Ableton Live
Recent papers in Ableton Live
La Psicologia della Gestalt nasce e si sviluppa in Europa nel '900 e cerca di spiegare e strutturare i fenomeni psicologici della percezione, trattandoli come insiemi di "regole" organizzate e strutturate, piuttosto che come somma delle... more
The singer songwriter’s technological medium has always played a key part in the creation and execution of songs. While the impact of the piano and guitar on songwriting in the 20th and 21st centuries has been far reaching, it is becoming... more
"Методичка основана на курсе лекций, который читает О. В. Казанцев в рамках курса лекций «Методы и средства Мультимедиа». Эта вторая версия лекций, в ней исправлен ряд опечаток, немного изменена верстка."
This talk juxtaposes two scenes of contemporary music-making with technology: a performance of Luigi Nono’s 1984 Prometeo for live electronics at the 2016 Lucerne Festival and a digital audio workstation (Ableton Live) workshop in Chicago... more
El diseño y construcción de instrumentos musicales se ha desarrollado de múltiples formas a través del tiempo, muchos de estos instrumentos han evolucionado hasta llegar a consolidarse de tal modo que se satisfagan las necesidades del... more
In this paper I address some images, categories and open-ended trajectories of the laptop in music production. The aim is to explore the laptop’s increasing presence in the sites of music, from cyberspace to live venues, as well as the... more
Masteroppgaven er gjennomført som ledd i utdanningen ved Universitetet i Agder og er godkjent som del av denne utdanningen. Denne godkjenningen innebaerer ikke at universitetet innestår for de metoder som er anvendt og de konklusjoner som... more
The final article in a four-part series, the article reflects upon two original recordings that employ stripped-down electronic dance music motifs and a freeze reverb effect to portray ambivalent euphoric feelings and an attempt to... more
‘Record production as a practice is little more than a century old and responds to societal and technological shifts’ (Burgess, 2013). The term 'record producer' or, more commonly, 'producer', is an umbrella idiom that can describe a... more
La tesi " In Genesi col Dubbio" espone ideologicamente il tema del tempo e di come l'uomo si relaziona ad esso attraverso uno degli elementi che lo caratterizzano lungo il corso della sua vita, il Dubbio. L'opera musicale omonima fornisce... more
In this paper I aim to demonstrate a set of considerations and influences on a type of score designed for and specific to the 8x8 grid controller commonly associated with software such as Ableton Live. The grid controller offers a unique... more
The third in a four-part series, the article looks into two original recordings that employ vocal quoting and a grain delay effect to interpret the fleetingness of memory and to create a faded rendition of dancefloor euphoria.
This presentation focuses on a multimedia ensemble that created live music and sounds (acoustic and digital) to live video games. The session explores the successes, failures, and musical problems experienced within the ensemble as well... more
The article dissects my recording 22–122 to examines how a post-party "afterglow" can be musically interpreted through audio time warping and sampling techniques.