World Class University
Recent papers in World Class University
Genelde canlıların, özelde ise insanoğlunun nasıl öğrendiğine dair araştırma sonuçları her geçen gün önümüze heyecan verici bilgiler ve bulgular sunmaktadır. Bu araştırma sonuçları öğrenmede yeni stratejiler geliştirilmesinde öncülük... more
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
Establishing a national university has been widely perceived by smaller developing countries as a means of visibly taking ownership of the country’s economic, social and cultural development. A national university, funded and directed by... more
BAB I PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang manajemen perguruan tinggi pada Era Globalisasi adalah era persaingan kualitas atau mutu. Maka perguruan tinggi di era globalisasi harus berbasis pada mutu, bagaimana perguruan tinggi dalam kegiatan... more
This chapter is about the marketisation of the modern university and its transaction with students. It identifies opportunities for responding to the challenges associated with marketisation. While appealing to the idea of knowledge for... more
Pondok Pesantren (Boarding School) is a model of classical education that is still recognized their work at the international level. As an indigenous institution, school emerge and continue to grow from the experience of sociological... more
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
In Turkey, most university administrators and academic staff members are not yet fully aware of intellectual property rights (IPRs). Researchers often have difficulty in licensing opportunities that can provide additional revenue streams... more
Universities are increasingly pressurized to respond to external imperatives and demands, while, at the same time, being expected to enhance both their efficiency and accountability. This is leading to the local adoption of key,... more
To date, much of the research on internationalization and globalization of higher education has focused on the institution or higher education system as the unit of analysis. Institution based studies have focused on the analysis of... more
This paper examines how opportunity structures for learning, income, and status emerge in a global space shaped by local stakeholders aspiring for strategic positions in international competition. The case-study of Hong Kong suggests that... more
"University league tables and policies aimed at world-class standing are adopted in promoting excellence in universities both at a national and an institutional level. With a focus on the research productivity of academics, the connection... more
Global health is becoming an important area of inquiry and learning in North American research universities, stemming from on-going and new commitments to the field by multiple governmental and non-governmental agents. External demands... more
Chinese and Russian universities are increasingly drawn into center-periphery repositioning, as they compete for symbolic, financial, and intellectual resources locally and globally. However, their strategies on national and institutional... more
Mixed data analysis from 14 National Research Universities in Ukraine provides insights into the challenges faced by higher education reformers, as they push academic science to a higher position in the emerging knowledge economy, but are... more
Özet Dünya ölçeğinde üniversite uygulamaları, Türkiye' de, araştırma üretkenliğini ve kalitesini arttırmak için 2016 yılında gerçekleştirilen Araştırma Üniversitesi Girişimi şeklinde yansımasını bulmuştur. Bu girişim kapsamında, 2017... more
This paper aims to examine the strategic role of world-class universities and the international academic profession in the regionalisation project of China's Greater Bay Area (GBA). It illustrates the way in which the case of the GBA... more
Public Universities play a key role in the transformation of the societies they represent and serve. Thanks to Information Technology, Higher Education is fast becoming internationalized in all disciplines, and Public Universities, all... more
Universities can operate at both national and global levels, but the world-class university idea falls into the global sphere. It mainly assumes that this university competes with the best academic institutions in the world and aspires to... more
Paris-Saclay: un campus pour changer les rapports entre universités, recherche, entreprises et territoire.
Resumo O presente artigo objetiva analisar as implicações globais do capitalismo acadêmico que condiciona a criação de um tipo de World Class University. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental calcada na epistemologia... more
Purpose-This paper aims to examine the strategic role of world-class universities and the international academic profession in the regionalisation project of China's Greater Bay Area (GBA). It illustrates the way in which the case of the... more
The article revises the effects of technology transfer offices (TTOs) on capacity building within the university, from the perspective of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. The objective of the article is to understand clearly... more
"The latest 2013 ranking of all universities in the middle east below;"... more Foto : Alifian Sukma/ UNAIR NEWS UNAIR NEWS-Menanggapi isu kebijakan pendidikan tinggi terbaru mengenai mengenai Permenristekdikti no. 44... more
In Malaysia the concept of a reputable university is very hotly debated. It was a hot issue when an opposition Member of Parliament mentioned that Malaysian universities are not ranked among the top 100 world universities. Some of our... more
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Barış Eğitimi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi ile Doğan Gazetecilik tarafından ''Baba Beni Okula Gönder'' Projesi kapsamında, kız öğrenci yurtlarında çalışan görevlilerin ihtiyaçları ve yurtlar hakkında görüş ve... more
El peso de los servicios de información y documentación en la universidad como factor determinante de elección de los estudiantes para acceder a los estudios superiores ha sido poco estudiado pero es esencial para determinar las políticas... more
MBA session start is nearing and you are busy in searching and applying for the best B-school in UK. Here is the list of 10 B-schools that are topping the chart for being the most expensive all over the UK. See more at:... more
Problem Statement: Creating a learning environment for in novation and entrepreneurship depends on the leadership model of the university management because of the highly technological and innovative products and services demand. Research... more
I argue that the ideal of free research versus the managerial model is a false distinction. The real question is which kind of management should be applied at the university. I show that the origin of the current malaise is in the... more
“World-class” research universities have long been a priority in the educational, corporate, and political spheres in China. With the establishment of the Outline of China’s National Plan for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and... more