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in Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Notiziario di Preistoria e Protostoria 2014 1.III, Scoperte e scavi preistorici in Italia-Anni 2012-2013, Neolitico ed età dei Metalli-Italia Meridionale, pp. 55-57
5 pages
1 file
Scogli di ApanI (BR): mud-hearth plates from the hut 2 - The archaeological excavations at Scogli di Apani during 2008, 2009 and 2011 allowed the investigation of two Middle Bronze Age huts; 5 different mud-hearth plates have been discovered within the excavated area (about 100m2) of the so-called hut 2. The manufacturing technique of these structures is the same documented in some other coeval settlements of southern Italy: at the bottom it was carefully arranged a potsherd preparation level (or sometimes a pebble level) on which there was a thick layer of clay and then the functional ring surface. The best preserved mud-hearth plates have a patchy circular shape and a maximum diameter of about 1m. One of these mud-hearth plates, US 178, shows a unique decoration of the outer edge made of unevenly vertical impressions; a narrow and regular mark also runs on the ring surface along the perimeter near the edge. To date this decorated mud-hearth plate is an unicum in protohistoric southern Italy.
Notiziario di Preistoria e Protostoria 7.I, Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, 2020
The Middle Bronze Age fortified settlement of Scogli di Apani (Brindisi). Excavations 2008, 2009, 2011 - The investigations of coastal landscape archaeology in the State Natural Reserve and Marine Protected Area of Torre Guaceto (BR) started in 2007. In 2008, 2009 and 2011 archaeological excavations took place at the greater islet of Scogli di Apani; these two islands have a total extension of about 1,5 ha and they probably are what today still remains of a larger peninsula slowly eroded and partially submerged by the rising of the sea level during the last millennia. In the Sector A (about 30m2) the investigation allowed to provide the evidence of a small part of a dwelling structure (hut 1) destroyed by fire; many fragments of daub, the remains of a mud-hearth plate and some handmade impasto containers (mainly closed shapes) were found still in situ. In the Sector B (about 95m2) it was possible to recognize the remains of a large dwelling construction (hut 2) destroyed by fire too; the structural evidences are several postholes, some remains of stonework bases, 5 different mud-hearth plates and a large quantity of daub fragments. moreover many artefacts were found a good state of preservation and in their functional situation on the floor of the hut: numerous handmade impasto vessels, some bone and antler tools, many stone artefacts and some ornaments. The analysis of the handmade local pottery allows to date these evidences to the late protoapennine or to the ancient apennine.
in G. Nenci - G. Vallet, Bibliografia topografica della colonizzazione greca nell’Italia meridionale e nelle isole tirreniche, XX, Pisa-Roma-Napoli, 40-66, 2012
Tra terra e mare. Ecoguida …, 2006
Atti del Convegno di Archeologia, Catania-Siracusa 14-16 febbraio 2019. Ed Quasar 2020, 2020
As part of the project on the Greek fortified landscapes in the Plain of Catania, a new architectural survey focused on the structures brought to light (1998-1999) at Misterbianco, in the district of Erbe Bianche. The structure, identified by M.G. Branciforti as a Greek sighting tower, is built close to a basaltic ridge. The ongoing research aims to clarify the relationship between fortifications system and ancient routes networks in the Plain of Catania from in Greek period. The position of the Misterbianco tower in the middle valley of the Simeto is in clear relation with the internal road that from Catania went towards Centuripe, of which numerous testimonies remain also in the ancient sources. Through the review of available data and a photogrammetric survey, we want to propose an overall re-reading of the monument that regards both the constructive characteristics and the role in the broader framework of the defensive system that unfolds along the margins of the Catania Plain.
Storia delle esplorazioni speleologiche condotte nella Grotta di Castelcivita pubblicata nel Volume celebrativo dei 50 anni di storia del Gruppo Speleologico del Club Alpino Italiano sezione di Napoli
Sicilia Archeologica, 1999
Nelle adiacenze di quattro torri di avvistamento e di difesa dei secoli XVI-XVIII, sono stati rinvenuti numerosi oggetti ceramici sferici con foro centrale, che da un esame diagnostico sono stati determinati come i resti di pesetti utilizzati per sostenere le reti da pesca al fondo marino. Le torri in questione si ergono lungo la costa Nord-occidentale della Sicilia nel tratto di mare tra Palermo e Trapani; tre sono nell'area palermitana tra Monte Gallo e Punta Raisi ed una in quella trapanese alla periferia meridionale della stessa città di Trapani. Quelle palermitane sono: la torre di Isola delle Femmine "di Fuori" o "di Mare", la cilindrica torre del Fico d'india della prima metà del 1400, che si eleva nella punta estrema del golfo di Mondello e la torre Molinazzo a base quadrata del 1584, posta nella marina di Cinisi all'interno dell'aeroporto di Punta Raisi, dedicato ai due magistrati Falcone e Borsellino. Per l'area trapanese viene documentata la torre Nubia del 1620, limitrofa alla vasta salina e all'attuale struttura portuale della città dei "due mari".
Antología del pesimismo moderno, 2024
Ifigenia Martínez Hernandez. quien fué y cómo pensaba
Wiadomości lekarskie (Warsaw Poland), 2022
Pablo Lorenzano y Óscar Nudler (eds.), El camino desde Kuhn. La inconmensurabilidad hoy, 2012
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