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In this paper, we define a labelling-based justification status of the arguments in an argumentation framework. Our proposal allows for a more fine-grained notion of a justification status than the traditional extensions-based approaches.... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Indicates that everything standing on top of naive set theory is also proven.
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      Cognitive ScienceLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsSet TheoryComputer Science
Material de Apoyo Nro 1. Elemento: Contenido. Pregunta clave. Ejemplo. Tesis Afirmación cuya veracidad se intenta probar. ¿Qué se afirma? María es Chilena… Base Fundamento o dato a partir del cual se generará el argumento. ¿Por qué se... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)ArgumentationTranscendental ArgumentsLegal argumentation
In this paper, we closely examine the various ways in which a multi-party argumentative discussion—argumentative polylogue—can be analyzed in a dialectical framework. Our chief concern is that while multi-party and multi-position... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationDecision MakingComputer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
In this paper, we define a labelling-based justification status of the arguments in an argumentation framework. Our proposal allows for a more fine-grained notion of a justification status than the traditional extensions-based approaches.... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Basic, deceptively simple forms of critique.
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyTeaching and LearningEducation
The goal of this paper is to provide some arguments in favor of the use of agent technology in real word applications. It does so through the, as much as possible, detailed description of a multi-agent system in the context of a real... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Alzheimer's DiseaseSoftware ArchitectureMulti-Agent Systems
In the current paper we re-examine the three-step procedure with respect to argumentation for inference. It is observed that when viewing the argumentation process in a holistic way, one encounters several problems that tend to be... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Dialogue systems like MacKenzie's DC (MacKenzie 1979) and Hamblin's H (Hamblin 1970) often focus on letting a player put forward a claim and then (possibly iteratively) letting him provide reasons for this claim. In... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Socratic Method
In the current paper, we re-examine the connection between abstract argumentation and assumption-based argumentation. These two formalisms are often claimed to be equivalent in the sense that (a) evaluating an assumption based... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
This paper is aimed at presenting a preliminary study on argument schemes. Argumentation theory has provided several sets of forms such as deductive, inductive and presumptive patterns of reasoning. The earliest accounts of argument... more
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      Discourse AnalysisArtificial IntelligenceEducationRhetoric
This paper presents the PORTRAIT (PORTfolio constRuction based on ArgumentatIon Technology) tool for constructing Mutual Funds investment portfolios. This work, from the field of finance, uses argumentation-based decision making that... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Mutual FundsPortfolio ManagementDecision Support Systems
We give a proof theory for a modal logic which was defined semantically by McCain and Turner: they applied it to causal reasoning, and called it a logic of causality. We argue that it is, more properly, a logic of explanation (McCain and... more
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      Proof TheoryArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Causal reasoningCut-Elimination
... If A is an argument then we write A+ for the set of arguments attacked by A. Simi-larly, if Args is a set of arguments then we write Args+ to ... Lab1,A2, Lab2,...,An, Labn] (n ≥ 0) where Lab0 is the all-in labelling, each Ai (1 ≤ i ≤... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Ambient Intelligence environments consist of various devices that collect, process, change and share the available context information. The imperfect nature of context, the open and dynamic nature of ambient environments, and the special... more
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      Computer ScienceLogic ProgrammingDefeasible Reasoning (Computer Science)Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
The research in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) has nowadays extended its attention to the study of persuasive technologies. Following this line of research, in this paper we focus on websites and mobile applications in the e-commerce... more
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      Human Computer InteractionPhilosophy of TechnologyCommunicationLogic
M. Caminada/Semi-Stable Semantic* 123 3. Semi-Stable Semantics The notion of semi-stable semantics, as put forward in the current paper, is quite similar to that of preferred semantics. The only difference is that not Args is maximized,... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Computational Models of Argument
In the current paper, we re-examine the connection between formal argumentation and logic programming from the perspective of semantics. We observe that one particular translation from logic programs to instantiated argumentation (the one... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
The semi-stable semantics for formal argumentation has been introduced as a way of approximating stable semantics in situations where no stable extensions exist. Semi-stable semantics can be located between stable semantics and preferred... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)
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      Computer ScienceLogic ProgrammingDefeasible Reasoning (Computer Science)Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Argumentation theory underwent a significant development in the Fifties and Sixties: its revival is usually connected to Perelman's criticism of formal logic and the development of informal logic. Interestingly enough it was during this... more
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      RoboticsBioinformaticsCognitive ScienceComputer Science
In this paper, we examine an argument-based semantics called semi-stable semantics. Semi-stable semantics is quite close to traditional stable semantics in the sense that every stable extension is also a semi-stable extension. One of the... more
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      Logic ProgrammingArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Paraconsistent logicNonmonotonic Reasoning
This paper presents an overview on the state of the art of semantics for abstract argumentation, covering both some of the most influential literature proposals and some general issues concerning semantics definition and evaluation. As to... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
n the current paper, we re-examine how abstract argumentation can be formulated in terms of labellings, and how the resulting theory can be applied in the field of modal logic. In particular, we are able to express the (complete)... more
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      Modal LogicArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)
In this paper, we prove the correspondence between complete extensions in abstract argumentation and 3-valued stable models in logic programming. This result is in line with earlier work of [6] that identified the correspondence between... more
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      Logic ProgrammingArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Philosophy and Religious StudiesMathematical Sciences
In this paper, we present a discussion game for argumentation under stable semantics. Our work is inspired by Vreeswijk and Prakken, who have defined a similar game for preferred semantics. In the current paper, we restate Vreeswijk and... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Page 1. Studies in Logic, Vol. 3, No. 4 (2010): 12–29 PII: 1674-3202(2010)-04-0012-18 A Labelling-Based Justification Status of Arguments Yining Wu University of Martin Caminada University of Luxembourg... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
This work is a contribution to prioritized reasoning in logic programming in the presence of preference relations involving atoms. The technique, providing a new interpretation for prioritized logic programs, is inspired by the semantics... more
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      Cognitive ScienceApplied MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceEpistemology
In this paper, we present a discussion game for argumentation under stable semantics. Our work is inspired by Vreeswijk and Prakken, who have defined a similar game for preferred semantics. In the current paper, we restate Vreeswijk and... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
This document presents an overview of some of the standard semantics for formal argumentation, including Dung’s notions of grounded, preferred, complete and stable semantics, as well as newer notions like Caminada’s semi-stable semantics... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Judgment aggregation is a field in which individuals are required to vote for or against a certain decision (the conclusion) while providing reasons for their choice. The reasons and the conclusion are logically connected propositions.... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Computational Social ChoiceJudgment Aggregation
In the current paper, we reexamine the connection between formal argumentation and logic programming from the perspective of semantics. We observe that one particular translation from logic programs to instantiated argumentation (the one... more
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      StatisticsLogic ProgrammingArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Argumentation Theory
In the current paper, we reexamine the connection between formal argumentation and logic programming from the perspective of semantics. We observe that one particular translation from logic programs to instantiated argumentation (the one... more
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      StatisticsLogic ProgrammingArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Argumentation Theory
We extend the ASP IC + framework for structured argumentation so as to allow applications of the reasoning by cases inference scheme for defeasible arguments. Given an argument with conclusion 'A or B', an argument based on A with... more
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      Defeasible Reasoning (Computer Science)Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Nonmonotonic ReasoningDefeasible Logic
Judgment aggregation is a field in which individuals are required to vote for or against a certain decision (the conclusion) while providing reasons for their choice. The reasons and the conclusion are logically connected propositions.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Judgment and decision makingArgumentation
This document presents an overview of some of the standard semantics for formal argumentation, including Dung's notions of grounded, preferred, complete and stable semantics, as well as newer notions like Caminada's semi-stable... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Argumentation has become an Artificial Intelligence keyword for the last fifteen years, especially in sub-fields such as nonmonotonic reasoning, inconsistency-tolerant reasoning, multiple-source information sys-tems, natural language... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Boolean Satisfiability
In the current paper, we re-examine the connection between formal argumentation and logic programming from the perspective of semantics. We observe that one particular translation from logic programs to instantiated argumentation (the one... more
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      StatisticsArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Approximate ReasoningNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
In this article, we are interested in the annotation of transcriptions of human-human dialogue taken from meeting records. We first propose a meeting content model where conversational acts are interpreted with respect to their... more
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      Information RetrievalArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Computational LinguisticsArgument Structure
In traditional mathematical models of argumentation an argument often consists of a chain of rules or reasons, beginning with premisses and leading to a conclusion that is endorsed by the party that put forward the argument. In informal... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Socratic Method
In this paper, we present a discussion game for argumentation under stable semantics. Our work is inspired by Vreeswijk and Prakken, who have defined a similar game for preferred semantics. In the current paper, we restate Vreeswijk and... more
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    • Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Semi-stable semantics offer a further extension based formalism by which the concept of “collection of justified arguments” in abstract argumentation frameworks may be described. In contrast to the better known stable semantics, one... more
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      Computational ComplexityArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Abstract. In the current contribution, an application for constructing mutual fund portfolios is presented. This approach comprises several Intelligent Methods, namely an argumentation based decision making framework and a hybrid... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceEvolutionary algorithms
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Ambient Intelligence environments consist of various devices that collect, process, change and share the available context information. The imperfect nature of context, the open and dynamic nature of ambient environments, and the special... more
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      Computer ScienceLogic ProgrammingDefeasible Reasoning (Computer Science)Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)
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      Computer ScienceDistributed DatabaseArtificial IntelligenceInformation Theory
... of Crete, Greece 2Laboratory of Informatics Paris Descartes (LIPADE) – Paris Descartes University, France {nikolaos.spanoudakis, pavlos}@mi ... The agent development process using the Agent Systems Engineering... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Over three decades of research on scientific argumentation supports the notion that constructing, critiquing, and refining evidence-based arguments are not only central to the practice of science (Allchin 2012; Latour 1999) but also to... more
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      Educational TechnologyArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)ArgumentationArgumentation, Critical Thinking, DIscourse
Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA) has been shown to subsume various other non-monotonic reasoning formalisms, among them normal logic programming (LP). We reexamine the relationship between ABA and LP and show that normal LP also... more
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      Logic ProgrammingArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)