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In computational models of argumentation, argument justification has attracted more attention than statement justification, and significant sensitivity losses are identifiable when dealing with the justification of statements by otherwise... more
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      Computer ScienceArgumentationArgumentation TheoryLabelling
Abduction has been on the back burner in logic programming, as abduction can be too difficult to implement, and costly to perform, in particular if abductive solutions are not tabled. On the other hand, current Prolog systems, with their... more
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      Computer ScienceProgramming languageflap
This paper reports on our work for defining a methodology for applying energy and other polices into smart buildings that use Internet of Things enabled devices. The goal is to automate decisions on a variety of issues where there is a... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Conflict ResolutionInternet of Things (IoT)Meta-Policy
The current implementation provides a demonstration of a number of basic argumentation components that can be applied in the context of multi-agent systems. These components include algorithms for calculating argumentation semantics, as... more
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      Computer ScienceArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)ArgumentationArgumentation Theory
Gorgias Cloud offers argumentation-based decision making as a service. The service includes an integrated development environment for the theories, testing and execution based on user scenarios, and, finally, an API for use by user... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Argumentation TheoryCloud ComputingSoftware as a Service
We present a new priority-based approach to reasoning with specificity which subsumes inheritance reasoning. The new approach differs from other priority-based approaches in the literature in the way priority between defaults is handled.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
This book represents the conclusion of ten years of research into dissociation. The results of this research have been published, bit by bit, in various media: journals, conference proceedings, anthologies. This monograph brings together... more
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    • Argumentative
In Context' is aimed at giving contextualization its rightful place in the study of argumentation. First, Frans H. van Eemeren explains the crucial role of context in a reconstructive analysis of argumentative discourse. He distinguishes... more
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      SociologyPsychologyComputer ScienceEpistemology
This paper reports on a program for the development of cognitive systems based on user specifications expressed in Natural Language in the form of high-level guidelines for the desired behaviour of those systems. Language analysis from... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Gorgias-B is a new tool that supports a methodology for the development of real life applications. It can be used by nonargumentation experts generating and testing automatically the target argumentation theory in Gorgias.
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      Computer ScienceArgumentation TheoryComputational Models of Argument
It can be argued that linguistic aspects of argumentation have attracted scholarly attention ever since the foundation of rhetoric, which originally developed as the study of means of persuasion, and thus, to a fair extent, that... more
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    • Languages
Gorgias Cloud offers argumentation-based decision making as a service. The service includes an integrated development environment for the theories, testing and execution based on user scenarios, and, finally, an API for use by user... more
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      Argumentation Systems (Computer Science)Argumentation TheoryCloud ComputingSoftware as a Service
This paper reports on a program for the development of cognitive systems based on user specifications expressed in Natural Language in the form of high-level guidelines for the desired behaviour of those systems. Language analysis from... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)
Gorgias-B is a new tool that supports a methodology for the development of real life applications. It can be used by nonargumentation experts generating and testing automatically the target argumentation theory in Gorgias.
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      Computer ScienceArgumentation TheoryComputational Models of Argument
Recursive argumentation frameworks (RAF) take into account the notion of higher-order attacks. Their semantics are defined in terms of structures. A labelling version of these semantics is defined in this report, and their correspondence... more
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      Computer ScienceArgumentation TheorySemantics (Computer Science)Labelling
This paper presents the past and present efforts of developing real-life applications of argumentation with the Gorgias preference-based structured argumentation framework of Logic Programming with Priorities. Since its free availability... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligencePhilosophy
In the paper, a model of debate is developed which includes a model of argument. When starting interaction, the participants have opposite communicative goals. They are exchanging arguments and counter-arguments and one of them has... more
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    • Computer Science
In this paper we introduce a novel family of semantics called weakly complete semantics. Differently from Dung's complete semantics, weakly complete semantics employs a mechanism called undecidedness blocking by which the label undecided... more
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      Computer ScienceProof-Theoretic SemanticsSemantics (Computer Science)Denotational Semantics
A macroscope is proposed and tested here for the discovery of the unique argumentative footprint that characterizes how a collective (e.g., group, online community) manages differences and pursues disagreement through argument in a... more
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      SociologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyPragmatics
When integrating data coming from multiple different sources we are faced with the possibility of incon-sistency in databases. A paraconsistent approach for knowledge base integration allows keeping inconsistent information and reasoning... more
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In the current paper, we reexamine the connection between abstract argumentation and assumption-based argumentation. These two formalisms are often claimed to be equivalent in the sense that (a) evaluating an assumption based... more
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      EpistemologyArgumentation Systems (Computer Science)Argumentation TheorySemantics (Computer Science)
Dung's argumentation frameworks have been applied for over twenty years to the analysis of argument justification. This representation focuses on arguments and the attacks among them, abstracting away from other features like the internal... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceGame Theory
Dung's argumentation frameworks have been applied for over twenty years to the analysis of argument justification. This representation focuses on arguments and the attacks among them, abstracting away from other features like the internal... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceGame Theory
Part of the idea of this thesis originated during a lecture of Arno Lodder at the Vereniging Voor Logica (VVL). To me, the idea of a mathematical description of what rational dialogue or argumentation should look like sounded very... more
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Structured argumentation is a family of formal approaches for the handling of defeasible, potentially inconsistent information. Many models for structured argumentation distinguish between strict and defeasible inference rules. Defeasible... more
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      Computer ScienceDefeasible Reasoning (Computer Science)InferenceArgumentation Theory
Dung's abstract theory of argumentation has become established as a general framework for various species of non-monotonic reasoning, and reasoning in the presence of conflict. A Dung framework consists of arguments related by attacks,... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceEpistemologyProof Theory
The field of computational models of argument aims to provide support for automated reasoning through algorithms that operate on arguments and attack relations between them. In this paper we present a new labelling algorithm that lists... more
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      Computer ScienceArgumentation TheoryLabelling
A Dung argumentation framework (AF) is a pair (A,R): A is a set of abstract arguments and R ⊆ A×A is a binary relation, so-called the attack relation, for capturing the conflicting arguments. Labeling based algorithms for enumerating... more
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      Cognitive ScienceApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
We present a new priority-based approach to reasoning with specificity which subsumes inheritance reasoning. The new approach differs from other priority-based approaches in the literature in the way priority between defaults is handled.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceStatistics
In the current paper, we reexamine the connection between formal argumentation and logic programming from the perspective of semantics. We observe that one particular translation from logic programs to instantiated argumentation (the one... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceStatisticsLogic Programming
The purpose of this paper is to study the fundamental mechanism, humans use in argumentation, and to explore ways to implement this mechanism on computers. We do so by first developing a theory for argumentation whose central notion is... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligencePhilosophy
This paper compares an international two-index model to an International Arbitrage Pricing Theory (IAPT) two-factor model to evaluate the performance of 37 U.S.-based international mutual funds over the 1985-1993 period. Results from the... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconomicsPerformance EvaluationMutual Fund
We present a new priority-based approach to reasoning with specificity which subsumes inheritance reasoning. The new approach differs from other priority-based approaches in the literature in the way priority between defaults is handled.... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
In today's 'networked' public sphere, arguers are faced with countless controversies roaming out there. Knowing what is at stake at any point in time, and keeping under control the contribution one's arguments make to the different... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophyCommunicationArgumentation
In this paper, I critically examine the main accounts of goals in argumentative discourse, aiming to formulate an account that is suitable for the examination of public political arguments, where typically multiple legitimate goals are... more
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      MathematicsPhilosophyEpistemologyArgumentation Theory
The ASPIC + framework is intermediate in abstraction between Dung's argumentation framework and concrete instantiating logics. This paper generalises ASPIC + to accommodate classical logic instantiations, and adopts a new proposal for... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAbstractionArgumentation Theory
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      Computer ScienceProof TheoryArgumentation TheoryArgumentation artificial intelligence
The ASPIC + framework is intermediate in abstraction between Dung's argumentation framework and concrete instantiating logics. This paper generalises ASPIC + to accommodate classical logic instantiations, and adopts a new proposal for... more
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Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks (BAFs) are an important class of argumentation frameworks useful for capturing, reasoning with, and deriving conclusions from debates. They have the potential to make solid contributions to real-world... more
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      Computer ScienceArgumentation TheoryRepresentation Politics
Whilst computational argumentation and computational explanation have both been studied intensively in AI, models that incorporate both types of reasoning are only just starting to emerge. The two forms of reasoning need to be clearly... more
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In the current paper, we reexamine the connection between formal argumentation and logic programming from the perspective of semantics. We observe that one particular translation from logic programs to instantiated argumentation (the one... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceStatisticsLogic Programming
Argumentative debates are a powerful tool for resolving conflicts and reaching agreements in open environments such as on-line communities. Here we introduce an argumentation framework to structure argumentative debates. Our framework... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceArgumentation TheoryArgumentative
Argumentation-based debates are mechanisms that a group can use to resolve conflicting opinions and hence reach agreement. They have many potential applications in on-line communities and other open environments. In this paper, we provide... more
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      SociologyComputer ScienceEpistemologySocial Choice Theory
This paper uses argumentation as the basis for modeling and implementing the relevant legislation of an EU country relating to medical data access. Users can consult a web application for determining their allowed level of access to a... more
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      Computer ScienceArgumentationArgumentation TheoryModular Systems (Architecture)
An argumentation framework can be seen as expressing, in an abstract way, the conflicting information of an underlying logical knowledge base. This conflicting information often allows for the presence of more than one possible reasonable... more
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      Computer ScienceEpistemologyBelief Revision (Computer Science)Argumentation
COMMA 2012, Vienna " The science of Dialectic, in one sense of the word, is mainly concerned to tabulate and analyse dishonest stratagems " Arthur Schopenhauer, The Art of Controversy (1896)
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      SociologyPsychologyComputer ScienceComputational Models of Argument
On the Web, there is always a need to aggregate opinions from the crowd (as in posts, social networks, forums, etc.). Different mechanisms have been implemented to capture these opinions such as Like in Facebook, Favorite in Twitter,... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed ComputingCollective Intelligence
We define abstract proof procedures for performing credulous and sceptical non-monotonic reasoning, with respect to the argumentation-theoretic formulation of non-monotonic reasoning proposed in [1]. Appropriate instances of the proposed... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceEpistemologyProof Theory
Better use of biomedical knowledge is an increasingly pressing concern for tackling challenging diseases and for generally improving the quality of healthcare. The quantity of biomedical knowledge is enormous and it is rapidly increasing.... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceStatisticsComputational Mechanics