Ad Hominem Argument
Recent papers in Ad Hominem Argument
Il web è un luogo dove, nelle continue discussioni e interazioni quotidiane, le reazioni sembrano essere spesso eccessive, guidate dal fatto che ci si prende molto sul serio e si prende ogni cosa troppo sul serio. Insomma, sembra che... more
Η παρούσα μελέτη διερευνά τη σχέση του αρνητισμού και του ήθους στη σύναψη του αρνητικού ηθοτικού επιχειρήματος (ad hominem). Ο αρνητισμός, ως φαινόμενο της πολιτικής επικοινωνίας, επιδρά στο ήθος των συμμετεχόντων σε μία συζήτηση. Μορφή... more
The chapter is structured in three parts. The first part explores the relationship between character assassination (CA) and ad hominem arguments (AdHA) when the latter is operationalized as an instrument for the analysis of strategic... more
The paper discusses the problematic of the representation of refugee migrants in Europe, Portugal, and in Latin America, Brazil. Focusing on verbal violence on the web, the work analyzes comments from Facebook users, highlighting the ad... more