Online Discussions
Recent papers in Online Discussions
Introduction Introduction by Patrick R. Lowenthal Trends and Issues with Online Learning From Reluctant and Reticent to Engaged and Enthusiastic: The Passage to Online Teaching Susan Giullian Preparing Special Education... more
This study aimed to find out if there is a significant difference in the oral communication competence of Grade 9 students before and after classroom talk strategy was utilized thru online discussions. Preassessment and post-assessment... more
Background/Context: Increased polarization of viewpoints in the United States may have detrimental consequences for democratic pedagogy. The goals of civil society require a reliance on democratic values, and active participation is... more
The aim of this research study was to explore the effect of instructional techniques on critical thinking and critical thinking dispositions in online discussion, based on triangulation design. Six Thinking Hats, Brainstorming, Role... more
This paper discusses quotation data from German newspaper articles and online discussion fora relating to the 2009 bi-millennial commemoration of a Germanic revolt under Arminius against Imperial Roman rule. In these press articles and... more
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
During the current pandemic, colleges are at the fork to either open the campus and curb the spread of COVID-19 or go virtual and risk their efficiency and finally give into financial ruin. This study explores learners’ perceptions of... more
Cet article revient sur les implications méthodologiques de l’utilisation de la capture d’écran dans les recherches sur les corpus numériques natifs. Il aborde certains problèmes en rapport avec le choix de la capture d’écran dans les... more
Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more
Most companies today utilize a sort of assessment tool when it comes to studying their employee’s behavior and priorities with regards to work. In case you are looking for a job, be prepared to answer a series of questions that would... more
Virtual communities have become increasingly popular for the general public, using electronic mailing lists, newsgroups, WWeb-based forums, chat rooms, etc. However, it appears that online forums are not well integrated into the sphere of... more
La parola come veicolo di comunicazione tra gli uomini ha da sempre questa natura ambigua: attraverso di essa chiunque esercita un potere sugli altri, per costruire condivisione e collaborazione, ma anche per distruggere, disgregare,... more
AIMS – In Russia the paradigm of alcoholism as a disease is still in contrast to the general perception of alcoholics as weak-willed. This article studies alcoholism and recovery in Russia through the case study of the Russian Alcoholics... more
Attribution de Chauvet aux Néandertaliens, contre l'attribution aux Sapiens sapiens
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL No.2 July,... more
*CHAPTER DRAFT please refer to the published version when citing* This chapter focuses on interpretation of Islamic texts conducted by Muslim women in online spaces which is happening on a wide scale, both in women-only and... more
Discussions are an important component of many forms of online student interaction. For students to benefit from an online discussion, it is important for teachers to generate relevant topics, effectively moderate student activity and... more
Background: Treatment resistant cluster headache and migraine patients are exploring alternative treatments online. The aim of this study was to improve comprehension regarding the use of non-established or alternative pharmacological... more
This article examines an informal online community dedicated to The Tudors, a historical television show, and the ways in which its members engaged with a variety of sources in their discussions of the drama’s real-life past. Data were... more
Ever since the advent of the Internet, political communication scholars have debated its potential to facilitate and support public deliberation as a means of revitalizing and extending the public sphere. Much of the debate has focused on... more
Learning processes have gained significant importance because of diverse sources in digital era. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of online discussion forums among the students of Abu Dhabi University,... more
I've been thinking of and reflecting on what experiential learning is as I encounter students studying abroad and hear people mentioning: experiential learning, experiential learning, experiential learning. I believe people may have... more
Резюме. Отделом археологии бронзового века Института археологии РАН 4 и 5 марта 2021 г. был проведен очередной семинар «Связи и взаимоотношения культур бронзового века Циркумпонтийского региона». Данная встреча получила название... more
This article combines a sociocultural model of classroom talk with a linguistically-oriented model (systemic functional linguistics) to explore what characterizes effective asynchronous online discussion in higher education (HE). While... more
Social media allows people to connect and disconnect easily, which leads to more polarization over time. The polarization and formation of echo chambers pose a threat to humanity, implying a need to design a healthy social ecosystem in... more
Discussions about men’s victimization by their female intimate partners have gained increased visibility in the last two decades. These discussions put victim positions on offer for men that stand in stark contrast to more widespread... more
Discutere è forse una delle attività più impegnative per un essere umano. Saper sostenere il proprio punto di vista di fronte a un altro è sempre un momento di forte messa alla prova: le idee e le convinzioni che abitualmente riteniamo... more
This paper presents an approach to studying relationships between students' social presence and course topics from transcripts of asynchronous discussions in online learning environments. Specifically, the paper uses topic modeling and... more
Il web è un luogo dove, nelle continue discussioni e interazioni quotidiane, le reazioni sembrano essere spesso eccessive, guidate dal fatto che ci si prende molto sul serio e si prende ogni cosa troppo sul serio. Insomma, sembra che... more
The social networking site Facebook has risen to become an important campaign tool for politicians while also raising new questions about how its use is reshaping the agenda setting paradigm. This research examines the ex-tent to which... more
This short paper aims to analyze the limits of user participation in a discussion evaluating the quality of fan-made Czech subtitles for the HBO series Game of Thrones on the fan subtitling website Following the discussion... more
I social, come tutti gli spazi di interazione che aziende e organizzazioni hanno con gli utenti, vanno sempre intesi come canali istituzionali e ufficiali. Gestire la comunicazione in maniera approssimativa è un grave errore. Ecco una... more
Der Umgangston in den Kommentar-Threads von Online-Medien und Facebook-Seiten weist nur selten auf einen konstruktiven und offenen Diskurs hin. Viele Diskussionen werden von aggressiven, beleidigenden oder extremistischen Kommentaren... more
Online forums provide a wealth of publicly accessible data and have proven particularly useful for critical psychologists wishing to examine naturalistic data on a wide range of social phenomena. This article begins by considering the use... more
Online discussion forums can complement the classroom experience and provide additional opportunities for student-student and student-teacher interactions. A summary of strategies shown to be effective in engaging students with discussion... more
This paper considers the move toward and potential of building online communities, with a particular focus on the museum sector. For instance, the increase in the use of 'personalized' toolkits that are becoming an integral part of the... more
This article uses British diver and homosexual celebrity Tom Daley as a case study to examine instances of homosexual stereotyping on LGBT internet forum the DataLounge. Through textual analysis, I consider the anonymous discourse... more
As we start our journey through the twenty-first century, we will continue to be faced with two divergent trends, the rise of the Internet and the steady decline in the public sphere, and in political participation in general. The hopes... more
Recent research suggests that there are many aspects of online discussion that may make it better for language learning than face-to-face discussion. In this quasi-experimental study, equality of participation and individual output in... more
The aim of this chapter is to see whether online discussion forums dedicated to popular culture (reality TV) provide a communicative space, content and style for politics that extends the public sphere. Given their typically casual,... more