Recent papers in AGUADA
The presence of two petroglyphs ascribed to Aguada iconography (north-west Argentina) identified in the Province of Choapa, central-northern Chile (31° latitude south), is herein discussed. Through a formal comparison of the motifs of... more
Understanding how archaeological sites are abandoned is a vital part of archaeology. This paper explores abandonment as a phenomenon in a worldwide context, particularly in relation to sites with evidence of fire, and with a special focus... more
En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de las investigaciones que se realizaron en el sitio “El Puesto” en el año 2005. A través del análisis espacial se establece el tipo de vinculación existente entre las estructuras y los andenes de... more
Quisiera agradecer a mi familia que siempre me ha apoyado y alentado durante el desarrollo de mi carrera y de mi vida.
In this article we outline the central areas of investigation carried out in the last 15 years of research in the valley of Ambato (Catamarca, Argentina). We also present some of the discussions and contributions to the overall project... more
Understanding how archaeological sites are abandoned is a vital part of archaeology. This paper explores abandonment as a phenomenon in a worldwide context, particularly in relation to sites with evidence of fire, and with a special focus... more
Este artículo presenta la localidad arqueológica con arte rupestre Palancho (Depto. Chilecito, La Rioja). Dadas las dimensiones de la localidad investigada y la abundancia de representaciones rupestres, este trabajo tiene como objetivo... more