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2013, in: Humboldt’s Model. The Future of Universities in the World of Research. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.
7 pages
1 file
I argue that the ideal of free research versus the managerial model is a false distinction. The real question is which kind of management should be applied at the university. I show that the origin of the current malaise is in the imposition of the wrong management model on the university. There exist alternative models, however. In this paper, I show that seeing the university as part of a gift economy could be at the basis of new guidelines for management reform in the organization of higher education and scientific research.
We examine the pursuit of research in a community of persons that constitute a University. The responsibilities of the different sectors of that community, as well the commitment required of the institution in order that research may flourish are discussed. Some generic principles and policy issues pertaining to university research are highlighted. Finally we outline a case on the politics of a research quality framework in a developed country. A contextual analysis of the case emphasizes the need for and importance of universities having balanced research policies.
This study examined the character of the emerging systems of corporate management in Australian universities and their effects on academic and administrative practices, focusing on relations of power. Case studies were conducted at 17 individual universities of various types. In each institution, interviews were conducted with senior managers/leaders, middle-level academic managers (faculty deans), and a range of other personnel. The study shows that the Australian government has led the change to a performance-based competitive system with a single, standardized system of funding, funds distribution, and measuremenc of research activity. Study findings are organized under five broad headings: (1) the emergence of a new kind of strategic leader; (2) the eclipse of collegial systems of decision making and the rise of management-controlled "post-collegial" mechanisms for decision making and consultation; (3) changes in research management, with consequent effects on academic work; (4) commonalities and variations in the different New Universities; and (5) changes in universities in the context of developments in public management. Overall, the study found more corporate-style university managements emerging in all institutions. It is concluded that the new research system is creating perverse incentives in academic terms such as the primacy of money income for research over research activities and outputs, the primacy of research quantity over quality, and the tendency to "flatten out" distinctions among the disciplines for administrative purposes. (Contains 13 references.) (DB)
Australian Universities Review, 2012
The changing character of universities in recent decades, both in Australia and internationally, has been the subject of considerable discussion, debate and indeed, concern.
Business, Economics, Sustainability, Leadership and Innovation
The environment of academic capitalism, which has covered almost the entire field of science and higher education, has both positive (PROS) and negative (KONS) influences on them. Academic capitalism has sharply accelerated the commercialization of the results of applied research and development of universities and research institutes and has allowed these organizations and institutions to significantly capitalize on their intellectual capital. This gave impetus to the development of progressive innovations and outstanding inventions. For example, in the system of higher education there is an intensive innovative development, which, of course, can be attributed to the positive impact of academic capitalism on the development of material, technical, scientific and engineering potential of universities and colleges.On the other hand, the pursuit of profit and the general search for opportunities to commercialize R&D results, mainly the results of applied research and experimental deve...
Ruch Filozoficzny
Historically, universities not only played an educational and research role, but also created culture. It was also expressed by the academic ethos. At the same time, along with the advancement of the globalisation of economic processes, there is a tendency to apply the market approach in their case, which results in the economisation and financialisation of science. The clash of these two worlds, i.e. the academic ethos embedded in academic values and the economic approach to the functions of universities, is manifested, for example, in their McDonaldisation. As a consequence, universities focus on those aspects of their activities that are economically effective, including, for example, providing specialised educational services for student – clients. This process may result in universities losing their character, and thus becoming centres of creative inspiration and scientific discourse between scientists. Therefore, the aim of this study is to try to answer the following rese...
The Review of Higher Education
Research that occurs in universities under conditions of patronage is distinguished from research that occurs under less distorted market conditions. It is claimed that academic research is shifting from an area of patronage consumption to one of economic development investmen. In addition to considering the markets for academic research and research and development funding under conditions of patronage, implications for economic development policy are considered. Markets for research in universities under conditions of patronage have special features: patronage commonly occurs under conditions of oligopsony, where research is sponsored by a relatively small number of federal agencies, the largest foundations, and top industrial supporters; patronage implies unequal bargaining power; the patron gains indirect consumption benefits, some of which are based on exclusion; and consumption as opposed to investment is a key element of patronage. Some universities wish to decrease their dependence on federal support and are attempting to broaden their revenue base by a move toward state or regional economic development. The life sciences are used as an example of the problem of "misspecialization" of research that can create "blockages" as it flows into the economy, generating low economic growth. (SW)
Minerva, 2007
For academic administrators, the management of research remains a matter more of hope than expectation. It has proved particularly difficult to measure quality. Managers typically view research as an ÔassetÕ. This essay argues that it is more useful to view research and its management as ÔprocessÕ, and explores the implications of doing so for managers and researchers alike.
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