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NCHC conference T. Kingma Individual Learning Journey The Windesheim Honors Program is a full-year extra-curricular thematic honors programme. Because they all students come from different degree programmes, we challenge them in their individual learning journey. This workshop shows how students explore to learn to know themselves, to find out where they want to make the difference comparing themselves with regular students and what they would like to add to their professional career with societal impact. In different phases the program utilizes different forms to go on their individual learning journey. This will be shown e.g. by some videos of students and other ways to perform themselves. These different ways in different phases of the program and how they are being used in our (and your) programs is the focus in this presentation.
Significant Learning Experiences and Course Development, 2021
Significant Learner Experiences and three other theoretical or conceptual frameworks are introduced that can inform our instructional design endeavors. Individually, these frameworks offer unique perspectives on teaching, learning and curriculum. Together, they offer a multi-dimensional, multi-layered framework for designing and developing powerful learning experiences. The three theories or concepts are Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), especially the basic psychological needs of competency, relevance and autonomy, the Experiential Learning Cycle (Kolb, 1984) and a Dynamic Model of Learner Engagement (Jones, 2018; Skinner & Pitzer, 2012).
Dedication I dedicate this research study to the memory of my father, Francis -Pete‖ Flynn who instilled in me a staunch work ethic and a -stick-to-it-ivness‖ which helped me succeed in life. Thank you for everything, Dad! I also dedicate this research study to my grandchildren, Brendan and Keira Geraci. In your eyes, I see God's wonder and love. You are the future. Be the best you can be! v Acknowledgement There are several people who need to be acknowledged and thanked. First, I would like to thank all the faculty in the Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) doctoral program at National Louis University (NLU). They are what I consider -knowledgeable facilitators‖ and helped me to achieve transformative learning as a result of my studies in the program. I am continually in awe at how brilliant these folks are and humbled to be in such esteemed company. I am also grateful to the fellow students in my cohort who helped me -hold up the rim‖ when the going got tough. I want to extend a special -thank you‖ to my advisors: Dr. Randee Lipson Lawrence, my primary advisor, who gently kept me on track and gave me great advice along the way; Dr. Tom Heaney, who was a wealth of knowledge and extremely patient with me; and Dr. Claudia Miller, my colleague and friend, who provided support and encouragement throughout the process.
SanTa clara'S new core curriculum, Scheduled for launch in fall 2009, reSonaTeS Powerfully wiTh The viSion of general congregaTion ThirTyfive. GC35 represents a call to the Jesuit community and those who share their goals to participate in "Ignatian work" that "engages the world through a careful analysis of context, in dialogue with experience, evaluated through reflection, for the sake of action, and with openness, always, to evaluation." 1 The new Core Curriculum can be seen, in a sense, as an "Ignatian work": the Core aims to support students in a project similar to that outlined by GC35-engaging the world, through analysis in dialogue with experience, using reflection, action, and evaluation. GC35, of course, is not directly comparable to the Santa Clara Core Curriculum. GC35 is a statement approved by Jesuit leaders after much negotiation, sketching out a vision for Jesuit mission and identity in relation to the sufferings of the world. Santa Clara's Core Curriculum, although it too was approved after much negotiation and many votes, is not a statement or text, 2 but rather a work in progress taking shape in the teaching of our faculty and the education of our students. There are, nevertheless, many points of connection. In this essay I'll outline key components of the Core Curriculum that resonate with what I'll call the "core vision" of GC35. STarTING PoINTS: GoaLS, VaLUES, IdENTITIES Both the Santa Clara Core Curriculum and GC35 begin by looking toward the future and asking fundamental questions about goals, values and identities. The faculty team who developed the Core Curriculum asked "Who are our students? What kind of people will our graduates become? how will they live in community with others? how will they engage Walking Different Pathways Coming to Know Our Own Journey Better-The "Core Vision" of GC35 by diane Jonte-PaCe
The Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 2010
INTRODUCTION Integrative learning has been identified as a primary goal for university graduates in the twenty-first century. The word "integrative" has been part of higher education scholarship for at least the past ten years and increasingly since the 2007 Report by the National Leadership Council for Liberal Education and America's Promise, a document that includes integrative learning as one of the main objectives of higher education for the new century. Honors programs and colleges offer excellent opportunities to accomplish this objective along with an interdisciplinary and international perspective. In this article, we present current scholarship on integrative learning in the context of an innovative, international program that explicitly sought to address this outcome and that had both experiential and international components. We also discuss the qualitative assessment measures used in the program, which generally indicated that students learned to connect sk...
Embracing the Essential Embracing the Essential Embracing the Essential Embracing the Essential AT THE BEGINNING of the second decade of the twenty-first century, a new vision for college learning is clearly in view. Through its Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) initiative, the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has outlined what contemporary college students need to know and be able to do-in ever-changing economic, political, environmental, global, and crosscultural contexts. The LEAP essential learning outcomes (see fig. 1) provide a framework to guide student learning in both general education and the major. The LEAP initiative calls upon college administrators and faculty members to give priority to these essential learning outcomes in order to prepare students for the challenges of an increasingly complex world. (see fig.1, page 46) Sacred Heart University, a comprehensive Catholic university whose mission is rooted in both the liberal arts and the Catholic intellectual traditions, has developed the Human Journey, a core curriculum that responds directly to the LEAP challenge. The development of the core program began in 2001, when Sacred Heart President Anthony J. Cernera charged a faculty committee to develop a new curriculum that would be consistent with the university's mission, engage students in both the arts and sciences and the Catholic intellectual traditions, and provide students with a common, coherent, and integrated core foundation. Five years of lengthy and detailed faculty discussion, debate, and compromise brought forth, in 2006, a proposal for a new core curriculum. This proposal was approved first by the university's academic assembly, which is comprised of all full-time faculty members and academic administrators, and thenunanimously-by the university's board of trustees. In 2007, Sacred Heart's freshman class of 950 students took the first courses in the Human Journey.
Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 2010
... & Monit Cheung a * pages 159-174. ... New Directions for Student Services , 88: 5–15. [CrossRef] View all references). The Scale of Intellectual Development (SID-IV) (Erwin, 198310. Erwin, TD 1983. Scale of intellectual development , Harrisonburg, VA: Developmental Analytics. ...
Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, XXXVI (2018), pp. 191-207.
in G. Mele (ed.), Santu Lussurgiu: dalle origini alla "Grande Guerra", Vol. 1 Ambiente e storia, Nuoro 2005, pp. 141-166, 2005
Language learning in higher education, 2024
Nations and Nationalism, 2015
European Papers, 2018
Metal 2022, proceedings of the interim meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals working group, 2022
Management in Health, 2015
Jurnal Psikologi, 2018
Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS)
Lembaran Ilmu Kependidikan, 2014
Pakistan Journal Of Neurological Surgery, 2022
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020
Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques, 2011