Recent papers in Irenaeus
ta da Dio in Gesù Cristo. In lui culmina e si completa, raggiungendo la sua pienezza, il processo mediante il quale Dio si è fatto conoscere all'uomo. Il suo inizio si trova nella creazione, per passare poi alla manifestazione di Dio... more
We owe to Karl Barth's masterful treatment of the doctrine of reconciliation in the fourth volume of the Church Dogmatics a sketch that is at once beautifully clear and remarkably comprehensive. It is not without shortcomings, however.... more
In this text I look at Eastern Orthodoxy pneumatology in relation to the theology of the Icon. I argue that the exclusivity of the Icon as the only expression of art within the Eastern Orthodox Church has inconsistencies with the doctrine... more
Hungarian / Vigilia 78. évfolyam 11. szám
In Book 5 of his Against Heresies (Adversus Haereses), Irenaeus envisions an eschaton that coheres with the beginning of creation and serves God’s purpose of perfecting man in His divine dispensation. For this argument, Irenaeus cites... more
Dans cette conférence, j'ai proposé un parcours transversal dans l’exégèse des premiers siècles (chez Irénée de Lyon, Origène, Eusèbe de Césarée et Hilaire de Poitiers) à propos des "impies", les "pécheurs" et les "pestiférés" nommés dans... more
Irenaeus’ significance for the development of Christian theories about the Antichrist is well-documented. His major work, Against Heresies, provides the first extensive Christian discussion of the Antichrist thus far extant, drawing... more
Irenaeus is an early church father who wrote to formulate Christian doctrine in opposition to the Gnostics. In his thought, the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in the Bible story from creation through to new creation. This essay focuses on... more
Both drawing from the biblical book of Genesis, Irenaeus of Lyons and Augustine of Hippo developed views on creation which have much in common. Both see what God has made as being very good. Both see Adam and Eve as having been given... more
This short seminar paper explores what Irenaeus meant by ‘the Rule of Faith’ and how he used this to defend the church against heresies?
The article interprets the so-called “Eucharistic section” in John 6:51–58 in the context of early Christian text on the Eucharist, especially Ignatius and Justin, but also Irenaeus and the Gospel of Philip. It interprets the Eucharist as... more
Tesis de Doctorado / PhD Thesis. Since J. Parkes invented it in 1934, the expression “Parting of the Ways” has deeply rooted in the scholarship to study the distance between Jews and Christians during Antiquity. Indeed, issued from the... more
Author: April Kelly Publisher: CBE International While imperfect and even contradictory at times, the church of the first five centuries helped define women’s sense of self, integrating their understanding of sexuality and marriage with... more
The figure of Socrates features prominently in the works of earliest Christian authors and their attempts to negotiate a viable relation between pagan intellectual tradition and the exigencies of a newly founded religion. The analysis of... more
Setelah zaman para rasuli, Gereja mula-mula terus bergumul dalam upaya untuk memahami dan memformulasikan konsep Allah Tritunggal di tengah konteks polemik dengan pemahaman heretic yang berkembang pada masa itu. Pemahaman konsep Allah... more
Few individuals in church history are as popular as Augustine of Hippo. His impressive body of work on diverse subjects, combined with his tremendous influence on Roman Catholics and Protestants, have led believers to imbue Augustine’s... more
Contents of a new book (October 2016) in the famous Bibliothèque de la Pléiade (Gallimard): 'Premiers écrits chrétiens' (1648 pages), directed by Bernard Pouderon, Jean-Marie Salamito and Vincent Zarini.
Setelah zaman para rasuli, Gereja mula-mula terus bergumul dalam upaya untuk memahami dan memformulasikan konsep Allah Tritunggal di tengah konteks polemik dengan pemahaman heretic yang berkembang pada masa itu. Pemahaman konsep Allah... more
In this article I provide an executive summary of Irenaeus’ larger pro-material doctrine of creation. His affirmation of the goodness of the material world can be seen in at least six ways: 1) the demiurge (i.e., creator) is identified as... more
Biblica 91:4 (2010), 555-82
This paper was originally delivered at DSPT's 2017 Colloquium, and then subsequently as a public lecture at Regent College in 2018. It offers an overview of the contemporary use of Irenaeus' famous misquotation, and explores the sense in... more
This is a survey of the view of Irenaeus' view of Scripture and tradition as detailed in Against Heresies. Also addressed is whether this accurately reflects a major 2nd century view of the relative authority of Scripture and tradition... more
Drawing from Irenaeus, the Gospel of John, and various other sources, this paper presents a theological interpretation of the imago Dei as a dramatic role whose mission is to mediate God's blessing to the world through embodied... more
Pre-print version of a text published in Lenka Karfíková (ed.), Gnadenlehre in Schrift und Patristik (Herder 2016), pp. 247-265. Translated from the Czech by Constance Šimonovská. Original version published in Czech in 2011.
has led me to collect elements which reassert the importance of this source, not only to reconstruct the history of early Valentinianism and Gnosticism as a whole, but also to get to know better a crucial phase of that debate which, in... more
Once upon a time (when theology was a 'thing' and doctrine mattered, but before anyone thought it should actually help us exist as those who pretend to believe and live differently because of Christian faith), I taught courses in... more
The discovery and publication of the Gospel of Judas created a sensation in scholarly and popular settings alike. Much of the interest in the new publication grows out of the interpretation that was advanced, in which Judas Iscariot is... more
The published version may be found in Sara Parvis and Paul Foster, eds., Irenaeus: Life, Scripture, Legacy. Minneapolis: Fortress Press (2012), 119-130
The Marcosian ‘redemption’ afterlife practice, described by Irenaeus (Haer. 1.21.5; see also, 1.13.6), exhibits striking similarities with the Bacchic Gold Tablets. This article exploits this largely neglected comparative opportunity to... more
A comparison of Irenaeus and C. I. Scofield's views of the premillennial return of Christ as representative of the ancient and modern premillennial movements.
A growing consensus recognizes that the differences among Christians in the late second and early third centuries were neither as obvious nor as great as representatives of later orthodoxy would have us believe, and that what divided... more
The development of Christology has a rich history, and there are many fine works that cover this study. My interest is to develop a study of this doctrine through the early church. My intent is to provide an introduction into the most... more
1.1. The work known today as the apocryphal Apocalypsis Ioannis (AI) probably originated in the 5 th -6 th century in Byzantium. Regrettably, the information about it dates from much later, which hinders a more precise chronological... more
This is the third chapter of my contextual introduction to the New Testament, From Crisis to Christ (Nashville, TN: 2014), 51-74. It was published on the Bible and Interpretation site, May 2015 as an example of my new approach to biblical... more
This paper was presented at the Ratzinger Symposium on The Gospels: Christological and Historical Research, held at the Lateran University in October 2013 (draft). It is published in The Gospels: History and Christology; the Search of... more
Originally submitted: May, 2017. Last edited and expanded: November - December, 2024. In this research thesis we will discover that Augustine’s opinion that concupiscence was an evil, hereditary stain of original sin was not in line with... more
*Published on the website Eclectic Orthodoxy. Many of the critics of David Bentley Hart’s presentation of universalism in his That All Shall Be Saved argue that he doesn’t give nearly enough weight to church tradition. I agree. However,... more