Oecologia (2003) 137:405–416
DOI 10.1007/s00442-003-1358-5
Xiaoyong Chen · Lindsay B. Hutley · Derek Eamus
Carbon balance of a tropical savanna of northern Australia
Received: 13 September 2002 / Accepted: 16 July 2003 / Published online: 26 August 2003
Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract Through estimations of above- and belowground standing biomass, annual biomass increment, fine
root production and turnover, litterfall, canopy respiration
and total soil CO2 efflux, a carbon balance on seasonal
and yearly time-scales is developed for a Eucalypt openforest savanna in northern Australia. This carbon balance
is compared to estimates of carbon fluxes derived from
eddy covariance measurements conducted at the same
site. The total carbon (C) stock of the savanna was
204€53 ton C ha1, with approximately 84% belowground and 16% above-ground. Soil organic carbon
content (01 m) was 151€33 ton C ha1, accounting for
about 74% of the total carbon content in the ecosystem.
Vegetation biomass was 53€20 ton C ha1, 39% of which
was found in the root component and 61% in aboveground components (trees, shrubs, grasses). Annual gross
primary production was 20.8 ton C ha1, of which 27%
occurred in above-ground components and 73% belowground components. Net primary production was 11 ton C
ha1 year1, of which 8.0 ton C ha1 (73%) was
contributed by below-ground net primary production
and 3.0 ton C ha1 (27%) by above-ground net primary
production. Annual soil carbon efflux was 14.3 ton C ha1
year1. Approximately three-quarters of the carbon flux
(above-ground, below-ground and total ecosystem) occur
during the 5–6 months of the wet season. This savanna
X. Chen · L. B. Hutley ()) · D. Eamus
Cooperative Research Centre for the Sustainable
Development of Tropical Savannas, Faculty of Science,
Information Technology and Education,
Northern Territory University, NT 0909 Darwin, Australia
e-mail: lindsay.hutley@ntu.edu.au
Fax: +61-8-89466847
Present address:
X. Chen, Department of Geography,
University of Toronto, M5S 3G3 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Present address:
D. Eamus,
Institute for Water and Environmental Resource Management,
University of Technology—Sydney,
Broadway, P.O. Box 123, NSW 2007 Sydney, Australia
site is a carbon sink during the wet season, but becomes a
weak source during the dry season. Annual net ecosystem
production was 3.8 ton C ha1 year1.
Keywords CO2 · Carbon cycling · Wet-dry tropics ·
Carbon source-sink relationships · Net ecosystem
Savannas, covering at least 16 million km2 of the earth’s
land surface, are found in Africa, Australia, South
America, India and Southeast Asia and occupy the
latitudinal zone between evergreen tropical rainforest
and mid-latitude deserts (Scholes and Hall 1996). Savannas are characterised by climates with distinct wet and dry
seasons and this has induced correspondingly strong
patterns in physiological and eco-physiological processes
(Eamus and Prior 2001). Savannas account for approximately 58.7 Pg of biomass, approximately 30% the global
carbon store of terrestrial ecosystems and savannas
therefore have the potential to significantly influence
global carbon cycling. Scurlock and Hall (1998) and Lal
(2002) suggest that tropical savannas and grasslands play
a more significant role in global carbon sequestration than
previously thought, with soil carbon storage of particular
Also of global importance is the extensive annual
biomass burning that occurs in savanna ecosystems
during the dry season, which results in a large quantity
of carbon and other trace greenhouse gases (methane,
NOx) being released to the atmosphere (Andreae et al.
1996; Scholes et al. 1996). In the wet-dry tropics of
northern Australia, tropical savanna is the dominant
vegetation type and approximately 75% of Australia’s
total land area that is burnt annually occurs in this region
(AGO-NGGI 2000). These Australian savannas occupy an
area of almost 2 million km2, which is 12% of the worlds
savannas biome and some of the world’s most extensive
and intact Eucalypt open forest is located here. Given the
size of this ecosystem and the extent of burning, it is
likely that savannas will have a major impact on
continental-scale carbon balance.
North Australian savannas are dominated by Eucalyptus tree species which form an open overstorey canopy
(<50% cover) and a variety of annual and perennial C4
grasses dominating the understorey (Williams et al.
1997). These savannas have been subjected to minimal
European disturbance when compared to Eucalypt dominated ecosystems of southern Australia (Tothill at al.
1985). While there is an extensive ecological literature
describing savannas of Australia, plus knowledge of
ecophysiological processes at leaf (Eamus et al. 1999,
2000), tree (O’Grady et al. 1999; Eamus et al. 1999;
Myers et al. 1997), canopy and stand scale (Hutley et al.
2000, 2001; O’Grady et al. 2000; Eamus et al. 2001),
there are no detailed studies of the carbon balance for
these savannas. Most productivity studies of Australia’s
tropical savanna have concentrated on the herbaceous
layer, with a focus on agricultural potential (e.g. Mott et
al.1985; Williams et al. 1985). There are also no studies
of savanna carbon dynamics where both stocks and fluxes
have been measured at the same site and over the same
time period (House and Hall 2001).
In this paper, a range of measurements has been
integrated to establish a carbon balance for a tropical
savanna site of coastal northern Australia. Carbon pool
size and fluxes have been estimated on a seasonal and
annual basis to address the following questions: What are
the fluxes of carbon to and from these tropical savannas?
What are the allocation patterns of carbon among aboveand below-ground components? Are there seasonal
differences in carbon storage and carbon distribution?
What are the seasonal and annual budgets of carbon for
this ecosystem? For comparative purposes, we have
generated data tables, providing values for a wide range
of parameters, using a similar approach to that of Malhi et
al. (1999).
Materials and methods
Study sites
To obtain a typical range of values for the carbon balance
components, four study sites were used, all located within a 65 km
radius of Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Sites were located
at (1) Howard Springs (12280 S, 131080 E), (2) Humpty Doo
(12360 S, 131100 E), (3) the Territory Wildlife Park (12420 S,
13100 E) and (4) a fourth site at Gunn Point (12140 S, 131050 E).
The vegetation at all sites was Eucalypt open-forest savanna with
an overstorey dominated by Eucalyptus tetrodonta (F. Muell) and
Eucalyptus miniata (Cunn. Ex Schauer). These two species
contribute >70% to the overstorey leaf area index (LAI) and
standing biomass (O’Grady et al. 2000). Sub-dominant tree species
include Erythrophyleum chlorostachys (F. Muell), Terminalia
ferdinandiana (F. Muell), Eucalyptus porrecta (S.T. Blake) and
Eucalyptus bleeseri (Blakely). The understorey is comprised of
semi-deciduous and deciduous small trees and shrubs with a
seasonally continuous cover of annual and, to a small extent,
perennial C4 grasses. Overstorey LAI of these sites typically ranges
from 0.6 to 1 with basal areas approximately 8–12 m2 ha1
(O’Grady et al. 2000), with understorey LAI being far more
seasonally dynamic and ranging from 0.2 to 1.5.
Sites used in this study are representative of the open-forest
savannas of the coastal regions of the Northern Territory, which
receive annual rainfalls in excess of 1,200–1,400 mm and are
dominated by E. tetrodonta and E. miniata with Sorghum spp
frequently occurring in the understorey (Wilson et al. 1990). This
vegetation type occupies an area of approximately 135,000 km2.
This and other closely associated Eucalypt dominated savanna
types also occur in north-western Western Australia and the Gulf of
Carpentaria region of northern Queensland and occupy up to
200,000 km2 in northern Australia (Fox et al. 2001). Low intensity
grass fires (fire line intensities of 2,000–8,000 kW m1, Williams et
al. 1999) are common, with sites burnt approximately 2 in every
3 years and annually at sites near urban settlements.
Eucalyptus tetrodonta and E. miniata open-forest savanna are
commonly associated with well drained lateritic red and yellow
earth soils, which tend to have A horizons of well drained, highly
weathered sands (clay content typically <5%, Calder and Day
1982) of low nutrient status, with a massive and earthy structure.
Transition at 15–30 cm to a sandy loam B horizon is gradational
and can extend up to 1–2 m, where ferricrete boulders occur in a
matrix of mottled, heavy clays forming a duricrust of low
permeability and variable depth (Calder and Day 1982). Prominent
macropores, often containing tree roots, are found in this layer.
Rounded ferricrete gravels can occur on the sandy soil surface and
throughout the profile up to 20% by volume. These soils are
generally acidic (pH approximately 5.5, Calder and Day 1982) and
low in available N and P (total N, 0.1% Schmidt et al. 1998). Dry
bulk densities of these soils range from approximately 1.4 kg m3 at
the surface to 1.7 kg m3 at depth (2 m).
The climate of the region is wet-dry tropical and rainfall is
distinctly seasonal, with a wet season occurring from November to
April (Cook and Heerdegen 2001). During this period, greater than
90% of the 1,700 mm annual rainfall occurs. The dry season occurs
from May to October with little or no rainfall. Temperatures remain
high throughout the year with mean daily maximum temperatures
at the Darwin Airport (35 km from the field site) ranging from
30.4C (July) to 33.1C (October and November). Maximum and
minimum temperatures have a range of 7C (wet season) to 11C
(dry season) (McDonald and McAlpine 1991).
Measurements and calculations
Carbon stocks
All measures of carbon pools and fluxes were derived from the
suite of measurements conducted at the four sites. A brief
description of these parameters, methods and their estimation is
given in Table 1. The magnitude of carbon pools (above- and
below-ground biomass, soil organic matter) and fluxes between
these pools (litterfall, soil respiration, root turnover, growth
increment) have been integrated to calculate above- and belowground allocation and derive a carbon balance. The range of
methods used is briefly described below, with further details
available in cited publications.
Above-ground biomass (AGB) was estimated from plot-based
measurements of tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree
height. Three 2020 m plots were located at each site and biomass
components (wood, bark, branch, leaf) were estimated from 48
harvested trees from 6 dominant tree species (Eucalyptus tetrodonta, E. miniata, Erythrophyleum chlorostachys, T. ferdinandiana,
Eucalyptus porrecta and E. bleeseri). These species account for
95% of the standing biomass in these open-forest savannas
(O’Grady et al. 2000). Allometric regression equations (power
functions) relating tree DBH and biomass have been developed for
these and other species at these sites (O’Grady et al. 2000; Chen
2002). The carbon content of AGB was assumed to be 49% of dry
weight (Gifford 2000a) and 43% for grass fine roots.
Below-ground biomass (BGB) was estimated using the trench
method (Komiyama et al. 1987). Eamus et al. (2002) provides
Table 1 Sources of data used to calculate components of the savanna carbon balance. Measurements were divided into wet (November–
April) and dry (May–October) seasons
Data source
Above-ground biomass production
Coarse root production
Fine root production
Leaf construction respiration
Leaf maintenance respiration
Wood construction respiration
Wood maintenance respiration
Soil CO2 flux
Root respiration
Annual increment in DBH of 20 trees monitored using dendrometers
Biomass components (leaf, branch and stem) calculated using regression equations
(O’Grady et al. 2000)
Production of all components calculated from tree DBH increment
Derived from Johnson and Risser (1974), using AGB, DBab and BGBAGB from tree
harvesting (Satoo and Madgwick
1982, O’Grady et al. 2000) and plot biomass sampling
BGB from root trench method (Komiyama et al. 1987, Eamus et al 2002)
Root ingrowth bags and root window methods (Vogt et al. 1998)
Derived from Ryan (1991) and Keith et al. (1997) using leaf production
Derived from Ryan (1991) using average temperature (Darwin airport) and total leaf N
content for dominant Eucalypt tree species (Eamus and Prichard, 1998)
Derived from Ryan (1991), Keith et al. (1997) using woody (branch and stem)
Derived from Ryan and Waring (1992) using an average temperature (Darwin airport)
and sapwood volume (O’Grady et al. 1999)
Soil respiration was measured using close chamber technique (Chen et al. 2002)
Assumed to be 50% of total soil respiration (Keith et al. 1997)
details of these measurements for the Humpty Doo site, which
involved root excavation from 16 trees in 8 soil trenches (4–5 m in
length, up to 2 m depth). Roots were removed from excavated soil
blocks of known volume and sorted into coarse (>2 mm diameter)
and fine (<2 mm diameter) root fractions. The carbon content of
below-ground biomass was assumed to be 49% of dry weight
(Gifford 2000b).
Soil carbon stock was estimated using soil organic carbon
(SOC) content and soil bulk density. At each study site, three plots
were chosen for soil sampling with samples collected at 5, 20, 30,
50, 80 and 100 cm depths. SOC was determined using an improved
Walkley-Black wet digestion method (Heanes 1984). Percent SOC
values were converted to soil carbon stock (ton C ha1) using a bulk
density for each soil layer. Bulk density was determined from pits
dug at the Howard Springs site by taking 3–5 replicate soil samples
using 10 cm diameter metal rings of 100 cm3 volume (A. O’Grady,
personal communication). Bulk densities ranged from 1.42 at 5 cm
depth to 1.7 g cm3 at 1 m.
Above-ground carbon flux
Above-ground net primary production (ANPP) was estimated by
summing annual increments of all components of biomass plus
litterfall (Table 1). AGB was calculated from radial increments of
tree diameter and an allometric regression equation relating tree
diameter to AGB (O’Grady et al. 2000). Annual increment of
understorey biomass was calculated from seasonal maximum and
minimum values of understorey biomass, measured monthly for
one year, using destructive harvests of five randomly located
replicate 1 m2 plots sampled at three different locations at the
Humpty Doo site. Litterfall was measured using 18 litter traps over
a 2-year period (1998–2000) at the Wildlife Park site. Traps, with
an area of 2,463 cm2 for each, were set 80 cm above the ground and
litter (leaves, bark and fruit) were collected at monthly intervals and
dry weight determined.
Above-ground tree respiration was divided into four sources
(Table 1): leaf construction respiration (Rlc), leaf maintenance
respiration (Rlm), woody components construction respiration (Rwc)
and woody components maintenance respiration (Rwm). Construction respiration of leaf and woody components was calculated using
leaf and woody biomass increment multiplied by the construction
constant of 0.25 g C g C1 (Keith et al. 1997). This assumed that
construction respiration consumes 25% of the carbon allocated
annually to each biomass component (Ryan 1991). Leaf maintenance respiration (Rlm) was calculated using the following equation
from Ryan (1991):
Rlm ¼ ðNtot Þ½27 exp ð0:07Ta Þ
where Ntot (g N m ) is the total leaf nitrogen content obtained from
leaf nitrogen concentrationleaf biomass, and Ta (C) is the average
annual temperature, although mean dry season and wet season
temperatures were used. Leaf nitrogen concentration data was taken
from Eamus and Prichard (1998) for both E. tetrodonta and E.
miniata. Wood maintenance respiration (Rwm) was calculated using
the following equation developed by Ryan and Waring (1992):
Rwm ¼ 0:00486Vs exp ð0:0663Ta Þ
where Vs (cm ) is sapwood volume. Sapwood volume for a stand
was calculated using regression equations derived between sapwood basal area and tree diameter for each dominant Eucalypt
species present in plots at the Howard Springs and Humpty Doo
sites. These relationships (sapwood area and DBH) have been
previously established at these sites for the dominate tree species by
O’Grady et al. (1999). Above-ground gross primary production
(AGPP) is then the sum of ANPP and above-ground tree
Below-ground carbon flux
Below-ground carbon fluxes were estimated from measures of
coarse and fine root production. Fine root production was estimated
using in-growth bags and coarse root production was estimated
from a simple allometric equation which assumes that coarse root
production is proportional to above ground NPP (Johnson and
Risser 1974):
where NPPcr is coarse root net primary production, ANPP is aboveground net primary production, AGB is above-ground biomass, and
Bcr is coarse root biomass. Root respiration was assumed to be 50%
of total soil respiration (Ewel et al. 1987; Keith et al. 1997; Haynes
and Gower 1995).
Fine root production (NPPfr) was estimated using in-growth
bags (Smit et al. 2000) with details given by Chen et al (2003). A
total of 72 in-growth bags were installed at the Howard Springs
site. Soil cores were dug to a depth of 50 cm with fine roots
removed and the resulting root-free soil used to fill in-growth mesh
bags. Bags filled with root-free soil were then inserted into
750 cm deep holes and the rate of in-growth of new fine roots
(productivity) determined by sequential re-sampling at 2-monthly
intervals from October 1999 to January 2001.
Soil carbon efflux was measured using a closed chamber
technique (Rochette et al. 1997). Chen et al. (2002) provides
detailed description of measurements at the Howard Springs site,
which involved the use of a polythene chamber (2021.512 cm) in
conjunction with portable infra-red gas analyzer (LI-6200, Licor,
Lincoln, Neb., USA). Soil CO2 efflux (Fcs) was calculated as the
rate of change over time of CO2 concentration in the chamber
(Chen et al. 2002). Estimates of Fcs were made every 4 h over a 2–
3 day period each month for over 2 years (September 1998 to
January 2001). The 2–3 day measurement period was assumed to
represent mean monthly Fcs and was used to calculate monthly and
annual rates of soil CO2 efflux.
Production indices
Gross primary production (GPP) is defined as the total carbon
assimilated by photosynthesis, minus photorespiration. Net primary
production (NPP) is defined as the difference between GPP and
autotrophic respiration (Ra), representing the net result of CO2
fixation by photosynthesis and CO2 loss via plant respiration. Net
ecosystem production (NEP) is the net carbon balance of an
ecosystem over some time period (usually a year) and represents
net carbon fixation by photosynthesis and losses by autotrophic
plus heterotrophic respiration (respiration of soil organisms, Rh)
(Kirschbaum 2001). As NEP reflects the annual change in C stored
at an ecosystem scale, it indicates whether the ecosystem is a
carbon “sink” or “source” for CO2 relative to the atmosphere.
Table 2 Estimated stocks of carbon (ton C ha1) in Eucalypt open
forest savannas of Northern Australia based on measurements at a
range of sites, Howard Springs, Humpty Doo and the Wildlife Park.
Multiply by 100 to convert values to g m2
Mean (SD)
Above ground
(1) Tree foliage
0.9 (0.2)
(2) Tree branches
8.2 (2.5)
(3) Tree stems
21.7 (4.8)
(4) Above-ground live tree = (1)+(2)+(3) 17.7–41.2
30.7 (7.3)
(5) Dead stems
0.9 (0.9)
(6) Understorey
1.0 (0.3)
(7) Litter-layer
1.0 (0.2)
(8) Total above-ground = (4)+(5)+(6)+(7) 19.4–47.3
33.6 (7.7)
(9) Fine roots
0.5 (0.2)
(10) Coarse roots
18.9 (12.4)
(11) Total roots = (9)+(10)
19.3 (12.6)
(12) Soil organic matter
111.5–198.9 151.3 (32.9)
(13) Total below-ground = (11)+(12)
116.9–238.5 170.6 (45.5)
(14) Total live tree = (4)+(11)
50.0 (19.9)
(15) Total vegetation = (8)+(11)
52.9 (20.3)
(16) Ecosystem total = (8)+(13)
136.3–285.8 204.2 (53.2)
Above-ground live tree/ Total live tree =
Total above-ground/ Total vegetation =
Total above-ground/ Ecosystem total =
Total below-ground/ Ecosystem total =
Total live tree/ Ecosystem total = (14)/(16)
Soil organic matter/ Ecosystem total =
Carbon stocks in tropical savanna of northern Australia
Above-ground carbon flux
Table 2 gives the carbon stocks of different components
of the savanna ecosystem. Data have been averaged using
data from the three sites (Howard Springs, Humpty Doo
and Territory Wildlife Park). The mean total carbon pool
was 204 ton C ha1 (range 136 to 286 ton C ha1) with
approximately 84% of the carbon stored below-ground
(soil plus roots). Approximately 74% of the total C was
stored in the mineral soil as SOC (mean 151.3 ton ha1,
Table 2). Carbon stored in the tree component was the
next largest pool, which accounted for 24% of the total
carbon, followed by understorey (0.5%), litter-layer
(0.5%) and dead stems (0.5%). Eucalypt species dominated the total carbon stored in vegetation, which was
50 ton C ha1 (range 23–76.0 ton C ha1). Above-ground
woody components accounted for 64% of the total
vegetation pool (53 ton C ha1, live plus dead components) with total root carbon at 19 ton ha1 or 36% of the
total vegetation pool.
Table 3 provides wet and dry season and annual estimates
of carbon fluxes between the various carbon pools. Total
carbon flux above-ground was calculated by summing the
carbon fluxes associated with tree biomass increment,
litterfall, understorey biomass increment, plus construction and maintenance respiration. This sum is AGPP
(Table 3). In the present study, the total carbon flux
above-ground was 5.7 ton C ha1 year1, of which tree
biomass increment accounted for 28%, foliage respiration
accounted for 26%, wood respiration accounted for 21%,
litterfall accounted for 16% and understorey biomass
increment accounted for 9%.
There may be uncertainty associated with seasonal and
annual estimates of leaf and stem respiration for these
Eucalypt species, which were derived from equations of
Ryan (1991) and Ryan and Waring (1992). These
respiration equations we used in combination with site
specific estimates of LAI, specific leaf area, tree sapwood
area and volumes, which were derived from previous
studies of leaf photosynthetic properties (Eamus and
Pritchard 1998), biomass distribution and tree water use at
this site (O’Grady et al. 1999, 2000; Hutley et al 2000).
Stem respiration estimates using Ryan and Waring (1992)
Table 3 Seasonal and annual C
fluxes (ton C ha1 season1
or ton C ha1 year1) for a
Eucalypt open forest savanna of
northern Australia
Dry season
(1) Net tree biomass increment
(2) Litter-fall
(3) Net understorey biomass increment
(4) Respiration of tree foliage
(5) Respiration of tree wood
(6) C allocation above-ground = (1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(5)
(7) Net coarse root biomass increment
(8) Net fine root production
(9) Respiration of roots
(10) Total soil respiration
(11) C allocation below-ground = (7)+(8)+(9)
(12) C input = (2)+(7)+(8)
(13) C output = (17)
(14) Net soil C exchange = (12)(13)
(15) Total respiration = (4)+(5)+(10)
(16) Autotrophic respiration = (4)+(5)+(9)
(17) Heterotrophic respiration = (15)-(16)
(18) C allocation ecosystem total = (6)+(11)
(20) C allocation above-ground/ecosystem = (6)/(18)
(21) C allocation below-ground/ecosystem = (11)/(18)
(22) C allocation above-ground/below-ground = (6)/(11)
(23) NPP = (1)+(2)+(3)+(7)+(8)
(24) GPP = (23)+(16)
(25) NEP = (23)(17)
(26) NPP/GPP = (23)/(24)
Mean residence time (years)
(27) Biomass = (8+11)a/(1+3+7+8}
(28) Soil and litter = (12)a/(2+7+8)
(29) Total ecosystem = (16)a/(1+2+3+7+8)
Wet season
Values taken from Table 2, mean resident time calculated as stock/productivity
was compared to data of Tame (2002, unpublished data),
who measured stem respiration of Eucalyptus miniata, E.
tetrodonta and Erythrophyleum chlorostachys at the
Howard Springs site. Chambers were attached to stems
of a range of individuals (13–36 cm DBH) with a mean
rate of CO2 efflux per unit stem area of approximately
0.05 mg CO2 m2 s1 observed, with no statistical
difference evident between species. Using our plot data
(tree density, mean tree stem surface area, mean annual
air temperature for the site), in combination with this stem
CO2 efflux, gives a stand-scale estimate of approximately
1.3 ton C ha1 year1, in good agreement with the estimate
provided by Ryan and Waring (1992) of 1.2 ton C ha1
year1. Similarly, leaf maintenance respiration as calculated using Ryan (1991) was comparable to typical dark
respiration rates of E. tetrodonta and E. miniata leaves,
which range from 1 to 20 nmol CO2 m2 leaf area s1
(Eamus and Pritchard, unpublished data). While leaf dark
respiration rates have a component of growth respiration
in addition to maintenance respiration, some check of our
extrapolation using Ryan (1991) is required. Converting
our Rlm estimate to units of CO2 efflux per unit leaf area
per second using overstorey LAI (0.9 wet season, 0.6 dry
season) and specific leaf area for these species (6.1 kg
m2), gives a value for Rlw of 2.3 nmol CO2 m2 s1during
the wet season and 1.4 nmol CO2 m2 s1 during the dry
season. These values are within the range observed by
Eamus and Prichard, although they may be an underestimate of the true value.
Mean annual tree increment (radial DBH increment)
was 4.3€0.95 mm year1 (0.014€0.002 m2 basal area ha1
year1), although this estimate is based on records from 10
of the original 20 stems, as dendrometers were damaged
by fire during the dry season. During the dry season there
was no tree growth and biomass increment was zero and
on some stems, shrinkage was observed. By contrast, wet
season mean stem increment was maximal at 0.71 mm
month1 during December–January, and in terms of
seasonal C flux above-ground, the wet season accounted
for approximately 75% of the annual total. Only litterfall
was larger in the dry season than in the wet season, due to
canopy leaf area reductions of semi-, brevi- and fully
Fig. 1a–c Estimated seasonal
and annual carbon flux in the
savanna studied. All units
are ton C ha1 season1 or ton C
ha1 year1. a Dry season, b wet
season and c annual. GPP Gross
primary production, Rt total
respiration, Rh heterotrophic
respiration Ra autotrophic
respiration, Rl leaf respiration,
Rw woody respiration, Rr root
respiration, L litterfall, DBab
above-ground biomass increment, DBfr fine root biomass
increment, DBcr coarse root
biomass increment, Dsoc soil
organic carbon change measurements
deciduous trees and shrubs and annual grass senescence
during the dry season. For all other components, fluxes
during the wet season were larger than during the dry
season (Table 3).
Below-ground carbon flux
Total C flux below-ground (BGPP) was 15.1 ton C ha1
year1 (Table 3). This was calculated by summing root
production of both coarse and fine root, plus root
respiration. Root production and root respiration comprised approximately 53% and 47% of BGPP respectively. More than 70% of root respiration occurred during the
wet season. The fine root component was the dominant
contributor to total root biomass increment and accounted
for more than 87% of the total root biomass production of
8 ton C ha1 year1.
Tropical savanna carbon balance
The savanna carbon balance is summarised in Fig. 1,
using data from Table 3. Integrating all above and below
ground fluxes, production indices can be calculated. The
total ecosystem carbon flux (GPP) was 20.8 ton C ha1
year1, of which 76% occurred in the wet season and 24%
in the dry season (Table 3). Carbon flux below-ground
was higher than carbon flux above-ground, and the former
accounted for approximately 70% of total carbon flux.
NEP was calculated by subtracting heterotrophic respiration (Rh) from NPP, which gave a value of 3.8 ton C ha1
year1 (Table 3). Although the NEP was positive over the
entire year, net productivity was strongly seasonal and
was dominated by wet season fluxes. The ecosystem was
a weak carbon source during the dry season, with NEP
0.2 ton C ha1 year1 (Table 3). The mean residence time
for carbon for biomass, soil and the ecosystem as a whole
was calculated by dividing the total carbon stock (Table 2)
by rates of carbon input (Table 3). Mean carbon residence
times for biomass, soil and the ecosystem were 5, 17 and
19 years respectively (Table 3).
Savanna carbon stocks
Carbon stocks (as opposed to biomass) of the vegetation
component in these savannas was 53 ton C ha1 (Table 2)
and is on the lower end of the global range of carbon
stocks in vegetation estimated for tropical savannas (20–
150 ton C ha1, Tiessen et al. 1998). The value is
significantly lower than estimates for tropical forests,
where AGB carbon stocks range from 70 to 179 ton C
ha1 (Delaney et al. 1997; Malhi et al. 1999). Values from
the present study are closer to those given by Scholes and
Hall (1996) for tropical dry forest (74.7 ton ha1),
reflecting the significant woody component of these
savannas. Scholes and Hall (1996) report 37.4 ton ha1
carbon density for woodlands and 11.3 ton C ha1 for ’dry
Below-ground biomass was 19 ton C ha1, approximately 35% of the total biomass carbon stock, which is a
higher percentage than that commonly observed in
drought deciduous forests (20%) or moist, broad-leaved
woodlands and savannas (25%) (Scholes and Hall 1996).
Like the seasonal patterns of ANPP, high below-ground
carbon allocation relative to above-ground at these sites
reflects the annual drought of this wet-dry climate zone.
There is significant investment of carbon in root systems
of the dominant tree species (Eucalyptus tetrodonta, E.
miniata, Erythrophyleum chlorostachys), via the development of large lignotubers that enable carbon storage
and vegetative re-growth following frequent fires (burning 2 in 3 years, Williams et al. 2002) occurring in these
savannas (Williams et al. 1999). Root biomass tends to be
concentrated in the upper 50 cm of soil (Werner and
Murphy 2001; Eamus et al. 2002), roots of mature trees
can grow to 5 m depth (Kelley et al. 2002) and we have
observed roots to 9 m (A. O’Grady, personal communication), although the biomass at these depths was small.
These root systems enable extraction of water from the
sub-soil (1–5 m depth, Kelley et al. 2002) during the
6 month dry season and maintain tree stand transpiration
at a constant rate all year (O’Grady et al.1999).
Dry season dormancy in stem growth of these species
occurs despite the maintenance of dry season photosynthesis (Eamus et al. 1999) and transpiration (O’Grady et
al. 1999). Eamus et al. (1999) observed only modest
(approximately 10–15%) declines in assimilation per unit
leaf area for these evergreen species during the dry season
relative to the wet, although photosynthesis of semi- and
brevi-deciduous species declined by 25–75%. Fully
deciduous species were leafless for some period of the
dry season. Despite the continuation of photosynthesis by
evergreen species during the dry season, albeit at reduced
rates compared to the wet season, carbon assimilated is
apparently not utilised for shoot growth or significant leaf
production. Below-ground storage, especially in lignotubers, and dry season flowering and fruiting (Setterfield
and Williams 1996) is likely to be a significant sink for
this carbon. Mucha (1979) observed a similar confine-
ment of stem increment in E. tetrodonta to the wet season,
with growth increment of 3 mm per month occurring
during January and February, higher than rates of
increment observed in this study. Hoffmann (2002) also
observed strongly seasonal stem growth, despite relatively
aseasonal patterns of gas exchange in evergreen trees of
cerrado savannas of south-central Brazil and stored
carbon is likely to be used to initiate fine root growth
and leaf production prior to the onset of wet season rains.
In woodlands and savannas, SOC tends to be more
than three-quarters of the total ecosystem carbon stock
(Scholes and Hall 1996). However, in comparison with
tropical forests or temperate grasslands, savannas generally have a low SOC content due to high soil respiration
rates (Chen et al. 2002) and soil carbon losses occur due
to frequent burning (Kalpage 1974; Montgomery and
Askew 1983; Bird et al. 2000). SOC content of savannas
generally increases with increasing soil clay content,
rainfall, tree cover and decreasing temperature (Scholes
and Hall 1996). The SOC density in these Eucalypt open
forest savannas (151€33 ton C ha1 or 15.1€3.3 kg C m2)
was significantly higher than the savanna mean
(5.65€4.60 kg C m2) and was similar to the mean for
tropical woodlands (11.8€5.43 kg C m2) as given by
Scholes and Hall (1996). The high level of SOC of these
savannas is likely to be high below-ground carbon
allocation and fine root productivity in the wet season.
Savanna productivity
All productivity indices (GPP, NPP, NEP) describe a
savanna ecosystem where carbon fluxes are tightly
coupled to seasonal patterns of rainfall and resultant
changes to soil water content. This feature has been
observed at leaf (Prior et al. 1997a, 1997b; Eamus et al.
1999) and canopy scale (Hutley et al. 2000, 2001; Eamus
et al. 2001) and is evident at the ecosystem scale (this
study). The production efficiency of this savanna (NPP/
GPP) was approximately 53% (Table 3), close to the often
assumed ratio of NPP/GPP of 0.5. In a review of carbon
balance of contrasting ecosystems, Malhi et al. (1999)
obtained similar production efficiencies for tropical
(51%), temperate (55%) and boreal (54%) ecosystems.
Murphy and Lugo (1995) reported the range of total or
ecosystem NPP for tropical dry forests and savanna as 8–
21 ton DM ha1 year1, with 6–16 ton DM ha1 year1 for
ANPP. For total NPP, this is approximately 4–10 ton C
ha1 year1, and 3–8 ton C ha1 year1 ANPP. At the
Howard Springs/Humpty Doo sites, total NPP is at the top
of this range, yet ANPP is near the bottom, at 3 ton C ha1
year1 (Table 4). This pattern of average to high NPP for
these Northern Territory savannas, but low ANPP is also
seen in Table 4, with NPP of this study comparable to
other savannas and drought-deciduous woodlands, although ANPP is significantly lower. This further indicates
that savannas of northern Australia have relatively high
below-ground carbon allocation (see ratio of ANPP/NPP,
Table 4). BNPP accounted for 70% of NPP and fine root
Table 4 Comparison of ANPP (ton C ha1 year1), NPP (ton C ha1 year1) and ratio of ANPP/NPP for savanna ecosystems, other
Australian Eucalypt communities and tropical forestsa
Forest type
Eucalypt open-forest savanna, NT
Drought-deciduous woodland
Tropical savanna (global mean)
Drought-deciduous woodland (S. America)
Sahelian shrub savanna
Trachypogon savanna (S. America)
Drought-deciduous woodland
Drought-deciduous woodland
Drought-deciduous woodland
Tropical grasslands (Thailand)
Tropical grasslands (Australia)
Australian Eucalyptus forests
Eucalypt woodlands, Box-ironbark forest
E. regnans (young)
E. regnans (mature)
E. regnans (regenerating)
E. obliqua (45 years old)
E. pauciflora (mature)
Tropical forest
Tropical rainforest (global mean)
Rainfall (mm)
This study
Menaut and Cesar (1979)b
Scholes and Hall (1996)
Scholes and Hall (1996)
Hanan et al. (1998)
San Jose and Montes (1989)
Menaut and Cesar (1979)b
Menaut and Cesar (1979)b
Menaut and Cesar (1979)b
Long et al. (1992)b
Christie (1978)b
Grierson et al. (1992)
Grierson et al. (1992)
Grierson et al. (1992)
Attiwill (1991)
Attiwill (1979)
Keith et al. (1997)
Malhi et al. (1999)
ANPP is above-ground NPP and NPP includes both above and below ground
Cited in Scholes and Hall (1996)
net primary production (NPPfr) accounted for 87% of the
total BNPP. Therefore, fine root production is the largest
single component contributing to NPP for these savannas.
Fine root systems of these savannas are essentially
deciduous (D. Bowman, personal communication), with
little production during the dry season. This seasonal
cycle of root production coincides with rapid growth of
C4 annual grasses (Sorghum spp. and Heteropogon spp.)
of the understorey, leaf flushing of overstorey woody
species (Williams et al 1997) and large increases of soil
CO2 efflux (Chen at al. 2002). Grass biomass produced
during the wet season can be consumed by fire the
following dry season or, if unburnt, is decomposed over
subsequent wet seasons with some amount entering the
SOC pool.
Using annual incident solar radiation, energy conversion efficiency and energy content of woody biomass,
Linder (1985) calculated the potential biomass production
for Darwin to be 111 ton DM ha1 year1, the highest
value of any region in Australia. Using these simple
parameters, tropical savannas of Northern Australia
should have higher NPP and AGB relative to temperate
Australian woodlands, given the high year-round radiation loads and non-limiting temperatures for growth,
coupled with high annual rainfall. This potential NPP is
well in excess of that measured for these savannas
(22.2 ton DM ha1 year1) and is an overestimate as it
does not consider the seasonal distribution of rainfall and
the occurrence of an annual drought, low soil nutrient
status and the effects of frequent fires, all of which limit
Low intensity dry season fires of the mesic savannas of
northern Australia are widespread and account for 50–
70% of all fires of the Australia continent, consuming up
to 23.6 Mt of biomass per annum (Russell-Smith et al.
2002). Theses fires combust understorey fuels, resulting
in significant leaf death of overstorey tree and shrub
canopies (up to 80–90% for hot fires, Beringer et al. 2003)
and at frequently burnt sites, can result in significant tree
mortality (Williams et al 1999). When subjected to an
experimental fire regime of annual, late-dry season
burning (fire intensity of ~8,000 kW m1), Williams et
al. (1999) reported a 27% decrease in live-tree basal area
in open-forest savannas of Kakadu National Park. These
measurements were conducted over a 4-year period. A
single, high intensity fire (~20,000 kW m1) resulted in a
live stem basal area reduction of 41%. Unburnt plots
showed a 3.5% increase in live-stem basal area over the
same period. Williams et al. (1999) conducted their study
in savanna communities that are floristically and structurally similar to sites used here, although the fire regime
of our sites is closer to biannual burning as opposed to the
annual treatment imposed by Williams et al. (1999). Fire
also had significant impacts on the survivorship of large
(>30 cm DBH) trees and we conclude that fire would
limit AGB and productivity in these savannas. A further
limit to production is due to termite damage and
hollowing of tree boles, a common occurrence in the
dominant tree species of these savannas (Andersen and
Lonsdale 1990). As trees age, termite damage can become
extensive and is further compounded by fire, as flames
penetrate boles via cavities formed from the action of
Table 5 Ratio of total biomass
carbon to NPP (carbon residence time) for a range of
Residence time
Savanna (global mean)
Savannas (global mean)
Woodland and shrubland (global mean)
Tropical rainforest
Temperate forest
This study
Scholes and Hall (1996)
Whittaker and Likens (1973)**
Whittaker and Likens (1973)**
Malhi et al. (1999)
Malhi et al. (1999)
Cited from Scholes and Hall (1996)
termites. These dual processes also constrain the production of AGB.
A striking feature of these savannas is the high rate of
NPP relative to the biomass and total carbon storage, i.e.
the short residence time (Table 5). The mean residence
time for biomass carbon in savannas is between 5 and
9 years (Table 5), while the biomass residence time for
temperate, boreal and tropical forest biomass is over
10 years (Malhi et al. 1999). Using data given in Scholes
and Hall (1996), the average residence time for savanna is
3.4, similar to that estimated in this study (Table 5).
Clearly, carbon within the biomass of savannas is quickly
turned over and returned to the atmosphere. While
savannas have relative low carbon stocks, they have
great potential to influence carbon cycling at regional and
global scales because of their extensive area, short
residence time and concomitant high rate of cycling.
This short residence time is attributed to the distinct wetdry seasons and with frequent atmospheric emission of
carbon via biomass burning followed by re-growth the
following wet season. Turnover of soil carbon is slower
and is of the order of 20 years, similar to soil carbon
turnover of tropical forests (Malhi et al. 1999).
Seasonal patterns carbon sink strength
In this study, NEP was positive (3.8 ton C ha1 year1),
indicating that the sites studied are a carbon sink,
sequestering approximately 14 CO2 ha1 year1. Using
eddy covariance measurements, Miranda et al. (1997)
provide seasonal estimates of net carbon exchange from
Brazilian cerrado savanna vegetation; extrapolating these
data provides an NEP estimate of approximately 3.1 ton C
ha1 year1. Cerrado sites used by Miranda et al. (1997)
received annual rainfall of 1,550 mm per annum, with a
6–8 month wet season and LAI (1.4–0.62 wet to dry
season), similar to sites of the current study and the values
of NEP are comparable for these two savannas. These
values of NEP also comparable to Sahelian fallow
savanna (0.32 ton C ha1 year1, Hanan et al. 1998),
Amazonian rainforest (1 ton C ha1 year1, Grace et al.
1995 and 5.9 ton C ha1 year1, Malhi et al. 1999),
European temperate deciduous forest (2–5 ton C ha1
year1, Goulden et al. 1996; Greco and Baldocchi 1996,
5.9 ton C ha1 year1 Malhi et al 1999), eastern North
American deciduous forests (0.7 to 3.2 ton C ha1 year1,
Curtis et al. 2002) and Siberian Scots pine forests (0.19–
1.36 ton C ha1 year1, Wirth et al 2002). Given an LAI
that ranges from 0.8 to 2.5, comparative studies cited
above suggest that an NEP of approximately 3 ton C ha1
year1 as reported for this study is relatively high. It is
possible that sink strength is maintained by frequent and
re-occurring disturbance and that this savanna ecosystem
is in recovery from previous disturbance events, both
long-term (cyclonic damage, 25–50 year cycle) and shortterm (fire, 1–3 year cycle). From an analyses of tree size
class distributions of these coastal open forests of the
Darwin region, Wilson and Bowman (1987) and O’Grady
et al. (2000) concluded that these forests are dominated by
small trees (DBH <20 cm) and are young and actively
growing following the major disturbance of Cyclone
Tracey in 1974. Consequently, a sink strength in the order
of 2–4 ton C ha1 year1 is possible despite a low LAI
(0.6–2.5, dry to wet season), and would represent a
maximal value of NEP for these mesic, coastal savannas.
Net ecosystem productivity was negative (0.2 ton C
ha1 season1) during the dry season (May to October)
and was positive (4 ton C ha1 season1) during the wet
season (November–April), indicating seasonal shifts in
net carbon exchange with the atmosphere. These seasonal
patterns are similar to cerrado vegetation of Brazil, which
was a strong sink for carbon during the wet season months
(November–April, 0.5–1.8 g C m2 day1) but became a
source at the height of their dry season (August–
September, Miranda et al. 1997). At the Howard Springs
and Humpty Doo sites, there is little understorey photosynthesis during the dry season, as the C4 grasses have
largely senesced and the evergreen trees are the most
significant component of the ecosystem that are actively
photosynthesising. Mean daily temperatures are not
strongly seasonal and maintenance respiration rates of
evergreen trees and shrubs continue over the dry season at
rates similar to those of the wet season. Other dry season
sources of carbon would include respiration from slowly
decomposing grasses and continuing soil CO2 efflux
(microbial plus root respiration), although dry season Fcs
was 60% lower than wet season rates. However, our data
suggest that the dry season reduction in canopy assimilation (overstorey and understorey) is larger than the
reduction in ecosystem-scale respiration wet to dry
season, and as a result the site becomes a weak carbon
source during the dry season months. Eddy covariance
measurements of ecosystem-scale CO2 fluxes confirm
these large seasonal changes in carbon exchange at this
site, as we observe a dry season decline in canopy-scale
CO2 flux of 75% relative to wet season rates (Eamus et al.
2001). Eamus et al. (2001) also used these daily CO2
fluxes measured over the wet-dry seasonal cycle at the
Howard Springs site to derive an NEP of 2.8 ton C ha1
year1, in reasonable agreement with the estimate provided by this study using a biomass-inventory approach.
Although this study was conducted at savanna sites
subjected to burning, our NEP estimate does not specifically include impacts of fire, which represent a nonrespiratory carbon loss to the atmosphere (Wirth et al
2003). A more accurate assessment of savanna carbon
sink strength of this region should include some estimate
of this loss, which would represent the longer-term carbon
sink strength, or the Net Biome Productivity (NBP, after
Schulze et al. 2000). For these savannas, net biome
production (NBP) can be estimated as NEP minus carbon
losses to the atmosphere due to fire. Using data of
Russell-Smith et al. (2002), typical fuel loads for these
savannas is approximately 4 ton ha1 (4.6 ton ha1 this
study). Assuming a burning efficiency of 0.72 (ratio of
fuel pyrolised to fuel load within areas over which flames
have passed, Russell-Smith et al. 2002) gives an annual
mass of fuel burnt of 2.9 ton DM ha1 year1 (fuel load
multiplied by burning efficiency factor) or approximately
1.5 ton C ha1 year1. Assuming an NEP of 3.8 ton C ha1
year1, NBP is estimated at 2.3 ton C ha1 year1 for this
site. This suggests that of the 2–4 ton C ha1 year1
sequestered, 40–50% is lost to fire per annum, a
significant fraction. This value of NBP is close to the
2.6 ton C ha1 year1 woody stem and course root
increment observed, which suggests that above-ground
understorey productivity (wet season grass production and
understorey shrub growth) may be close to carbon
’neutral’ due to fire (and respiration) losses. Long-term
carbon sequestration may therefore be a function of
woody growth and inputs to soil carbon pools and fire
impacts (Burrows et al. 2002). Burrows et al. (2002)
measured a net carbon sink in the grazed, semi-arid
savanna woodlands of north eastern Queensland (annual
rainfall 450–600 mm) and attributed this sink to reduced
fine fuel accumulation due to grazing resulting in a
reduced fire frequency coupled with active fire suppression. Long-term (18 year study) woody biomass increment averaged for 52 sites gave a sink strength of 0.53 ton
C ha1 year1. This compares with 1.6 ton C ha1 year1
from this study, although these ecosystems are significant
different in terms of rainfall and grazing pressure and our
measurements are short-term only. Despite uncertainty
inherent in our calculations relating to fire emissions and
carbon (e.g. area averaged fuel loads, burning efficiencies), more precise spatial estimates of CO2 flux and fire
emission are clearly required to provide a more precise
estimate of net productivity of Australia’s tropical
This study describes a tropical savanna with generally low
AGB (32 ton C ha1) and below-ground biomass (19.3 ton
C ha1). Soil carbon storage was large at 151 ton C ha1.
Carbon flux was highly seasonal with 75% occurring in
the wet season, which was dominated by fine root growth
(5.7 ton C ha1 year1). GPP was 20 ton C year1, high for
an ecosystem with a low LAI (0.8–2.5). Productivity is
likely to be constrained by the wet-dry climate, poor soils
and constant disturbance from frequent fires. This results
in a short residence time (5 year) for carbon stored in
savanna biomass.
Acknowledgements The project was support by the Cooperative
Research Centre for the Sustainable Development of Tropical
Savannas (TS-CRC) at the Northern Territory University (NTU).
Dr. Tony O’Grady and Ms. Georgina Kelley participated in field
work and Ms. Megan Langerveld provided help with the chemical
analysis of soil carbon. Dr. Dick Williams of CSIRO, Darwin also
provided useful comments and suggestions on the manuscript and
Dr David Bowman of the NTU provided useful insights and ideas
for site selection. Comparative data on stem respiration was kindly
provided by Chloe Tame and Dr. Jason Beringer of Monash
University. X.C. is grateful to the TS-CRC and NTU for
postgraduate scholarships.
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