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En esta tesis se aborda la obra fotográfica de Steven Meisel (1954–), caracterizada por un posicionamiento activista dentro del mundo de la moda, en el que se inscribe, que lo hacen singular. En la hipótesis principal se señala cómo un... more
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      Fashion PhotographySubversionNarrativityNarratividad
The notion of prelude, in my proposal of use, stands a conceptual frame to address two fundamental questions related to the production of art, as well as the production of thought: the question of beginning, and the question of finitude.... more
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      Philosophy of TimeCultural ProductionArt and TimeArtistic Production
Introduction. This article aims to identify the different themes explored in the comic strips published by the Basque newspaper Egin (1977/98) during its first year of operations. This nationalist newspaper had a great impact on the... more
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      DemocratisationPressLocal IdentityCritical viewing
This is a case study of a class of university students who learned to use paint system software. The results indicate that any descriptions of computers as either controlling student production processes and ideas for imagery or as just... more
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      Computer GraphicsArt EducationComputers in EducationArts-Based Learning