Archaeology of pre-Roman Italy
Recent papers in Archaeology of pre-Roman Italy
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Tutti i diritti riservati. È vietata la riproduzione di testi e illustrazioni senza il permesso scritto dell'Editore. Hesperìa: studi sulla grecità di Occidente. -1. -Roma: «L'ERMA» di BRETSCHNEIDER, 1990-. -v. ; 24 cm Irregolare Alcuni... more
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale riguardante il problema relativo alle origini di Roma. Un breve confronto tra i dati archeologici a nostra disposizione e le fonti storico-letterarie; le posizioni degli storici.
Includes discussion of material identified from Medici Dossier and Schinousa Archive.
This study discusses the changing trends in the supply of wine, olive oil, fish sauce and domestic pottery in Pompeii over a period of more than two centuries through the examination of a pottery assemblage excavated recently in the House... more
NW Italy (500 - 1 BCE) provides an interesting case scenario to explore methodological problems regarding issues of identity and ethnicity. In an area with many long-distance contacts across the Apennines, Alps, and along the Po Valley,... more
In August 2003, during the survey of the site of Carsulae (Terni, Italy) remains of a fortification were identified along the western boundary of the archaeological park. These can be interpreted as the remains of a defensive 'agger'... more
Introduction to Classical Archaeology I. (in Slovak) - Etruscan and Roman art and archeology
L’iconografia della donna assisa con bambino costituisce senza dubbio il soggetto più significativo nel repertorio dei votivi fittili del santuario di Fondo Patturelli dell’anti-ca Capua. Oltre che nei piccoli votivi è rappresentato sulla... more
Au fur et à mesure de l’expansion romaine en Italie, des colonies constellent les territoires de la péninsule et inscrivent dans le paysage la présence de Rome. Instruments majeurs de la conquête, ces communautés civiques demeurent... more
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey part 4: Atlantic Theory of Homer (Part 1: Odysseus' first voyage; part 2: Odysseus' second voyage; part 3: Atlantic Geography)
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey part 4: Atlantic Theory of Homer (Part 1: Odysseus' first voyage; part 2: Odysseus' second voyage; part 3: Atlantic Geography)
In all guilds, the Greeks used a secret language, i.e. symbolisms, so that they could avoid the leakage of information concerning sources of profit. Thus, they created short poems, easy to remember. The “Odyssey” is the best example!
In this paper we analyse the artefact categories which are absent, or present only in limited numbers in child graves. These evaluations were realized in relation to frequency of occurrence of these artefact categories in adult graves.... more
The Seven Hills of Rome are on the east of the Tiber in the heart of the Ancient City and are said to be the origins of the empire. Back in the day (there is proof of civilization on the hills from as early as 1,000BC) the seven hills... more
La necropoli paleoveneta ai Frati di Ceneda, fu scoperta in seguito agli spianamenti per il Teatro Sociale, ora Verdi, nei primi decenni del XIX secolo e venne documentata da Carlo Graziani 2 : "le due a noi da buon tempo note necropoli,... more
Università degli Studi di Ferrara, 6-8 giugno 2019 Palazzo Bevilacqua Costabili, via Voltapaletto 11 For those interested in streaming the conference live, be sure to tune into the conference here: FIRST DAYì:... more
La collegiata di S. Maria Assunta di Otricoli e le sue collezioni d’arte sono state oggetto, a partire dalle indagini archeologiche e dai restauri svolti all’interno della chiesa ormai più di mezzo secolo fa, di una costante attenzione da... more
Short contribution presenting some unpublished etruscan scarabs in the Museum of Grosseto.
This paper discusses six tombs from Sveta Lucija (Slovenia) that were bought in 1923 from Prof. Rudolf Much (Vienna) by Prof. Albert Egges van Giffen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) for the collection of what is now the Groningen Institute... more
In the Porto Cesareo (Lecce, Italy) coastal area, submerged and semi-submerged archaeological evidence has been uncovered by recent preliminary surveys carried out in close collaboration with the local marine protected area (MPA): (a) a... more
sapienza università di roma dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità E S T R A T T O dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità Direttore enzo lippolis Comitato di Direzione maria Giovanna Biga, savino di lernia, eugenia equini schneider,... more
This article gives a first overview of the distribution of giallo antico in the Western Mediterranean during the earliest phases of its extraction. It discusses recently excavated, well-dated contexts from Italy, Spain, Gaul, Africa, and... more
In a study concerned with understanding the types of population and modes of contanct in the multiple ecosystems of Iron Age southern Italy, ranging from the Greek poleis of the coastal flood plains to the Appenine mountain regions of... more
Gli insediamenti di altura sono da tempo al centro del dibattito scientifico, ma a causa dell'eterogeneità nelle modalità di indagine, sfuggono ancora i termini per una definizione dei tratti distintivi della tipologia. Il Chianti, è... more
North Africa has revealed some Etruscan and Italic finds dating to the 7th-6th century BC, and these are particularly concentrated in Carthage. The quantity and the nature of the pottery and bronzes found here show that the Punic city had... more
eds.), Etruschi. L'ideale eroico e il vino lucente, Cat. of the exhibition (Asti, 2012), Milan 2012, pp. 103-109. Daniele F. Maras (if you are interested in offprints; please send an email to