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We report in the present talk recent results of the tensor properties of the nucleon within the framework of the chiral quark-soliton model. The tensor and anomalous tensor magnetic form factors are calculated for the momentum transfer up to Q 2 ≤ 1 GeV 2 and at a renormalization scale of 0.36 GeV 2. The main results are summarized as follows: the flavor tensor charges of the nucleon are yielded as δu = 1.08, δd = −0.31, δs = −0.01, while the up and down anomalous tensor magnetic moments are evaluated as κ u T = 3.56 and κ d T = 1.83, respectively. The strange anomalous tensor magnetic moment turns out to be κ s T = 0.2 ∼ −0.2, compatible with zero. We discuss their physical implications, comparing them in particular with those from the lattice QCD.
Physical Review D, 2010
We investigate the form factors of the chiral-odd nucleon matrix element of the tensor current. In particular, we aim at the anomalous tensor magnetic form factors of the nucleon within the framework of the SU(3) and SU(2) chiral quark-soliton model. We consider 1/N c rotational corrections and linear effects of SU(3) symmetry breaking with the symmetry-conserving quantization employed. We first obtain the results of the anomalous tensor magnetic moments for the up and down quarks: κ u T = 3.56 and κ d T = 1.83, respectively. The strange anomalous tensor magnetic moment is yielded to be κ s T = 0.2 ∼ −0.2, that is compatible with zero. We also calculate the corresponding form factors κ q T (Q 2) up to a momentum transfer Q 2 ≤ 1 GeV 2 at a renormalization scale of 0.36 GeV 2 .
We investigate the flavour decomposition of the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon, based on the chiral quark-soliton model (χQSM) with symmetry-conserving quantisation. We consider the rotational 1/N_c and linear strange-quark mass (m_s) corrections. We discuss the results of the flavour-decomposed electromagnetic form factors in comparison with the recent experimental data. In order to see the effects of the strange quark, we compare the SU(3) results with those of SU(2). We finally discuss the transverse charge densities for both unpolarised and polarised nucleons. The transverse charge density inside a neutron turns out to be negative in the vicinity of the centre within the SU(3) χQSM, which can be explained by the contribution of the strange quark.
We present results for the nucleon magnetic moments in the context of an extended chiral constituent quark model based on the mechanism of the Goldstone boson exchange, as suggested by the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in QCD. The electromagnetic charge-current operator is consistently deduced from the model Hamiltonian, which includes all force components for the pseudoscalar, vector and scalar meson exchanges. Thus, the continuity equation is satisfied for each piece of the interaction, avoiding the introduction of any further parameter. A good agreement with experimental values is found. The role of isoscalar two-body operators, not constrained by the continuity equation, is also investigated.
Exploiting the phenomenological symmetry of the J P C = 1 +-light axial vector mesons and using pole dominance, we calculate the flavor contributions to the nucleon tensor charge.
Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), 2014
We investigate the flavor decomposition of the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon, based on the chiral quark-soliton model with symmetry-conserving quantization. We consider the rotational 1/Nc and linear strange-quark mass (ms) corrections. To extend the results to higher momentum transfer, we take into account the kinematical relativistic effects. We discuss the results of the flavor-decomposed electromagnetic form factors in comparison with the recent experimental data. In order to see the effects of the strange quark, we compare the SU(3) results with those of SU(2). We finally discuss the transverse charge densities for both unpolarized and polarized nucleons.
Proceedings of The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2021)
We present preliminary results for strange and charm contributions to nucleon charges and moments. The scalar, axial and tensor charges, and unpolarized first moments are calculated using clover-on-HISQ formulation and cover four lattice spacings, 𝑎 = {0.06, 0.09, 0.12, 0.15} fm, and three pion masses, 𝑀 𝜋 = {310, 220, 130} MeV. The renormalization factors are calculated nonperturbatively using the RI-sMOM scheme. We carry out a chiral and continuum extrapolation to obtain physical results.
Physical review, 2007
The nucleon form factors of the energy-momentum tensor are studied in the large-Nc limit in the framework of the chiral quark-soliton model.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2008
Exploiting an approximate phenomenological symmetry of the J P C = 1 +-light axial vector mesons and using pole dominance, we calculate the flavor contributions to the nucleon tensor charge. The result depends on the decay constants of the axial vector mesons and their couplings to the nucleons.
Physical Review D
We investigate the magnetism of QCD matter and pion mass under magnetic field considering the contribution from the tensor-type spin polarization and the anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) of quarks. It is found that the tensor-type spin polarization (TSP) induces the magnetic catalysis of chiral condensate and diamagnetism (negative magnetic susceptibility) of quark matter at low temperature, both neutral and charged pion masses increase quickly with magnetic field in the case of TSP. The anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) of quarks induces magnetic inhibition and a magnetic dependent AMM causes inverse magnetic catalysis at finite temperature, and the neutral pion mass decreases with magnetic field while the charged pion mass shows nonmonotonic behavior with the magnetic field, which is qualitatively in agreement with lattice result. However, the magnetic susceptibility is positive at low temperature with AMM. In the current framework, our results show the irreconcilable contradiction between the diamagnetism and inverse magnetic catalysis.
The electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon are calculated in an extended chiral constituent-quark model where the effective interaction is described by the exchange of pseudoscalar, vector, and scalar mesons. Two-body current-density operators, constructed consistently with the extended model Hamiltonian in order to preserve gauge invariance and current conservation, are found to give a significant contribution to the nucleon magnetic form factors and improve the estimates of the nucleon magnetic moments.
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