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1995, Applied Physics Letters
2 pages
1 file
The surfaces of rubbed polyimide films for aligning liquid crystal have been studied by atomic force microscopy. The unrubbed films consisted of randomly distributed polyimide clusters of different sizes. On the rubbed surface, however, the clusters are aligned in long chains along the rubbing direction. The cluster chains were separated by about 100 nm for small rubbing strength. For higher strength the cluster chains coalesced into wider ones.
Locally rubbing the surface of a polymer using the stylus of an atomic force microscope (AFM nano-rubbing) has recently found extensive applications in prototyping novel micro-and nano-structured liquid crystal (LC) electro-optic devices. We report here on the detailed characteristics of the AFM nano-rubbed polyimide in terms of the friction force and the LC alignment capability. A unidirectionally rubbed polyimide by the contact mode AFM showed anisotropic friction, along and against the rubbing direction, even at a rubbing load as small as 1 nN and yielded a finite pretilt angle reflecting the asymmetry. Rubbing at high loads generated conspicuous scratches on the polyimide surface; when annealed at temperatures well below the glass transition or soaked into an organic solvent, however, these scratches quickly relaxed and completely disappeared while maintaining the capability of aligning LCs. When the load was small, the LC alignment also disappeared altogether. These experimental observations suggest that although the top thin layer might be sufficient to initially orient LCs, persistent surface alignment entails deeper cultivation of anisotropic structures.
Materials Science and Engineering B-advanced Functional Solid-state Materials, 2006
Two series of brush polyimides (PIs) with various lengths of the bristles were studied as thin films using atomic force microscopy, optical retardation and linearly polarized infrared spectroscopy before and after rubbing, and their nematic liquid crystal (LC) aligning abilities were investigated: poly(p-phenylene 3,6-bis(4-(n-alkyloxy)phenyloxy)pyromellitimide)s (Cn-PMDA-PDA PIs: n = 4, 6, 7 and 8) and poly(4,4 -methylenyldiphenylene 3,6-bis(4-(n-alkyloxy)phenyloxy)pyromellitimide)s (Cm-PMDA-MDA PIs: m = 1, 4, 8 and 12). For all the PI films, the rubbing process was found to create microgrooves in the films along the rubbing direction, and to orient the polymer main chains and the n-alkyl bristle end groups along the rubbing direction, but to orient the phenyloxy bristle units perpendicular to the rubbing direction. The LC molecules on the rubbed film surfaces of Cn-PMDA-PDA PIs with n = 4, 6 and 7 were found to be aligned perpendicular to the rubbing direction. In contrast, rubbed films of Cn-PMDA-PDA PIs (n = 8) and Cm-PMDA-MDA PIs (m = 1, 4, 8 and 12) induced LC alignment parallel to the rubbing direction. These results collectively lead a conclusion that LC alignment on the rubbed PI film is determined by a play-off between the directionally anisotropic interactions the LC molecules with all possible factors associated at the film surface.
Macromolecules, 2006
We synthesized two polyimides (PIs), poly(4,4′-(9,9-fluorenyl)diphenylene cyclobutanyltetracarboximide) (CBDA-FDA) and poly(4,4′-(9,9-fluorenyl)diphenylene pyromellitimide) (PMDA-FDA), and investigated in detail the surface morphology, molecular orientation, and nematic liquid crystal (LC) alignments of rubbed CBDA-FDA and PMDA-FDA films. The rubbed CBDA-FDA film surface was found to contain microgrooves that run parallel to the rubbing direction, but was found to induce LC alignment perpendicular to the rubbing direction. In contrast, the rubbed PMDA-FDA film surface was found to contain unusual meandering microgrooves that run perpendicular to the rubbing direction; this is the first report of such structures on a rubbed PI film. The PMDA-FDA film surface was found to induce LC alignment parallel to the rubbing direction. Even though these two PI films have quite different groove structures and LC alignment behaviors, the polymer main chains in their surfaces lie in the film plane and are preferentially oriented along the rubbing direction, and the fluorenyl side groups lie in the out-of-plane and are preferentially oriented perpendicular to the rubbing direction. These LC alignment, anchoring energy, surface morphology, and polymer segmental orientation results indicate that LC alignments on the surfaces of rubbed PI films are determined by the interplay between the directionally anisotropic interactions of the LC molecules with the oriented polymer main chain segments, the oriented fluorenyl side groups, and the microgrooves. The directionally anisotropic interactions of the LC molecules with the oriented polymer chain segments were found to be much stronger than those with the directionally developed microgrooves. We conclude that CBDA-FDA and PMDA-FDA PIs are promising alignment layer materials for the fabrication of advanced LC display devices.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1999
A method to determine liquid crystal (LC) anchoring properties, that exploits the changes induced in a rubbed polyimide (PI) film upon exposure to linearly polarized ultra-violet light, has been devised. The width of the Gaussian PI chain distribution is determined from the measured rotation of the PI film's index ellipsoid, the long axis of which is also the LC easy axis, as a function of exposure time. A quasi-microscopic surface free energy is used to model the anchoring properties. This approach provides a simple LC material independent method for determining the LC anchoring properties.
Physical Review E, 1998
The influence of unpolarized and linearly polarized UV exposure on previously rubbed as well untreated thin polyimide ͑PI͒ alignment layers was studied. Optical retardation and surface morphology measurements were carried out to understand the nature of surface modification as a function of the polarization and the exposure time of the UV light under different surface conditions. The exposure of the UV light on the PI layer was found to change drastically the morphological anisotropy due to photochemical dissociation. The control of anisotropic surface forces by the linearly polarized UV ͑LPUV͒ exposure combined with the rubbing process is important to study the alignment mechanism of liquid crystals on various substrates. A simple model incorporating the effect of the LPUV exposure is presented together with the essential features of the experimental results.
Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Velî Araştırma Dergisi, 2023
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Velî Araştırma Dergisi, OLMASA MEKTUBUN... FAZLULLAH'IN TORUNUNUN ŞAHRUH DÖNEMİNDE YAŞADIKLARI * THE STORY OF FAḌLALLAH'S GRANDSON'S UNDER THE REIGN OF SHĀHRUKH FATİH USLUER Sorumlu Yazar/Correspondence Öz Hurufilik tarihinin en önemli belgelerinden biri, Sahîfetü'l-İstihlâs olarak bilinen ve Emir Gıyaseddin tarafından başka bir Hurufiye gönderilen bir mektuptur. Ahmed-i Lur Timurluların lideri Şahruh'a 830/1427 yılında bir suikast girişimde bulunmuştur. Ahmed-i Lur olay yerinde öldürülmüş, odasındaki eşyalardan ve görüştüğü kişilerden hareketle Hurufi olduğuna kanaat getirilmiştir. Bu olaydan iki yıl sonra Fazlullah'ın torunu Emir Nurullah ve Fazlullah'ın halifesi Aliyyü'l A'lâ'nın yeğeni Emir Gıyaseddin suikastın azmettiricileri oldukları düşüncesiyle tutuklanmış, sorgulanmış, hapsedilmiş ve nihayetinde de zindandan kaçmışlardır. Elimizde tek nüshası olan bu mektup tüm bu süreçleri en ince ayrıntısına kadar anlatmaktadır. Mektupta dönemin idarecileri ve ulemanın Hurufilere bakışları, Hurufilerin tarih kitaplarına yansımayan Timur ve Karakoyunlularla bazı temasları da göze çarpmaktadır. Buna ek olarak idareciler ve ulemanın Hurufilik hakkında aslında çok az şey bildikleri de açıkça görülüyor. 15. yüzyıl Timurlu devletinde yargılanma sürecini bizzat yargılananların ifadelerinden takip edebildiğimiz bu mektup, bize sunduğu tarihsel veriler yanında Fazlullah'ın ve ailesinin mezhebi, Vahdet-i Vücutçulukla aralarındaki mesafe gibi doktriner bilgileri de içermektedir. Bu çalışmamızda, öncelikle mektubun yazıldığı sürece kadarki dönemi kapsayan tarihsel arka plan izah edilmiş, mektupta geçen bilgilerin sağlaması yapılarak bir kronoloji oluşturulmuş, akabinde de tarihsel ve doktriner açıdan önemi anlatılmıştır.
Zgodovinski časopis, 1990
Das Christentum in Bulgarien und auf der übrigen Balkanhalbinsel in der Spätantike und im "T*", Mlt * eIal 'er, Miscellanea Bulgarica 5, Wien 1987 (vsa tri dela z Izčrpnimi navedbami sta-Г? 1 f?,. 1 i. t ÜE ature)-° začetkih krščanstva v Južnomakedonskih In grških deželah gl. A. FLICHEv. MARTIN (red.).
Cairo: Embassy of Belgium, 2023
The historic cores in the Middle East (after this referred to as "ME") region, a fragmented and thoroughly changed region during the 19th and 20th centuries, have many identities and authenticity challenges. Unfortunately, the rapid development rate, economic and rapid urbanisation, fast population increase, conflicts, lack of appreciation and awareness, and increasing market values gradually replace urban heritage buildings with newer, higher-density identity-less structures. This paper attempts to present the features, obstacles, challenges, and opportunities facing the urban built heritage at the historical cores and the neighbourhood within their physical, cultural and social life in the ME. It analyses questions for maintaining identity and authenticity, the future of traditional physical, technical and functional architectural elements paradigms and their contemporary reinterpretation and rethinking conservation from sustainable technical culture to socio-cultural sustainability. The paper investigates several issues related to the conservation concepts of the urban and architectural heritage in the ME. Special attention is given to the decision-making framework in the conservation practice, the destruction of the traditional urban heritage, and the destruction resulting from the ME region's political changes (modernisation). The focus is to identify, discuss and analyse how to deal with the challenges of maintaining the identity and authenticity of their historic urban cores. Finally, guidelines and framework recommendations are made for possible measures that may be taken for social sustainability.
Freemasonry in Southeast Europe 19.-21.centuries, 2021
Łęczyca. Szkice o przeszłości, 2019
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
Journal of the Alamire Foundation, 2012
Tefsir Tarihinde Kur'ân Âyetlerinin Paradoksal Yorumuna Dair Tahlilî Bir Bakış, 2024
Jurnal Educatio FKIP UNMA, 2022
Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnología, 2023
SAE Technical Paper Series, 2004
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA, 2019
Nature Communications, 2014
Science Journal of Public Health, 2015
Ius Matrimoniale, 2016
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2011
arXiv (Cornell University), 2018
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2008