Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 1719–1722
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Ferromagnetism in epitaxial orthorhombic YMnO3 thin films
X. Marti a, V. Skumryev b,c, A. Cattoni d, R. Bertacco d, V. Laukhin a,b, C. Ferrater e, M.V. Garcı́a-Cuenca e,
M. Varela e, F. Sánchez a, J. Fontcuberta a,
Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona-CSIC, Campus UAB, Bellaterra 08193, Spain
Institut Català de Recerca i Estudis Avanc- ats, Barcelona, Spain
Departament de Fı́sica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Campus UAB, Bellaterra 08193, Spain
L-NESS, Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano, via Anzani 42, Como 22100, Italy
Departament de Fı́sica Aplicada i Òptica, Universitat de Barcelona, Diagonal 647, Barcelona 08028, Spain
a r t i c l e in fo
Available online 11 February 2009
Epitaxial orthorhombic YMnO3 thin films, (0 0 1) oriented, have been grown by pulsed laser deposition
on (0 0 1)SrTiO3 substrates. Their crystal structure and magnetic response have been studied in detail.
Although bulk o-YMnO3 is antiferromagnetic, our magnetic measurements reveal intriguing thermal
hysteresis between the zero-field-cooled and field-cooled curves below the onset of the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature, thus signaling a more complex magnetic structure with net ferromagnetic
moments. We discuss on the possible origin of this net magnetization and we have found a correlation
of the magnetic response with the strain state of the films. We propose that substrate-induced strain
modifies the subtle competition of magnetic interactions and leads to a non-collinear magnetic state
that can thus be tuned by strain engineering.
& 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Multiferroic films
Induced ferromagnetism
Strain effects
1. Introduction
The investigation on oxides presenting coexistence of electric
and magnetic orders is a very active field. When both functional
properties are coupled, these materials would allow to control the
magnetic (electric) state by means of electric (magnetic) inputs. In
a first approach, biferroic materials, i.e. ferroelectric (FE) and
ferromagnetic (FM), would be desirable. However, since FM and
FE usually exclude each other [1], the list of suitable candidates is
rather small and the focus of the research has been extended to
antiferromagnetic (AF) and FE materials, which may be exchangecoupled to ferromagnetic layers [2,3] to achieve new functionalities [4,5]. Among materials displaying simultaneous AF and FE
character, probably the hexagonal rare-earth manganites (RMnO3)
are best known. When R is a rare-earth of small size, (Ho–Lu, Y)
have hexagonal crystal structure and present both FE
(Tc700–1000 K) [6] and AF orders (TN80–100 K) [7]. In thin
film form, one of the most studied material is YMnO3 [8,9]. As the
ionic radius of the rare-earth increases (Tb, Dy and Gd), the stable
phase is orthorhombic [10]. In this phase, the AF nature is well
established [11] and magnetoelectric effects and observations of
net electrical polarization have been reported [12,13].
Although the stable phase of bulk, of YMnO3 is hexagonal, the
orthorhombic phase o-YMnO3 can be obtained either by high
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 935801853x228; fax: +34 935805729.
E-mail address: (J. Fontcuberta).
0304-8853/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
pressure techniques [14] or, in the case of thin films, by epitaxial
stabilization by proper substrate selection [15–17]. The crystal
structure, in the Pbnm setting, presents a ¼ 5.26 Å, b ¼ 5.85 Å and
c ¼ 7.36 Å lattice parameters [18]. On the other hand, the AF
magnetic structure has been studied by neutron diffraction
experiments concluding that spins are arranged in a sinusoidal
modulation along the [0 1 0] direction below a transition temperature TN40 K [19,20] and down to 1.7 K. However, the
understanding of the magnetic measurements in powder samples
is still uncompleted. All studies signal the order–disorder
magnetic transition at about 40 K, although this transition is
manifested in a very different way: while a sharp kink in the
temperature dependence of dc-susceptibility was observed by
Lorenz et al. [14] at the transition, there is only a very subtle bump
on the data reported by Muñoz et al. [19]. While the inverse
susceptibility approaches the transition in a way signaling
ferrimagnetic order in the work of Brinks et al. [20], it does not
show the characteristic ferrimagnetic downturn in the data
reported in by Muñoz et al. [19] or Iliev et al. [21]. Regarding
the existence of net magnetization, it is worth noting the small
hysteresis that exists in the temperature range 20–30 K between
the cooling and heating branches of dc-susceptibility reported by
Lorenz et al. [14] indicating net magnetization. In contrast, field
dependence curves, reported only by Muñoz et al. [19], display
neither a remanent magnetization nor hysteresis at any temperature down to 2 K. Moreover, a sinusoidal magnetic structure
suggests a subtle equilibrium among different magnetic interactions which are expected to be strongly dependent on the
X. Marti et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 1719–1722
Mn–O–Mn bond topology (angles and distances). The epitaxial
stress in thin film samples will modify the unit cell lattice
parameters and, therefore, the magnetic ordering is expected to
be severely affected. Indeed, we reported that, under certain
deposition conditions, films presented FM behavior [22], but the
microscopic origin of this behavior could not be determined.
Here, we report a detailed study of the role of strain, growth
conditions and thickness on the magnetic properties of o-YMnO3
thin films and discuss on the relation between crystal structure
and magnetic properties. Results suggest that the epitaxial strain
in the [0 1 0] direction, which confines the sinusoidal modulation
of the spins, is the most relevant parameter in determining the
appearance of a ferromagnetic response at temperatures below
the onset of antiferromagnetic order.
2. Experimental
YMnO3 (YMO) thin films were deposited on (0 0 1)-oriented
SrTiO3 (STO) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. A KrF excimer
laser (248 nm wavelength, 34 ns pulse duration) was used
at a repetition rate of 5 Hz. The laser beam was focused on a
stoichiometric YMnO3 target, being the substrate placed at a
distance of 5 cm. The films were grown at a substrate temperature
of 785 1C, with oxygen pressure in the 0.1–0.4 mbar range. Aiming
to obtain films of different thicknesses at each pressure, series of
films were grown using different number of laser pulses (4, 6 and
10 k) and fluences (1.5 and 2.2 J/cm2, with growth rates of
0.07 and 0.12 Å/pulse, respectively). Growth rate has been
observed to decrease very slightly with oxygen pressure in the
used range. After thickness determination of all films using
wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDS), it turned out
that the following films have been obtained: 119 and 34 nm at
PO2 ¼ 0.1 mbar, 122 and 32 nm at PO2 ¼ 0.2 mbar, 111, 75 and
31 nm at PO2 ¼ 0.3 mbar and 49 nm at PO2 ¼ 0.4 mbar. At the end
of the growth, the samples were cooled down and 1 atm of oxygen
was introduced at 530 1C into the chamber. The crystal structure, epitaxial relationships and lattice strain (out-of-plane
and in-plane) were investigated by 4-circle Philips MRD X-ray
diffractometer. Magnetic properties were measured by using a
superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The
temperature dependence of the magnetic moment was measured
after zero-field-cooling (ZFC) and field-cooling (FC) procedures at
a rate of 2 K/min with a magnetic field of 500 Oe applied in the
plane of the film. The surface morphology was studied by atomic
force microscopy (AFM). Stoichiometry of the films has been
checked by WDS showing constant Y/Mn ratio independent of the
oxygen pressure in each of the thickness series. Chemical state of
the Mn has been measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
(XPS) experiments performed in a PHI 5500 Multitechnique
System (Physical Electronics) with a monochromatic X-ray source
(Al–Ka line, 1486.6 eV, 350 W), calibrated using the 3d5/2 line of Ag
with a full-width at half-maximum of 0.8 eV. Spectra have been
taken at room temperature at 451 degrees of collection angle.
3. Results and discussion
X-ray diffraction experiments show that YMO thin films are
orthorhombic, single phase and (0 0 1) textured. As an example,
Fig. 1a displays a y/2y scan of a film 120 nm thick grown at
0.1 mbar, where only peaks from STO(0 0 1) and YMO(0 0 1)
families are observed. The same behavior is observed in all other
films. To determine the in-plane lattice parameters and, thus,
the strain state of the films, we performed reciprocal space maps.
Fig. 1b shows the vicinity of the STO(11 4) reflection. Two more
Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction data from a 120 nm film grown at 0.1 mbar: (a) y/2y scan
showing orthorhombic YMO(0 0 1) as well as STO(00 l) reflections, and (b)
reciprocal space map in the vicinity of STO(11 4) showing the reflections
YMO(2 0 8) and YMO(0 2 8). (c) Profiles extracted at L ¼ 4.22 in the reciprocal
space maps for a selection of samples. Vertical lines show the bulk location for the
(0 2 8) and (2 0 8) reflections.
peaks are observed, corresponding to the YMO(2 0 8) and YMO
(0 2 8) reflections from the film. As discussed elsewhere [17], the
presence of these two peaks indicates the existence of two crystal
domains, 901 in-plane rotated, with the same out-of-plane
parameter. Profiles of the reciprocal space maps along a fixed L
(signaled by arrow in the map) gives straight forward the in-plane
parameters of the film as aSTOO2/Qx. Fig. 1c shows the profiles
from a selection of the samples, with vertical lines that mark the
positions of YMO(0 2 8) and YMO(2 0 8) reflections in bulk. It is
observed that the a parameter is relaxed, whereas, b parameter
always presents a certain degree of strain caused by the
compressive epitaxial stress, which varies depending on growth
conditions and film thickness. It is worth commenting here that
the sinusoidal spin modulation is located along the b direction
anticipating that a modification of the AF magnetic structure is
Fig. 2 displays the dependence of the lattice parameters with
the oxygen pressure in two series of films (120 and 30 nm).
Panel (a) shows that for both series of samples the b-axis is
compressed compared to the bulk value and when increasing
thickness the b-axis gradually expands, approaching the bulk
value, indicating a progressive relaxation. A similar trend is
observed when comparing films grown at increasingly higher
X. Marti et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 1719–1722
Fig. 3. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy scans around the position of Mn 3s
showing the splitting between low (L) and high (H) spin states. Figure shows that
the change in O2 pressure during deposit in the range 0.1–0.4 mbar does not
introduce changes in the chemical state of Mn.
Fig. 2. Lattice parameters of films grown at different pressure, 30 nm thick
(closed symbols) and 120 nm thick (open symbols): (a) b-axis, (b) c-axis and (c)
unit cell volume. Horizontal dashed lines signal the bulk values.
pressure. We note in Fig. 2a that overall variation of b with PO2
is smaller than its variation with increasing thickness, being
1.5% and 1.1%, respectively. When analyzing the variation of the
c-parameter (Fig. 2b) it turns out that it is expanded compared to
bulk value. Upon cell relaxation, either by increasing thickness or
PO2, it gradually contracts approaching the bulk value. The
progressive relaxation by increasing either thickness or PO2 is
also observed for the unit cell volume as shown in Fig. 2c.
Data in Fig. 2 indicates that the variation of oxygen pressure
during the deposition is an appropriate tool to modify the cell
parameters of films. This could result from substrate-induced
effects or from chemical modifications associated to the different
growth conditions. To get a deeper information about the relative
role of these effects and eventually, to discriminate among them,
we have performed XPS analysis of some films. The Mn-3s spectra
collected from samples grown at PO2 ranging from 0.1 and
0.4 mbar are reported in Fig. 3. It is well known that in manganites
the energy splitting DE3s between the high-spin and the low-spin
final state configuration is roughly proportional to the Mn formal
valence, with a decrease of roughly 0.7 eV per unitary decrease in
valence [23–25]. Data in Fig. 3 shows that samples grown at
different pressure present the same exchange splitting, i.e. the
same oxidation sate of Mn. Moreover, the value DE3s ¼ 5.5 eV is
compatible with the oxidation state 3+, as expected for stoichiometric YMnO3. A possible misbalance of oxygen stoichiometry
should have instead induced the presence of a certain amount of
Mn4+ and/or Mn2+ atoms for electrical charge compensation
which, at the same time, would have been detected as merging of
the Mn-3s peaks or a larger splitting, respectively. Therefore,
within the experimental resolution, the oxygen pressure during
deposition has no influence on the chemical state of Mn.
Now, we address the magnetic measurements performed in
the films. In Fig. 4a, we show, as a typical example, the zero-fieldcooled, and field-cooled, magnetization curves of the o-YMnO3
film prepared at 0.1 mbar, 120 nm thick, measured with the field
either in-plane (solid symbols) and out-of-plane (empty symbols).
It is worth to recall that in bulk the magnetic moments should be
Fig. 4. (a) Temperature dependence of the magnetic moment after ZFC and FC
procedures with a sample grown at 0.1 mbar, 120 nm thick. A magnetic field of
500 Oe is applied in-plane (solid symbols) and out-of-plane (empty symbols). Inset
shows magnetization loops collected at 2 K with magnetic field applied in in-plane
(solid symbols) and out-of-plane (empty symbols). (b) FC magnetization curves
(field applied in-plane) of samples grown at different conditions. Magnetization at
T ¼ 25 K as a function of (c) epitaxial strain and (d) surface roughness of the films.
Spin arrangement is sketched in panel (c) showing the modulation along the [0 1 0]
direction. Symbols used to identify samples in panel (b) are kept in panels (c) and
confined in the ab plane as shown in the sketch in Fig. 4c. With
this spin ordering, at temperatures below TN, one should expect a
drop of the magnetization without thermal hysteresis if the
magnetic field is applied in-plane of the sample. In contrast,
measurements (Fig. 4a, solid symbols) show a remarkable thermal
hysteresis below T50 K with a splitting which gradually
increases as temperature decreases, thus indicating the existence
X. Marti et al. / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (2009) 1719–1722
of net magnetic moment in the film. The low-temperature
magnetic susceptibility is larger for the field applied perpendicular to the ab plane (empty symbols) than for field applied
in-plane (solid symbols). The existence of an anisotropic ferromagnetic component is also illustrated by the magnetization
curves vs field shown in Fig. 4a (inset), measured at 2 K. The
existence of an hysteresis ZFC–FC has been observed in all
strained films, thus suggesting that the ferromagnetic component
is associated to strain. We show FC curves in Fig. 4b, and in Fig. 4c
we summarize the values of the FC magnetization measured at
25 K (M25 K) vs the in-plane strain e[0 1 0] along the [0 1 0] direction.
In these measurements, the external magnetic field was applied
in-plane of the sample. A similar trend is observed when
comparing data at other – lower – temperatures. Data in this
figure provide a clear insight into the physical origin of the
induced ferromagnetic response. It clearly shows that the induced
ferromagnetic response is directly related to the strain: the
magnetization increasing with increasing strain. We should
mention that the existence of ZFC–FC hysteresis had been earlier
observed in thin films [22] being more pronounced than in bulk
samples [14]. One of the essential differences to evoke when
comparing data from the polycrystalline bulk samples (no single
crystals of metastable o-YMnO3 have been produced yet) with the
epitaxial thin films, is the modification of the magnetic structure
due to the strain induced by the substrate. Therefore, a plausible
picture could be that the epitaxial strain may introduce some
degree of canting in the spin modulation that gives rise to net
magnetic moment in the magnetically ordered state. Moreover, in
Fig. 4b one notices that the onset of magnetization, occurs at
about 60–70 K, which is above the Néel temperature (40 K)
reported for bulk o-YMnO3 [14,19–21]. This shift could also reflect
the strain-induced unbalance of the antiferromagnetic competing
interactions in the film.
Finally, one may imagine the scenario where the crystal defects
(dislocations, etc), grain boundaries or even surface roughness,
may be a source of magnetic disorder and/or uncompensated
spins. To address this issue, in Fig. 4d we have plotted M25 K
against the surface roughness (RMS) as determined by AFM for
films prepared under different conditions. All films display a
grain-like pattern morphology with lateral grain size in the
50–100 nm range. Data in this plot indicate that the ferromagnetic
component M25 K – and the ZFC–FC hysteresis – is reduced when
increasing the RMS. It suggests that uncompensated spins at grain
boundaries do not play a dominant role on the total magnetic
response of the film. Clearly, films having rougher surfaces present
reduced magnetic response. Another possible scenario compatible
with the observed ferromagnetic behavior is a possible coexistence of Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions, driving to partial superparamagnetic or spin-glass behavior as reported by Muñoz et al. [19].
However, this possibility does not appear to be supported by the
XPS experiments, which reveal constant 3+ manganese valence in
all the samples.
4. Conclusions
Epitaxial orthorhombic YMnO3(0 0 1) thin films were grown on
SrTiO3(0 0 1) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The analysis by
X-ray diffraction reveals that pressure and thickness are good
parameters to control the strain state of the films. Magnetic
measurements on the films showed that, close to the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature, a clear and unexpected thermomagnetic hysteresis develops. Correlation with structural data
reveals that strain state of the films is a crucial parameter
inducing the existence of an unexpected ferromagnetic response.
Microstructural roughness has been considered as a potential
source for magnetic disorder, but left behind after atomic force
microscopy characterization indicated that rougher films do not
present larger magnetization. In summary, data indicate that the
strain state of the films is the main driving force on the
appearance of net magnetic moment in orthorhombic YMnO3
thin films.
Financial support by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of
the Spanish Government Projects: NAN2004-9094-C03, MAT20055656-C04, MAT2008-06761-C03 and NANOSELECT CSD200700041, and by the European Union [Project MaCoMuFi (FP6-03321)
and FEDER] is acknowledged.
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