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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureVenetian art and architectural historySculpture
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      Scultura18th Century SculptureScultura BaroccaXVIII century sculpture
Schede di catalogo della mostra "Canova. I volti ideali", catalogo della mostra, a cura di Omar Cucciniello e Paola Zatti (Milano, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, 25 ottobre 2019 - 15 marzo 2020), Milano, Electa, 2019: - Gianbattista Gigola,... more
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      Art History18th & 19th CenturiesNeoclassicismScultura
No desfecho de um percurso que, naturalmente, não percorremos isolados, deixamos o nosso agradecimento a todos aqueles que, com o seu apoio e amizade, nos ajudaram a levar a bom termo este trabalho.
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesItalian artXVIII century
18th century marble and stone sculpture in Mantua is here analysed; the contract of the city cathedral façade is here published for the first ime, demonstrating that the works was entrusted to Giovanni Angelo Finali, from Valsolda
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      18th Century ArtMantua18th Century SculptureBaroque Sculpture
"I soggetti dell'antico" e "Regesto delle opere in mostra". Schede di catalogo per: "Medardo Rosso", catalogo della mostra (Roma, Palazzo Altemps, 2019-2020), a cura di Paola Zatti, Francesco Stocchi , Milano, Electa, 2019, pp.... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissanceRenaissance ArtSculpture
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesHistory of SculptureSculpture
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      19th-20th Century Italian SculptureNeoclassicism18th Century SculptureLeopoldo Cicognara
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      SculptureClassicism18th Century SculptureBaroque Sculpture
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      History of SculptureClassical Reception StudiesAntiquarianismAncient Numismatics
Réunissant les collections de petits bronzes de son père, le Régent fit réaménager, sous la conduite de Gilles Marie Oppenord, le grand cabinet de son appartement au château de Saint-Cloud, au début des années 1720. L'architecte livre un... more
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      French HistoryArchitectureFrench StudiesDecorative Arts
L’étude des arts décoratifs fédère aujourd’hui une large communauté de chercheurs et engage, par-delà l’histoire artistique des objets et des décors, des spécialités et des compétences variées (littérature, critique, esthétique,... more
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      Decorative Arts18th Century Art18th Century French Painting18th Century French Art
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      Garden History18th Century French Art18th Century Sculpture18th Century Spanish Art
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      IconographyArt HistoryItalian StudiesItalian art
Catalogo della mostra tenutasi a Trento nel 2004 per iniziativa del Comune di Trento
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureHistory of Art18th Century Art
Não obstante a característica marcadamente nacionalista das motivações destes autores, fruto de uma passagem pela Europa e de contactos com os ideais pré-revolucionários franceses e independentistas americanos.
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      Art HistoryNaturalism18th Century SculptureArte Portuguesa
Ce colloque se propose d’interroger les témoignages, les expériences religieuses et les transformations esthétiques de l’espace sacré au siècle des Lumières. Dans le contexte d’un débat caractérisé par la critique de l’Église et de... more
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      French RevolutionReligious HistoryReligious art18th Century French Art
Nell'ambito dell'annuale corso di Storia dell'arte organizzato dal FAI, a cura di Giovanni Agosti e Jacopo Stoppa, quest'anno intitolato "Case e Chiese di Milano", l'intervento intende ripercorrere la storia della Villa Reale di Milano... more
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      NeoclassicismOttocentoNeoclassical architecture18th Century Sculpture
Este artículo ofrece una interpretación contextual de esculturas importadas a las Islas Canarias a finales de la época Moderna, coincidiendo con el ocaso de los talleres sevillanos de imaginería y su vínculo con propuestas de signo... more
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      Sculpture18th Century ArtBay of Cádiz18th Century Sculpture
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureSculptureHistory of Art
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    • 18th Century Sculpture
in: La fontana del Nettuno "salute e decoro della città", a cura di Roberto Pancheri, catalogo della mostra, Trento 2004
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureSculptureHistory of Art
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      History of Silesia18th Century SculptureGenealogy-Family HistoryCieszyn Silesia