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Sumber data terbagi menjadi dua yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer adalah data yang diperoleh peneliti secara langsung (dari tangan pertama), sementara data sekunder adalah data yang diperoleh peneliti dari sumber yang sudah ada.
Dalam memperoleh data untuk penelitian yang kita lakukan, ada dua sumber yang bisa kita gunakan, yaitu sumber data primer dans umber data sekunder. Data primer (primary data) mengacu pada informasi yang diperoleh dari tangan pertama oleh peneliti yang berkaitan dengan variabel minat untuk tujuan spesifik studi. Sumber data primer diantaranya adalah responden individu, kelompok focus, dan panel yang secara khusus ditentukan oleh peneliti. Data sekunder (secondary data) mengacu pada informasi yang dikumpulkan dari sumber yang telah ada.
Cadmo Suplemento 4 Homenagem JAR Tomo I , 2023
The article presents a new Roman Lusitanian amphora Dressel 14 type stamp QSR found in Belém (near Lisbon) without any primary context. Based on a wide historical approach we discuss the possible functional uses of the Belém area (ancient Restelo beach) in Roman times. The corpus of known QSR Lusitanian amphora stamp and its geographical distribution can be seen as interesting proxy on domestic Lusitanian trade.
Metis Historia Cultura, 2011
O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar informações básicas sobre o estudo da Arqueologia Medieval desenvolvida na Península Ibérica, mais precisamente em Portugal. O texto está dividido em três partes. Na primeira é feito um breve histórico do surgimento, desenvolvimento e estabelecimento da Arqueologia medieval, como uma disciplina investigativa reconhecida, apontando suas principais fontes bibliográficas. A segunda, é composta pela análise de uma das fontes iconográficas mais importantes para o estudo da Arqueologia medieval em Portugal, o Livro das fortalezas, de Duarte de Armas, produzido em 1509, a pedido do rei D. Manuel I. Esse livro, depositado no Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, em Lisboa, mas com cópia publicada em 1997, em versão fac-símile, representa um documento fundamental não só para o estudo detalhado das fortificações medievais e pós-medievais, construídas na fronteira luso-castelhana, mas Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta informações básicas sobre o surgimento e a importância da Arqueologia medieval e analisa a obra iconográfica Livro das fortalezas, de 1509, para o estudo das fortificações em Portugal.
WIREs Water, 2013
Water planning and management in the 20th century were characterized by a particular way of understanding and relating to water that may be described in terms of 'modern water'. Essentially, modern water is a way of knowing, accounting for, and representing water apart from its social context. Modern water replaced a wealth of different waters whose essence was defined by the social circumstances in which they occurred, rather than by the compound of oxygen and hydrogen to which all waters may be reduced. This paper traces the history of modern water and describes its current retreat in the face of circumstances that call for the resocialization of waters. Several examples of this resocialization are given, including a new way of representing hydrosocial relations known as the 'hydrosocial cycle', the campaign for the human right to water and emerging practices in water engineering and water management.
This is a review paper which summarizes recent achievements in studies of superdeep mantle rocks and diamonds from kimberlite and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) terranes using advanced analytical techniques and instrumentations such as focused ion beam (FIB)-assisted transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and synchrotronassisted infrared spectroscopy. In combination, they allow characterization of geological materials formed at varying pressures, temperatures, and stresses in different chemical environments, which has enabled us to make amazing advances in understanding large-scale processes operating in the Earth through plate tectonics. Mineralogical characterisations of the ultradeep earth materials using novel techniques with high spatial and energy resolution are resulting in unexpected discoveries of new phases, thereby providing better constraints on deep mantle processes. One of such results is that the nanometric fluid inclusions in diamonds from kimberlite and UHPM terranes contain similar elements such as Cl, K, P, and S. Such similarity reflects probably the high solubility of these elements in a diamond-forming C-O-H supercritical fluid at high pressures and temperatures. The paper emphasizes the necessity of further studies of diamonds occurred within geological setting (oceanic islands, foearcs and mantle sections of ophiolites) previously unrecognized as suitable places for high pressure minerals formation.
Tropical Zoology, 2014
Twenty-seven species of terrestrial isopods are recorded from the Maldive Islands (North Kaafu Atoll and Vaavu Atoll). One genus (Eubelinum) in the family Eubelidae and three species (Styloniscus maldivensis, Eubelinum incertum, and Pseudodiploexochus indicus) are described as new, and 26 species are newly recorded from the archipelago. Ligia dentipes Budde-Lund, 1885 is also recorded from Sri Lanka and Seychelles. The poorly known species Tylos albidus Budde-Lund, 1885 and Platyarthrus acropyga Chopra, 1924 are also illustrated. The composition and origin of the oniscidean fauna of the Maldives are briefly discussed.
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 8, 2019
The project “The imagery of Palestine/Israel between East and West: A history of religion based on pictures from the Persian to the Hellenistic period” is located at the Institute of Old Testament Studies at the University of Bern. It is currently in its concluding and evaluative phase after three years of funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation. During these years, there has been a comprehensive collection of the data of iconographic evidence from the time span of 539 to 63 B.C.E. The geographic focus lay on Palestine/Israel and all relevant locations regardless of their cultural imprints. The compiled images will now be collected in a representative catalog of approximately 300 objects in order to trace the contexts and developmental lines of the motifs. The frequently fragmentary and poorly preserved images from Palestine/Israel are interpreted with the help of comparative pieces from neighboring cultures (Phoenicia, Anatolia, Greece, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt) and the imperial powers of the time (Achaemenid, Ptolemaic, Seleucid) and reconstructed on the basis of their underlying system of religious symbolism. A compilation of the imagery of Palestine/Israel from this period does not yet exist and represents an important scholarly desideratum.
Urban Geography, 2024
Limbo: Boletín Internacional de Estudios sobre Santayana Núm. 43,S. 63 - 76., 2023
Anuario de Estudios Medievales, 2020
Akzeptanzfaktoren der Bürokommunikation, 1986
Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting, 2015
medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), 2024
Physiology and Pharmacology, 2020
Journal of Virology, 2002
Frontiers in Immunology, 2022
International journal of obesity supplements, 2015
Veterinary Microbiology, 2011
Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 2017