Algorithmic Composition
Recent papers in Algorithmic Composition
In the field of computational creativity, the area of automatic music generation deals with techniques that are able to automatically compose human-enjoyable music. Although investigations in the area started recently, numerous... more
Automatic music composition is a fascinating field within computational creativity. While different Artificial Intelligence techniques have been used for tackling this task, Planning an approach for solving complex combinatorial problems... more
Music composition is a highly interdisciplinary process.To understand it deeply, a number of approaches have been used from different fields, such as musicology, music theory, music cognition and philosophy. During recent decades,... more
In this paper we survey the use of different AI methods for algorithmic composition, present their advantages and disadvantages, discuss some important general issues and propose desirable future prospects
In this paper we survey the use of different AI methods for algorithmic composition, present their advantages and disadvantages, discuss some important general issues and propose desirable future prospects
With regard to the the idea of a "meaningful taxonomy" of interactive computerbased methods of musical creation, it should be borne in mind that terms such as "intelligent instrument", "algorithmic composition", and "interactive... more
This paper presents an end-user interface that allows real time parametric control of sound events. It is an interactive environment in which Evolutionary Computation is applied to Algorithmic Composition. This system uses genetic... more
We discuss here the function of the concept of algorithm in the musical production of non-computational works, generalizing the idea proposing it as an adequate tool for the conception of open works. The paper considers also the strategic... more
Palestra no INRIA. Université de Rennes 1, França. 2012
Modeling music theories with computer programs has attracted composers and scholars for a long time. On the one hand, the resulting programs can serve as algorithmic composition tools. On the other hand, such an approach leads to a better... more
In this article a number of musical features are extracted from a large musical database and these were subsequently used to build four composer-classification models. The first two models, an if–then rule set and a decision tree, result... more
The URL posted here links to general info, streamable audio files, downloadable .pdf file of the 24 page liner notes booklet for this album, which consists of some of the music I created at Bell Labs. during the 1970s on the GROOVE hybrid... more
This dissertation presents the formalization of structural aspects within selected countermelodies by the Brazilian popular music composer Pixinguinha; with the intention of proposing a compositional model of idiomatic countermelody.... more
How spatialised sound and spatialisation may be integrated with the composition process.
Digital computers offer unprecedented flexibility and accuracy for the composition and performance of polytemporal music involving multiple time streams: polyrhythms, metric modulations, multiple tempi, and precisely calculated... more
Following a lifetime of creative work and investigation into algorithmic composition and microtonality, I became interested in the speculative mathematical music theory of Ervin Wilson. Encountering his work spurred me on to further... more
Digital sound synthesis can be described in terms of discrete operations applied to signals according to given criteria. The process of organising such operations can be subject to creative variation and generative algorithms. This... more
This paper presents SonaGraph, a framework and an application for a simplified but efficient harmonic spectrum analyzer suitable for assisted and algorithmic composition. The model is inspired by the analog Sonagraph and relies on a... more
There has been a significant amount of work implementing systems for algorithmic composition with the intention of targeting specific emotional responses in the listener, but a full review of this work is not currently available. This gap... more
In video games, music must often change quickly from one piece to another due to player interaction, such as when moving between different areas. This quick change in music can often sound jarring if the two pieces are very different from... more
In this study, psychological perspectives are used to discuss the emotional impact of music. The main aim of this research is to define a set of compositional elements that can influence, in a predictable manner, the emotional state of... more
CHROMOSCALE presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the relationship between different numerical bases... more
This report accompanies the author’s graduation project for fulfillment of the EMMA at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht. In chapter 1 the research question and objectives of the project are stated, which can be summarized as... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
In this thesis, I seek to explore alternative ways of thinking about sound material and different strategies to treat this material in time, namely by the usage of generative algorithms and a network-inspired data flow. For this purpose,... more
Despite the still-prevalent but essentially nineteenth century perception of the Western creative artist, an algorithmic approach to music composition has been in evidence in Western classical music for at least one thousand years. The... more
This article deals with the philosophical idea of worldmaking pursued through techné, meaning the fusion of the technical means of artistic creation, theorizing, and analysis, but specifically occurring in a feedback loop involving... more
Post-Anthropocentric Creativity; Call for Submissions, special issue of Digital Creativity, 27:1, January 2016; Guest editors: Stanislav Roudavski and Jon McCormack. This special issue aims to audit existing conceptions of creativity in... more
Esta pesquisa sistematiza um catálogo de experimentos constituído de estudos musicais e seus algoritmos geradores, organizando procedimentos para composição assistida por computador orientados por regras derivadas de análises musicais de... more
This paper discusses pre-composition within the context of algorithmic composition.
This research presents the design, usage, and evaluation of a highly generic music con- straint system called Strasheela. Strasheela simplifies the definition of musical constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) by predefining building... more
Morris's Arc (1988) for String Quartet flows; it flows with substance, and with purpose. By flowing, I don’t just mean in the trivial sense that all music flows because it is unfolding in time and time flows. Rather I mean that there is... more
RESUMEN En el presente artículo, se abordan algunos de los desafíos y características más relevantes de la creación musical en la era post-digital, desde el particular punto de vista de un compositor. Se otorga un especial énfasis a tres... more
Is the margin for atypical musics in worship more accommodating than we think? Considering the vastness of popular art forms, what other musics or music practices beyond the pop-influenced Praise Team might also resonate within worship... more