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The German Federal Constitutional Court has issued its long-awaited judgment in the Gauweiler Case. The ruled that the policy decision on the Outright Monetary Transactions programme (OMT programme) does not manifestly exceed the competences attributed to the European Central Bank (ECB) and does not manifestly violate the prohibition of monetary financing of the budget, if interpreted in accordance with the preliminary ruling of the European Court of Justice (Court).
German Law Journal
The German Federal Constitutional Court has issued its long-awaited judgment in the Gauweiler Case. The Court ruled that the policy decision on the Outright Monetary Transactions programme (OMT programme) does not manifestly exceed the competences attributed to the European Central Bank (ECB) and does not manifestly violate the prohibition of monetary financing of the budget, if interpreted in accordance with the preliminary ruling of the European Court of Justice (Court). This article surveys the Court's decision and offers a critical commentary on this important case.
German law journal, 2024
Until recently, the recognition to the European Union of the capacity to borrow from capital markets for spending purposes was considered almost inconceivable without a treaty amendment. When borrowing for spending was authorized under the Next Generation EU program to support the recovery of member states from the unprecedented consequences of the coronavirus, it was immediately faced with the suspicion that the pandemic was being used as a pretext to promote the creation of a fiscal and transfer union by the back door in violation of the principle of conferral. In its NGEU judgment, the German Federal Constitutional Court concluded that the authorization to borrow under the program could not be considered ultra vires. However, the ambiguous and controversial reasoning of the Constitutional Court gives rise to uncertainty as to whether the funding and financing model introduced by the recovery program could be used again in the future, beyond the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic. At the same time, it appears that, in this case, the Constitutional Court applied a considerably more restrained version of its ultra vires review compared to its recent case law on the asset purchase programs of the European Central Bank.
German Law Journal, 2014
The Eurozone banking and sovereign debt crisis has brought the fragility of the European monetary union into sharp focus and exposed the lack of effective instruments at the European level to maintain financial stability. As a response to the crisis, the Member States and the institutions of the Union adopted in short succession several financial assistance measures that have given rise to much political and legal controversy. The European Central Bank (ECB) played an active role in the institutions' efforts to contain the crisis and prevent the disintegration of the Eurozone by deploying a number of so-called non-standard or unconventional monetary policy measures, namely its Securities Markets Programme, Long-Term Refinancing Operations, and in September 2012 the Outright Monetary Transactions Programme (OMT Programme). The OMT Decision envisages unlimited purchases by the ECB of specific types of sovereign bonds issued by Member States participating in an EFSF/ESM macroeconom...
Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law, 2016
The article is based on an ongoing project about the role of the courts in the crisis, and on the presentation: A. Karatzia, T. Konstadinides, "Who is responsible? The issue of liability in the context of the EU macroeconomic adjustment programmes and austerity measures", delivered by the author in the XXVII FIDE Congress Doctoral Workshop in May 2016. 1 For an example of discussion about country-specific case law see M.
Contemporary Italian Politics, 2018
The article sheds light on the different approaches used by Germany and Italy in adopting and implementing the instruments created to tackle the Eurozone crisis, with special reference to the European Stability Mechanism, the Fiscal Compact, and the monetary policy instruments adopted by the European Central Bank (ECB). The responses of the two countries are argued to derive from the influence of mainstream economic thinking-Germany promotes a culture of stability and a longer term perspective while Italy favours liquidity and short-term solutionson the case law of the constitutional courts of the two countries. The German Court has insisted on the principle of constitutional identity and budgetary autonomy of the Bundestag to resist the expansionary monetary policy of the ECB and the growing competences of the EU. In addition, it has recognised the primacy of the principle of long-term stability as a constitutional principle. The Italian Court, on the other hand, has managed to balance the imperative of debt reduction with the need to avoid damaging the welfare state. Case law shows that both Courts have played an increasingly political role.
Europe's Constitutional Challenges in the Light of the Recent Case Law of National Constitutional Courts, 2011
Revue trimestrielle de droit européen 77,79, concluding that in some way any problem of protection of fundamental rights could thus be treated as a problem of constitutional identity, too. 13 FCC, above n 1, headnote 5 and grounds para 240.
German Law Journal
So far, the German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht, henceforth: BVerfG) has only made a single preliminary reference to the (now) Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), despite frequent rulings on matters connected with European Union (EU) Law. Its apparent reluctance seemed odd considering the atmosphere of dialogue and cooperation which prevails between the non-constitutional courts and the EU courts. This situation might, however, have changed with the preliminary reference from January 2014, proving predictions on the perceived “most powerful constitutional court” and its relationship to the EU partly wrong. The legal effects of its preliminary reference on the interpretation of Articles 119, 123, 127 ff. of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and the validity of Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) by the European Central Bank (ECB) under EU Law are as yet unclear; although the Opinion of the Advocate General Cruz Villalón was deliv...
Italian Journal of Public Law IJPL, 2021
The article offers a critical analysis of the German Constitutional Court's decision of 15 April 2021 on the law ratifying the Own Resources of the European Union Decision. Two central problems are highlighted. The first has institutional implications: the case at issue not only highlights a potential conflict between the European institutions and a national court but also an ongoing conflict between two constitutional bodies of the German State, in which one-the BVG-appears to challenge (or at least check the actions of) the other, namely the Bundestag, for exercising its authority in breach of the fundamental Constitutional norms protecting citizens' rights and national identity. The second regards the two opposing visions of Europe that have always been in dialectical contrast on this point, specifically, an ever-closer union between the peoples of Europe on the one hand and an expanding but less cohesive one on the other. Lastly, the article suggests some lessons from the past, recalling how the League of Nations rescued Austria in the aftermath of World War I., 2020
Muhammad Arif, 2024
Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 2023
Education Sciences , 2024
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2012
Supportive Care in Cancer, 2018
Forest Systems, 2011
Advances in Space Research, 2014
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2002
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2023
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
BMC Public Health, 2021
International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2019
Journal of Software, 2008
Physical Review B, 2012