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In this paper, we study a multi-period portfolio selection model in which a generic class of probability distributions is assumed for the returns of the risky asset. An investor with a power utility function rebalances a portfolio... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconomicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
The main objective of the work described is to find a pricing model for weather derivatives with payouts depending on temperature. Historical data are used to suggest a stochastic process that describes the evolution of the temperature.... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic ProcessMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo
This paper determines first‐passage time distributions with a twofold emphasis on the dynamics of the state variables and interest rate uncertainty. Underlyings follow two‐dimensional geometric Brownian motions, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMonte Carlo SimulationApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
The adoption of copula functions is suggested in order to price bivariate contingent claims. Copulas enable the marginal distributions extracted from vertical spreads in the options markets to be imbedded in a multivariate pricing kernel.... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingHistorical DataNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
In this paper models with transaction costs for pricing of European options using mixed fractional Brownian motion (fbm) and Partial differential equation (PDE) model are considered. Investigation on price sensitivity to volatility and... more
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      Modeling and SimulationApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingMathematics, Computational and Quantitative finance, Option pricing and Stochastic analysis.
We consider in this article the arbitrage free pricing of double knock-out barrier options with payoffs that are arbitrary functions of the underlying asset, where we allow exponentially time-varying barrier levels in an otherwise... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
We treat the problem of option pricing under the Stochastic Volatility (SV) model: the volatility of the underlying asset is a function of an exogenous stochastic process, typically assumed to be meanreverting. Assuming that only discrete... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic ProcessStochastic VolatilityApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
In this paper we present a mean-reverting jump diffusion model for the electricity spot price and derive the corresponding forward in closed-form. Based on historical spot data and forward data from England and Wales we calibrate the... more
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      Applied MathematicsElectricity MarketElectricitySeasonality
In the setting of the Black-Scholes option pricing market model, the seller of a European option must trade continuously in time. This is, of course, unrealistic from the practical viewpoint. He must then follow a discrete trading... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
The recent liberalization of the electricity and gas markets has resulted in the growth of energy exchanges and modelling problems. In this paper, we modelize jointly gas and electricity spot prices using a mean-reverting model which fits... more
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      Applied MathematicsPower PlantElectricity MarketApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
We consider the pricing of a range of volatility derivatives, including volatility and variance swaps. Under risk-neutral valuation we provide closed form formulae for volatility-average and variance swaps for a variety of diffusion and... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
The Beal Conjecture, A x + B y = C z , is analyzed as of a proof based on selfsame multiples through addition and the presentation of counterexamples. The Beal Conjecture requests the presentation of counterexamples based upon selfsame... more
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    • Applied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
Barrick Gold Corporation is the largest gold mining company in the world, with its headquarters in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It has mines spread across the world like in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, USA, Saudi Arabia, etc. In... more
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      FinanceFinancial MarketsFutures and OptionsQuantitative Finance
Weather influences our daily lives and choices and has an enormous impact on corporate revenues and earnings. Weather derivatives differ from most derivatives in that the underlying weather cannot be traded and their market is relatively... more
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      Applied MathematicsSeasonalityRisk factorsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
The paper considers the pricing of a range of volatility derivatives, including volatility and variance swaps and swaptions. Under risk-neutral valuation closed-form formulae for volatility-average and variance swaps for a variety of... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
The “plain vanilla” swap is an agreement to exchange interest rate payments on nominally identical principal. In the plain vanilla swap a floating interest rate is swapped for a fixed rate. These swaps are made between corporations with... more
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      Applied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingInterest rate swapFinancial derivatives, Interest rate swap
We are interested in pricing rainfall options written on precipitation at specific locations. We assume the existence of a tradeable financial instrument in the market whose price process is affected by the quantity of rainfall. We then... more
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      Applied MathematicsMonte Carlo MethodsSeasonalityApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
This paper considers the pricing of contingent claims using an approach developed and used in insurance pricing. The approach is of interest and signi…cance because of the increased integration of insurance and …nancial markets and also... more
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      Applied MathematicsNon Expected UtilityApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingFinancial Market
We formulate and analyze an inverse problem using derivatives prices to obtain an implied filtering density on volatility's hidden state. Stochastic volatility is the unobserved state in a hidden Markov model (HMM) and can be tracked... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsFinance and Investment Banking
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic VolatilityCalibrationPiecewise Linear
The aim of this article is to provide a systematic analysis of the conditions such that Fourier transform valuation formulas are valid in a general framework; i.e. when the option has an arbitrary payoff function and depends on the path... more
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      Applied MathematicsOption ValuationStochastic VolatilityApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
In this paper we will consider a setting where a large number of agents are trading commodity bundles. Assuming that agents of the same type have a certain utility attached to each transaction, we construct a statistical equilibrium which... more
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      Applied MathematicsCommodity pricesApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted a wide range of disciplines where close interactions with the physical world are essential. The distributed sensing capabilities and the ease of deployment provided by a wireless... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics and ModellingApplied Mathematics and Computational ScienceApplied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
The main objective of this work is to find a pricing model for weather derivatives with payouts depending on temperature. We use historical data to first suggest a stochastic process that describes the evolution of the temperature. Since... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic ProcessMonte Carlo SimulationMonte Carlo
This paper unifies the classical theory of stochastic dominance and investor preferences with the recent literature on risk measures applied to the choice problem faced by investors. First we summarize the main stochastic dominance rules... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic dominanceUtility TheoryApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
Hedging interest rate exposures using interest rate futures contracts requires some knowledge of the volatility function of the interest rates. Use of historical data as well as interest rate options like caps and swaptions to estimate... more
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      Applied MathematicsKalman FilterState SpaceBootstrap
This paper concerns the pricing of American options with stochastic stopping time constraints expressed in terms of the states of a Markov process. Following the ideas of Menaldi et al., we transform the constrained into an unconstrained... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconomicsMonte Carlo SimulationOptimal Stopping
This paper unifies the classical theory of stochastic dominance and investor preferences with the recent literature on risk measures applied to the choice problem faced by investors. First we summarize the main stochastic dominance rules... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic dominanceUtility TheoryApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
Use is made of the duality property of random walks to develop a numerical method for the valuation of discrete-time lookback options. This method leads to a recursive numerical integration procedure which is fast, accurate and easy to... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical MethodRandom WalkApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
A stock loan is a contract whereby a stockholder uses shares as collateral to borrow money from a bank or financial institution. In , this contract is modeled as a perpetual American option with a time varying strike and analyzed in... more
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      Applied MathematicsPortfolio ManagementVariational Inequality ProblemsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
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      Applied MathematicsMonte CarloOptimal StoppingComputational Efficiency
Most energy and commodity markets exhibit mean-reversion and occasional distinctive price spikes, which results in demand for derivative products which protect the holder against high prices. To this end, in this paper we present exact... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsPhysicsEconomics
This article discusses the properties of the minimal entropy martingale measure in relation to the problem of real options valuations in multinomial lattices. The methods are used to determine the postponement option embedded in... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsOption pricing
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      Applied MathematicsComputational EfficiencyApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingTheoretical Framework
Index funds that track a benchmark, such as the market cap-weighted S&P 500 index, tend to have portfolio holdings biased towards slower-growth large-cap equities that result in the fund’s under-performance, especially in economic... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsFinance and Investment Banking
This paper considers the pricing of contingent claims using an approach developed and used in insurance pricing. The approach is of interest and signi…cance because of the increased integration of insurance and …nancial markets and also... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconomicsNon Expected UtilityApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
Market by order (MBO) data-a detailed feed of individual trade instructions for a given stock on an exchange-is arguably one of the most granular sources of microstructure information. While limit order books (LOBs) are implicitly derived... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputer ScienceEconomicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
Cornerstone asset pricing models, such as capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and arbitrage pricing theory (APT), yield theoretical predictions about the relationship between expected returns and exposure to systematic risk, as measured by... more
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      Applied MathematicsAsset PricingBetaCapital Asset Pricing Model
Accordind to the article we are going to demonstrate the appearance of explosions in three quantities in interest rate models with log-normally distributed rates in discrete time. (1) The expectation of the money market account in the... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsFinance and Investment Banking
The European sovereign debt crisis, started in the second half of 2011, has posed the problem for asset managers, trades and risk managers to assess sovereign default risk. In the reduced form framework, it is necessary to understand the... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsFinance and Investment Banking
Margrabe provides a pricing formula for an exchange option where the distributions of both stock prices are log-normal with correlated Wiener components. Merton has provided a formula for the price of a European call option on a single... more
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      Applied MathematicsFinancial EconomicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingLog-Normal Distribution
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      Applied MathematicsStatistical MechanicsFinancial time seriesStochastic Volatility
In a discrete setting, we develop a model for pricing a contingent claim in incomplete markets. Since hedging opportunities influence the price of a contingent claim, we first introduce the optimal hedging strategy assuming that a... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimizationInterior Point MethodsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
We present a model for pricing and hedging derivative securities and option portfolios in an environment where the volatility is not known precisely, but is assumed instead to lie between two extreme values min and max . These bounds... more
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      Applied MathematicsExtreme Value TheoryHedgingApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
The passport option is a call option on the balance of a trading account. The option holder retains the gain from trading, while the writer is liable for the loss. We establish pricing equations for various passport options including the... more
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      Applied MathematicsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricingNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsOption pricing
Weather influences our daily lives and choices and has an enormous impact on corporate revenues and earnings. Weather derivatives differ from most derivatives in that the underlying weather cannot be traded and their market is relatively... more
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      Applied MathematicsSeasonalityRisk factorsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
Weather influences our daily lives and choices and has an enormous impact on corporate revenues and earnings. Weather derivatives differ from most derivatives in that the underlying weather cannot be traded and their market is relatively... more
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      Applied MathematicsSeasonalityRisk factorsApplied mathematics-mathematical finance-option pricing
Financial time series exhibit two different type of non linear correlations: (i) volatility autocorrelations that have a very long range memory, on the order of years, and (ii) asymmetric return-volatility (or 'leverage') correlations... more
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      Applied MathematicsStatistical MechanicsFinancial time seriesStochastic Volatility
We propose a numerical method to price corporate bonds based on the model of default risk developed by Madan and Unal in [23]. In particular using a perturbation approach we derive two semi-explicit formulae that allows to approximate the... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical MethodCredit RiskDefault Risk
We treat the problem of option pricing under the Stochastic Volatility (SV) model: the volatility of the underlying asset is a function of an exogenous stochastic process, typically assumed to be meanreverting. Assuming that only discrete... more
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      Applied MathematicsStochastic ProcessEconomicsStochastic Volatility