reality in all the countries studied. Conclusion. The high abortion frequencies in all countries studied here indicate that national abortion prevention programs are needed. Such programs should focus on education, both of medical professionals, teenagers, fertile women and males. Concomitantly, the availability of cheap and modern contraceptives must increase, especially to defined risk groups.
EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series
There is a high level of agreement in the EU Member States with respect to a woman's right to abortion. Poland and Malta are the only exceptions to the liberal abortion regime in Europe. Yet, this issue is still considered highly divisive. The balance between a woman's right to abortion and the foetal right to life is still the topic of numerous legal and ethical discussions, which is a result of the recent rise of populism and anti-gender movements. In Europe, interwoven by different legal orders, international, supranational and national ones, the issue of human rights is dealt with at several levels. The EU Member States have assigned some of their sovereign rights to EU level, which is not the case with the area of reproductive rights and hence the issue of abortion is still firmly bound to state sovereignty. This is not the first paper that deals with this issue, so the third part of the paper investigates the relevant legal literature. What is challenged is the prevalent standpoint that the level of the protection of a woman's right to abortion is fairly low if judging by the case-law of the above courts since neither court has regarded a woman's right to abortion as a fundamental human right. The authors try to find an answer to the question whether abortion restrictions are contrary to the fundamental principle of gender equality.
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SUMARIO: 1. Policía predictiva: definición, clasificación, genealogía. 2. Postulados ideológicos. 3. El caso del Crime Anticipation System en Holanda. 4. Decisiones automatizadas y derecho a la intervención humana. 5. Reflexiones de cierre.
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