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      AltaiAfanasyevoAeneolithic Archaeology
Большинство источников, относимых к среднестоговской культуре бассейна Верхнего и Среднего Дона, долгое время оставались недоступными для широкого круга специалистов-археологов в силу различных причин. Данной работой авторы попытались... more
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    • Aeneolithic Archaeology
Metal artifacts from Selvicciola necropolis (Iscschia di Castro - Viterbo) - Among the findings of the Selvicciola necropolis, metal artefacts hold an important place. The excavations carried out since the year 1987 brought to light 30... more
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      ItalyEarly MetallurgyCopper ageRinaldone culture
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
The article is focused on the ethnographic material concerning a serpent's head in traditional European beliefs of the 19th-20th centuries. Based on the analyzed data the author provides a new interpretation of the «dead snake's head»... more
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      Neolithic of the BalkansAeneolithic in Central EuropeAeneolithic ArchaeologySnakes in traditional culture
The Post–Baden period is one of the most heterogeneous periods of Prehistory yielded many contradictions. Characteristic is the diversity of specific finds that can be identified with several cultural entities. The objective of this paper... more
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      Ceramics (Ceramics)Baden cultureAeneolithic Archaeology
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)EneolithicArchaeology of death and burialAltai
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    • Aeneolithic Archaeology
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      Copper ageAriusAeneolithic ArchaeologyAriusd-Cucuteni-Tripolye Culture
Im Jahre 1866 wurde dem Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum ein Grabensemble zugeeignet, das 1864 bei Geländeruntersuchungen in der Nähe von Langeneichstädt, damals Kreis Querfurt, zutage kam. Anhand der Funde wird die Funktion und Rolle... more
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      DendrochronologyNeolithic ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Lithic Technology
The Iberian Peninsula, wilh an extension of 581.600 km2, a great geological diversity and hundred of archaeological sites with recent prehistory chronologies, results an interesting territory for the Iithic raw materials study and their... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Portugal (Archaeology)Portugal
Just like the majority of the micro-zones in the Carpathian Basin, the Lower Mureş Valley and the Crişul Alb Valley follow the pattern of onset and development of the first metal objects. The first artifacts made of copper have been... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRomanian HistoryNeolithic Archaeology
The study of the excavation record and of the materials from the Fosso Conicchio’s hypogeous structure (Viterbo) allowed the Authors to put forward a new interpretation about this exceptional “Bell-Beaker” discovery from Central... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryBell Beakers (Archaeology)Archaeology of Ritual and MagicEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)
The territory of Moravia, which is situated in the Carpathian Foredeep and bordered on the east by the Carpathians and on the west by the Bohemian Massif, created a natural corridor between the Middle Danube region in the south and the... more
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      Funnel Beaker CultureBaden cultureAeneolithic Archaeology
This study examines a polycultural site Hradiště u Louky located in southwestern Moravia. The main aim is to introduce a new archaeological and historical model based on data from the surface survey, metal detecting and probing. Mainly... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMedieval HistoryZooarchaeology
INFORMASJONSBLAD - Årgang 14. Nr. 4. - 2015. Skjeberg Historielag. - Arkeologi- og Kulturminnekomiteen.
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      Aeneolithic ArchaeologyTidligneolitkumTraktebegerkulturen, yngre steinalderMangekantøkser
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      GeographyNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Portugal (Archaeology)
Copper age goods in Central Italy, though rather common in cemeteries, are rare in settlements, and of a different kind. This apparently uneven distribution raises questions about its meaning: is it due to the different rate of investiga-... more
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      Copper ageAeneolithic in Central Italy; Mortuary PracticesEuropean Copper and Bronze Age – Archaeometallurgy – Prehistoric Metalworking in Social Context – Settlement Archaeology – Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeology – Neolithic – Theory / Cultural Anthropology – Material Culture StudiesCopper Alloys
U radu su tipološki i petrografski analizirane 22 eneolitičke glačane kamene alatke iz špilje Vindije (Hrvatsko zagorje, SZ Hrvatska) koje su dio fundusa Arheološkog odjela Gradskog muzeja Varaždin. Razvrstane su u dvije osnovne... more
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      Archaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)Prehistoric polished stone toolsCopper ageAeneolithic Archaeology
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      GeographyNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Portugal (Archaeology)
Studiile din ultima vreme, care au drept subiect ansamblurile industriei litice abordate în perspectivă diacronică, acoperind palierul cronologic și cultural al culturii Kodjadermen-Gumelnița-Karanovo VI (în continuare K-G-K VI), permit... more
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      Flint (Archaeology)Aeneolithic Archaeology
Studie byla publikována roku 2010 v časopise ,,Archeologie ve středních Čechách" (ročník 14) / The study was published in 2010 in the journal "Archeology in Central Bohemia" (volume 14).
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoric SettlementPrehistoric Europe (Archaeology)
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)Aeneolithic Archaeology
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyCopper ageEneolithic in Central EuropeStarčevo-Criş culture
Recent archaeological examinations include an increasing amount of natural science analyses. They are often carried out by external specialists and their results are often accepted by archaeologists without question. This may lead to... more
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      Phytolith AnalysisArchaeology of Central AsiaGround stone toolsAeneolithic Archaeology
Tripollian culture is well-known due to its mega-settlements, figurines, painted pottery. Lithic inventory is less commonly known and thus represents an open field for archaeological analysis. This paper treats the materials of site... more
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      ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic ArchaeologyLithic Technology
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      GeographyNeolithic ArchaeologyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Portugal (Archaeology)
Neslovicko administrativně náleží západní části Jihomoravského kraje, z geomorfologické-ho hlediska pak leží na pomezí brněnské kotliny a Vysočiny. Členitý reliéf, poměrně hustá síť vodních toků a blízké zdroje kvalitních surovin zřejmě... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyStone axes (Archaeology)
The Jačmica cave is one of the many prehistoric sites in Istria. The archaeologist Alberto Puschi, was the first to mention it within the context of an archaeological site. He explored this cave and a few nearby ones in the 19th century.... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)PrehistoryIstria
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      Flint (Archaeology)Lithic TechnologyRomanian ArchaeologyCucuteni-Tripolye culture
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      Fortified Settlements (Archaeology)FortificationsCopper ageAeneolithic Archaeology
In this article we present an archaeological complex belonging to the end Copper Age found in Oradea – Cireşelor street. This complex was uncovered during of an preventive archaeological research caused by the construction of a... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyCopper ArtefactsCopper ageAeneolithic in Central Europe
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    • Aeneolithic Archaeology
The collection comes from mega-settlement Nebelivka (Trypillia B2 - Cucuteni). The flints form several groups. The largest group are curated tools from imported flint. Notable is a find of geometric microlith.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyLithicsPrehistory
Investigations of Trypillia site by Vikentij Khvoika (1897-1907) and contemporary situation with this site and colection of finds.
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      History of ScienceCucuteni-Tripolye cultureCucuteni-Trypillian cultureAeneolithic Archaeology