1 Enoch
Recent papers in 1 Enoch
Many Christians today are fascinated with the Book of Enoch. While traditionally it is not considered Scripture by Judaism and most Christians, the ancient Book of Enoch expands and interprets Genesis chapter six by telling the reader... more
Many Christians are afraid to attribute truth value to ancient books outside the canon of the Bible. They fear that somehow the authority of Scripture will be compromised or worse, other texts may be falsely considered as Scripture. The... more
In Book 5 of his Against Heresies (Adversus Haereses), Irenaeus envisions an eschaton that coheres with the beginning of creation and serves God’s purpose of perfecting man in His divine dispensation. For this argument, Irenaeus cites... more
Summary The literary pattern of Asael’s punishment in the Enochic myth does not seem to stem from biblical literature or Greek mythology. It is far more probable that one has to look for its antecedents in Babylonian anti-witchcraft... more
Le Christ juif de Daniel Boyarin (Cerf, 2013) est la traduction française d’un ouvrage paru en 2012 sous le titre The Jewish Gospels. The Story of the Jewish Christ.
Greek and Ethiopic versions of 1 Enoch 5:8 preserve a different text at the end of the passage. This note aims to demonstrate the superiority of the Ethiopic text of 1 En. 5:8 over the version preserved in Codex Panapolitanus by arguing... more
JBL 137.3 (2018): 555-79. The postmodern turn in the humanities is now at a point that requires response and revision to some deconstructionist trends. As a case study, this article examines the inversion principle formulated by Claude... more
Author: Megan K. DeFranza Publisher: CBE International My three-year-old daughter, Lórien, is just beginning to ask that perennial human question, “Why?” I find that I need to take a deep breath before attempting to respond. Sometimes I... more
This note draws attention to two passages from the so-called Noachic interpolations in the Book of Parables where Noah traditions embedded in Qumran scrolls may provide helpful parallels. First, it suggests that the dating of the vision... more
Genesis 4:17 presents the exegete with a problem regarding the identification of the builder of the first city. Is Cain or is Enoch the subject of the verbs? What does the syntax have to contribute to this discussion and how does it... more
1. Abstract.................................... ..... ........................... ...... 1 2. Einleitung...................................................................... .... 2 3. Verbreitung des antediluvianischen Wissens:... more
Il Libro di Enoch è un testo apocrifo di origine ebraica la cui versione definitiva risale al primo secolo a.C., raggiunto oggi in pieno in una versione in lingua Ge'ez (antica lingua Etiope), da cui il nome Enoch etiopico. Il primo libro... more
This essay provides an overview of the “Animal Vision” or “Animal Apocalypse,” one of the most striking sections of 1 Enoch.
The first part of the article demonstrates the case for the existence of a distinct concept of Time in apocalyptic literature and in the writings of the Yahad. The second part addresses the force of the ‘here and now’ in these two... more
Key to figures in Butlin 662, "Satan Calling up His Legions," the version now in Petworth House, done for Elizabeth Ilive, Countess of Egremont. Blake seems to have managed to squeeze in all the devil-deities Milton mentions (a few... more
De los libros apócrifos básicos y más importantes para el espíritu humano.
É bom que as literaturas apocalípticas do passado estejam sendo redescobertas" (Paul D. Hanson) RESUMO A ascensão do conhecimento referente à literatura apocalíptica judaica nos círculos acadêmicos é uma realidade promissora. Porém,... more
A complete edition of seven Aramaic manuscripts from Qumran together with a full concordance of all the lexemes and plates with the photographs of the manuscripts. Provides synoptic comparison of the Aramaic text with versional... more
La más extraordinaria verdad sobre los ángeles que transgredieron el mandamiento del Elohim y de lo que realmente sucedió con el mundo después de la caída del Edén escrita por Enoc, del cuál estuvo con el Ángel del Elohim que le enseñó la... more
The significance of "entering" and "approaching" terminology in Hebrews has been contested, with some scholars viewing these terms as clearly distinct, and others arguing they are fully synonymous. This debate is often framed in... more
Resumo: O livro hebreu de Enoque (3Enoque) é a última das obras apócrifas atribuídas a Enoque, sétimo patriarca antediluviano. Dos vários trabalhos relacionados com a personagem, 3Enoque é uma obra diferente, focada no elemento místico.... more
The purpose of this paper is to show the influence of Second Temple Judaism on certain doctrines in the New Testament and to discuss what impact this has on biblical inspiration and progressive revelation.
"Carl Sagan once spoke of the need to balance the scientific method with pure, unadulterated wonder. Scott Alan Roberts picks up that mantle by examining the Nephilim, the hybrid offspring of the intercourse between human women and... more
Demonologia Mistrza i Małgorzaty Michaiła Bułhakowa w świetle źródeł biblijnych i pozakanonicznych Kwestie do rozważenia • Co łączy demonologię Mistrza i Małgorzaty Michaiła Bułhakowa z biblijnymi i pozakanonicznymi źródłami demonologii... more
Introducción Esta obra es mencionada como el Libro de H’Janoj las epístolas canónicas de Judas (6 y 14-16). Lo que nos hace referencia que el apóstol Yahudah, además de conocer el Tanak hebreo, estaba familiarizado con otros... more
As of October 2024 we have now finalizing of our review process. This PDF is now set up well for using an iPad. We will update this calendar each year. The format for the book was suggested to make it easier to read both the Ge'ez and the... more
This article is an updated and corrected version of a paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Pacific Coast Region Annual Meeting in March, 2018. The paper argues that Romans 1:26-27 is to be understood within the... more
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Revue de Qumran 20 (2001) This article discusses the Enochic/Essene hypothesis, which Gabriele Boccaccini advances in his monograph Beyond the Essene Hypothesis. In Boccaccini’s model the Essenism of the ancient sources is to be equated... more
La tesis de Carlos Santos Carretero, "Apócrifos y Apocalípticos: Angelología y Demonología en los Libros de Henoc" supone una nueva aproximación a un grupo de obras de gran importancia dentro de la literatura hebrea, y en especial, de las... more
Was Paul's view of evil based on Adam's fall or a mere reflex of Christology? Tyler A. Stewart argues that, in Galatians, Paul's thoughts about where evil comes from and why it continues are not based on Adam's fall as the background... more
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