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Bu kitap; duygusal ve davranışsal bozukluklara sahip öğrenciler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen sınıf öğretmenleri, özel eğitim öğretmenleri ve alanda çalışan uzmanlar için hazırlanmış giriş niteliğinde bir uygulama kitabıdır. Her bir... more
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    •   255  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
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    •   259  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
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    •   20  
      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureHuman Computer InteractionSocial Networks
University rankings have become a trend to gauge the credibility and quality of the university. The university rating has generated much debate about the usefulness, method and accuracy of the assessment results. There are some... more
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      Higher EducationWorld University Rankings
Russia, due to its unique location simultaneously in Europe and Asia, has more than three centuries of higher education cooperation with the European states. The role of higher education cooperation has been defined by the changes in... more
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    •   18  
      Higher EducationTransaction CostsBologna ProcessRussia
A felsőoktatás három funkciója (oktatás, kutatás, társadalom kiszolgálása) kiegészül a tudás versenyképességének fejlesztésével, ezzel felértékelve az emberi erőforrás szerepét. Ezért elengedhetetlen, hogy a felsőoktatási intézmények... more
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      Quality ManagementHigher EducationPerformance ManagementHuman Resource Management
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    •   258  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipFinance
Ünlü eğitim psikoloğu Robert Slavin'in Eğitim Psikolojisi kitabının onuncu baskısı, kuramı uygulamaya aktarma konusunda önemli bir eksikliği gidermekte ve öğretmenlerin sınıfta ihtiyaç duyabilecekleri alanlarda uygulayabilecekleri... more
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    •   262  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychology
Uzmanlar, klinisyenler ve araştırmacılar, yeme bozukluklarının duygusal düzensizliklerden kaynaklandığı vakalarda Diyalektik Davranış Terapisinin etkin olacağı konusunda hemfikirdi. Alanda yapılan pek çok adaptasyon çalışması olmasına... more
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    •   259  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyClinical Psychology
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    •   9  
      European StudiesInstitutional TheoryGlobal Business Management (MBA)Higher Education Management
Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük... more
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    •   260  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyClinical Psychology
The premise of this book is simple: if the chapter writers could go back in time and talk with themselves when they began their studies, what advice would they give? Isn’t hindsight a bonus? Each chapter will offer this hindsight. The... more
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    •   84  
      EducationAcademic DevelopmentHigher EducationGraduate Education
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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    •   596  
      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
The paper analyses the possible strategies of the Hungarian Higher Education.
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      Transformation of University SystemsAssessment in Higher EducationGlobalization And Higher EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
По инициативе, на основе исследования предложена стратегия развития ЮКГУ им.М.Ауезова по 5 основным направлениям. По итогам обсуждений с проректором по стратегическому развитию и интернационализации стратегия развития сгруппирована и... more
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      EducationE-learningKnowledge SocietyCapitalism
Toplumsal etkileşimin olduğu her yerde, anlaşmazlıkların olması doğal ve kaçınılmazdır. Kişiler, gruplar ve toplumlar arası anlaşmazlıklar; doğru bir biçimde yönetildiğinde gelişimin, ilerlemenin, dönüşümün, barışın ve bütünleşmenin hem... more
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    •   261  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyInformation Technology
Amid growing debates about globalization of higher education (HE) reproducing inequalities , an analysis of race as the organizing influence underlying this global phenomenon remains absent. This conceptual essay argues that our... more
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    •   6  
      GlobalizationHigher EducationRace and RacismCurriculum Studies
A partir del hecho innegable de que toda institución educativa es una construcción social generada por la acción colectiva de diversos agentes interrelacionados entre sí, los cuales intervienen en su estructuración y desarrollo, en el... more
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    •   17  
      Higher EducationTransformation of University SystemsHistory of higher educationHistory of Universities
Tüm yaşamımız duygu ve düşüncelerimiz tarafından yönetilmektedir. Çoğumuz ağırlıkla gerçeğin farkına varmadan yaşadığımızdan düşünce becerilerimizi geliştirmeyi önemsemeyiz. Ancak düşünme, eğitim, psikoloji ve daha birçok alandaki bilim... more
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    •   263  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryManagementPsychology
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationBibliometrics
The discrepancies among various global university rankings derive us to compare and correlate their results. Thus, the 2015 results of six major global rankings are collected, compared and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using... more
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    • World University Rankings
In this Nehru Memorial Museum and Library Occasional Paper (No. 37) Dhruba Saikia and Rowena Robinson discuss three areas of silence in higher education debates in India which usually centre around why there are no Indian universities in... more
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    •   18  
      EducationScience EducationHigher EducationIndian studies
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
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    •   270  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
University rankings have been of interest to many specialists, academics, and independent researchers, who are affiliated to educational or scientific institutions. The matter was also the subject of discussion among students at the... more
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    •   7  
      EducationHigher EducationHigher Education ManagementAcademic Ranking
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      Higher EducationEducation SystemsWorld University Rankings
University rankings have been widely criticized and examined in terms of the environment they create for universities. In this paper, I reverse the question by examining how ranking organizations have responded to criticisms. I contrast... more
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    •   12  
      Higher EducationValuesAccountingOrganization Studies
Global university rankings (GURs) have received unprecedented attention from so many higher education stakeholders, ranging from policy makers to the general public. We provide a critical overview of GURs drawing on a geopolitics of... more
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      Higher EducationComparative and International Development EducationDecolonial ThoughtWorld University Rankings
Compared to the few public higher education institutions in the prewar era, postwar Somalia boasts a large number of academic institutions at the tertiary level, mainly as privately owned universities. Although these community-initiated... more
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      Political SociologyAfrican StudiesDevelopment EconomicsPolicy Analysis/Policy Studies
The chapter is devoted to the analysis of the impact of the global academic rankings and the concept of world-class university upon the system of high education both globally and in contemporary Russia. The author analyses the use of the... more
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    •   5  
      EducationHigher EducationInternational CooperationAcademic Ranking
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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    •   255  
      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
Anksiyete; kaygı veya başka bir deyişle endişe insanların deneyimlediği bir korku ve gerilim halidir. Bazı görüşlere göre yaşanan iç çatışmaların sonucudur. Bazılarına göre ise öğrenilmiş davranışlardır. Denetim dışına çıkıp kişinin... more
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    •   261  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychology
This issue of She Ji opens with reflections on the nature and meaning of the modern research university for the 110th anniversary of Tongji University. The first article considers the work of the late John Heskett on the economic role of... more
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementEconomic HistoryEconomics
A 1994 analysis of the crisis in Queen's University Belfast, due to a finding by the Fair Employment Agency (later Commission) that the university systematically discriminated against Roman Catholics. The university was forced to take... more
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    •   29  
      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologyIrish Studies
Bu kitap, girişimci olarak yeni bir işe başlayan ya da girişimci olup işlerini sistemli ve stratejik olarak büyütmek isteyen kişilere girişimciliğin tüm yönlerini kapsayan pratik bir rehberdir. Özellikle 21. yüzyılda girişimciliğin... more
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    •   266  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
Bu kitapla ilk seanstan son seansa kadar, yardım ilşikisini yapılandırmanın yollarını gösteren bir haritaya sahip olacaksınız. Kitap boyunca ilişki kurma konusunda ilişkinin yapısını ve danışmanlık sürecini; anlama konusunda problemi... more
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      ManagementPsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Sampling is one of the main processes in garment manufacturing and it plays vital role in attracting buyers and confirming the order, as the buyers generally places the order once satisfied with the quality and responsiveness of the... more
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    • World University Rankings
Compilación de trabajos sobre la educación superior Latinomaericana en el siglo XXI
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      History of UniversitiesEducación superiorUniversidadDerecho a la educación
In the present scenario, the firm‘s management is facing multiple challenges in order sustain in the market and to cope with the global transformation each and every organization must implement the Supply Chain Management (SCM) in their... more
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      Open UniversityMaster's ThesisDissertationsUniversity
İnsanoğlunun hayat serüveninde belki de en fazla zorlandığı evre ergenlik evresidir çünkü bu evrede yavaş yavaş çocukluktan çıkıp yetişkinliğe geçiş yapmakta olan bir birey, artık ne çocuktur ne de tam anlamıyla bir yetişkindir. Bu evre... more
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    •   269  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
When we speak about Nigerian University system or University education in Nigeria, several issues come to mind. We are bound to address the Nigeria University within the context of the following analysis viz. i. The National Policy on... more
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    •   5  
      Higher EducationTransformation of University SystemsUniversityUniversity management
يعد تصنيف الجامعات على المستوى العالمي اليوم أحد أبرز وسائل تقييمها وإبراز جودتها سواء من حيث البحث العلمي أو التدريس أو التعليم الذي تقدمه، وقد امتد تأثير هذه التصنيفات إلى سوق الشغل الدولي حيث يتوقع أن تسعى المؤسسات والشركات العالمية في... more
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    •   4  
      Academic RankingWorld University RankingsMiddle East University RankingRankings of Colleges and Universities
Danışmanlar ve yardımcılar kimlerdir? Temel danışmanlık becerileri nelerdir? Yardım etme süreci nasıl işler? Alandaki etik meseleler ve ikilemler nelerdir? Çok kültürlü ve cinsiyete duyarlı yardım nasıl olmalıdır? Tüm bu sorulara... more
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    •   256  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryPsychologyPsychological Assessment
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    •   3  
      Higher EducationInternationalization of higher educationWorld University Rankings
This chapter is about the marketisation of the modern university and its transaction with students. It identifies opportunities for responding to the challenges associated with marketisation. While appealing to the idea of knowledge for... more
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    •   30  
      Higher EducationTransformation of University SystemsLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationHigher Education Management
This paper aims to focus on understanding why a university is ranked as top and the relationship between Information Strategic Plan (ISP) and Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) to a university's ranking by utilizing the Business-IT Maturity... more
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      Information SystemsInformation Communication TechnologyStrategy (Business)Corporate Strategy
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    • World University Rankings
This article presents a collaboration among critical scholars of color grappling with the challenges of re-imagining global university rankings (GURs) in an effort to rethink the field of comparative education from a decolonial... more
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      Higher EducationIndigenous KnowledgeComparative EducationDecolonial Thought
Yükseköğretim gelişmiş ülkelerin önemli ürünlerinden birisi olmuş durumda... Her yıl dçeşitli kurumlar benzer ölçütlerle (Öğretim/Araştırma/Atıflar/Tanınırlık/Uluslararası Katılım vb) fakat değişik ölümlerle Dünya Üniversitelerini... more
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      Higher EducationWorld University RankingsYükseköğretim
As globalization has become the focal point of higher education, competition has become a central preoccupation. Competition is closely connected with a global free-market economy. Combined with the impact of globalization and the... more
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    •   8  
      GlobalizationHigher EducationInternational EducationComparative & International Education