Administration and Management
Recent papers in Administration and Management
Обґрунтовано теоретико-методологічні засади механізму публічного управління як якісно нової моделі регулювання суспільства. Особливу увагу приділено необхідності впровадження сучасної моделі в україні з метою забезпечення ефективного... more
După Revoluţia din Decembrie 1989, imaginile şocante din leagănele de copii din România au făcut înconjurul lumii, generând reacţii dintre cele mai diverse faţă de societatea românească. A devenit imperios necesar ca, pentru a intra în... more
Although it is probably the best-known Prospective Hazard Analysis (PHA) tool, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is far from the only option available. This paper introduces one of the alternatives: The Structured What-If Technique... more
Although it is probably the best-known prospective hazard analysis (PHA) tool, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is far from the only option available. This article introduces one of the alternatives: The structured what-if... more
Resumen: Una frecuente y peligrosa confusión respecto a la innovación es la creencia de que se trata de una nueva moda propiciada por los expertos del management. Ello definitivamente no es así. La innovación es un principio fundamental... more
The purpose of this paper is to perform unbiased evaluation of the conditions and management of learning process in distance form of education in programmes of professional field "Administration and Management" at University of Ruse. The... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss a research on the readiness for distance learning in Faculty "Business and Management" at University of Ruse with a focus on the professional field "Administration and Management" and to recommend... more
Although it is probably the best-known prospective hazard analysis (PHA) tool, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is far from the only option available. This article introduces one of the alternatives: The structured what-if... more
In an effort to understand the extent of the inequalities in health information resources across Alberta, SEARCH Custom, HKN (Health Knowledge Network) and IRREN (Inter-Regional Research and Evaluation Network) conducted a survey in... more