Afan Oromo
Most downloaded papers in Afan Oromo
On the other hand, Jan Assman cannot possibly deceive every one! His interpretation of the pictorial presentation of the evil worshipped by Hyksos as god cannot be left so incomplete. Certainly, the Hyksos worshipped Seth (Zety) and... more
Following the death of Ramesses XI, Egypt entered into a chaotic situation of multi-division that lasted more than 300 years. The high priests of Amun of Thebes had risen to power during the century-long period of the successors of... more
Natural Language processing is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistic and computer science studied under the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that gave birth to an allied area called 'Computational Linguistic' which focuses on processing... more
Natural Language processing is an interdisciplinary branch of linguistic and computer science studied under the Artificial Intelligence (AI) that gave birth to an allied area called ‘Computational Linguistic’ which focuses on processing... more
In questa presentazione vorrei proporre parte di un lavoro che, nelle sue intenzioni di fondo, vorrebbe raccogliere lo spunto offerto dal prof. Ventura, volto a donare uno sguardo più profondo alla letteratura del sufismo che rientra... more