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Estudio histórico de las murallas del barrio de San Carlos de Cádiz
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryBay of CádizArquitectura y urbanismoCádiz
Abstract: In the years following the Reconquest in the latter half of the 13th century, life in the border area of Cadiz was difficult, and the population was submitted to many hardships. The constant conflict with the Muslims on the... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)
En 1957 comenzaron a construirse las Torres de la Luz o Torres de Sevillana, como se conocieron en Cádiz durante años. Su diseño corrió a cargo de los ingenieros italianos Alberto Toscano, Remo Scalla y Alberto Santi con objeto de dar... more
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      Bahía de CádizBay of CádizCádizHistoria de Cádiz
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySan Fernando
La ciudad de Cádiz sufrió a lo largo del siglo XVI una profunda transformación de sus élites mercantiles. A través del estudio prosopográfico de la familia catalana de los Fonte, llegada a la ciudad sobre 1500, podemos observar la... more
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      Medieval HistoryCanary IslandsBay of CádizOligarchy
Very little is known about Florentine presence in Andalusia in the Late Middle Ages. From very different sources —mercantile collected letters, accounting entries, ricordanze, chronicles and nautical documentation— the present articles... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAtlantic WorldHistory of Florence
The territory comprising the Bay of Cadiz has historically been characterised as a very dynamic socio-natural space. The current landscape is the result of a series of natural confluences such as erosion, sedimentation, and the influence... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyBay of CádizConnectivityGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
This study examined a set of Red Slip Ware (RSW) from Cánovas del Castillo and a sector of the Phoenician necropolis of San Severiano/Guardia Civil (Cádiz, Spain), dating back to the 8 thand 6 th century B.C. Optical Microscopy (OM),... more
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Although the substantial progress in the last decades, the available data about the insular Phoenician foundation of Gadir is still very limited. This insu cient information on the archaic phase of the settlement involves both habitat... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyPhoeniciansFunerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
En el transcurso de las tres campañas de excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el Castillo de San Romualdo (San Fernando) en los años 2000, 2001 y 2003, se recuperó un importante lote de material cerámico bajomedieval amortizando diversas... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval PotteryMudejaresLa Puente
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      Medieval HistoryBay of CádizEdad MediaCádiz
The archaeological excavations carried out under the former Teatro Cómico have provided evidences of the earliest Phoenician presence in the city of Cádiz. Under modern and Roman remains, the Phoenician urban layout from the late 9th to... more
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      PhoeniciansUrban HistoryUrbanismBiblical Archaeology
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern economic and social historyHistoria Social
Este artículo ofrece una interpretación contextual de esculturas importadas a las Islas Canarias a finales de la época Moderna, coincidiendo con el ocaso de los talleres sevillanos de imaginería y su vínculo con propuestas de signo... more
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      Sculpture18th Century ArtBay of Cádiz18th Century Sculpture
Abstract: The study of the figure of micer Bonavía de Vivaldo, great landowner of El Puerto de Santa María and governor of its fortress during the final years of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century, has revealed a new... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval rural settlement
Darío Bernal Casasola, Enrique García Vargas, José Manuel Vargas Girón, María Ángeles Pascual Sánchez, Alejandro González Blas (2019), en : D. Bernal Casasola, José Manuel Vargas Girón y Macarena Lara Medina, eds. (2019): 7 metros de la... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman EconomyGarum and salsamenta
Los asientos de negros de la segunda mitad del siglo XVII se sustentaron en redes transnacionales de comercio en las que operaban mercaderes de muy distintas procedencias. El funcionamiento de esta empresa precisaba de la presencia e... more
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      Early Modern HistorySlave TradeEarly Modern economic and social historyHistória Moderna
Estudio de cartas náuticas, portulanos y documentación de archivos italianos, además de la Cosmographia Ptolomei, para realizar un análisis detallado de la toponimia y las características de los accidentes geográficos, puertos y... more
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyCartographyMaritime History
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      CrustaceaBiologyEnvironmental MonitoringBiodiversity
In the last two decades preventive archaeological activities developed in the former Antipolis of Gadir (current city of San Fernando, Spain) have uncovered a large number of ceramic workshops that were active mainly between the 6th c. BC... more
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      Phoenician Punic ArchaeologyAmphorae (Archaeology)GadirPhoenician and Punic Studies
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaHispaniaRoman BaeticaBay of Cádiz
In: International workshop "A Family Business... The Roman Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean. Between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire" (University of Seville / San... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman EconomyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaRoman Pottery Kilns
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      Atlantic WorldHistory of FlorenceAtlantic historyMerchants (Medieval Studies)