Asemic Writing
Most downloaded papers in Asemic Writing
The work of Japanese novelist Kenji Siratori poses the reader with a contentious question: at what point does literary experimentalism transcend the circumference of literacy? Siratori’s Blood Electric (2002), evokes “the coming to... more
The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-analysis: A Selection is a typographical artwork inspired by appropriation art, conceptual writing, and visual poetry. In its complete form as a 142-page printed book, the project operates as a... more
In this article, I present a framework for the analysis of postlinguistic visual poetry through a discussion of several works by Canadian poets derek beaulieu and Donato Mancini. This poetry eschews words to manipulate parts or hints of... more
In this text I wish to delve into the creation of textual content as well as its visualization through typographic design mechanisms inside three dimensional virtual worlds, which are known as the metaverse. I am particularly focused upon... more
Since the beginning of the 20th century, all over the world, several authors not associated by common paradigms,
started to explore new forms of language which are nowadays referred to as “asemic writing”.
started to explore new forms of language which are nowadays referred to as “asemic writing”.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, all over the world, several authors not associated by common paradigms, started to explore new forms of language which are nowadays referred to as " asemic writing ". As of the '20s, for example,... more
Visual Poetry: Key Historic Figures from Flanders in an International Context This paper compares historiographic and object-related definitions of visual and concrete poetry. An integrated definition is proposed, situating visual poetry... more
One of the last interests of Roland Barthes was what he called illegible writings. This article aims to analyze the perspective on writing of the French thinker in the 1970s, seeking to justify a brief reflection about some... more
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This document on the British Library MS 73525 f.7r "asemic writing hoax" is a bit of a mess, perhaps, but I see there's a table of contents, so that might guide you through it. You can search each Table of Contents entry in Advanced... more
A review about a special issue about the Lettrist movement, dated 1971. Présentation d'un ouvrage illustré sur le mouvement lettriste publié par George Fall, un éditeur intéressé par les mouvements artistiques surréalistes et... more
A response to The Last Vispo Anthology, examining up close a select number of works (by Spencer Selby, Fernando Aguiar, Satu Kaikkonen, Oded Ezer and Jim Andrews). This review closes with some thoughts on 2 French anthologies and... more
The "Beyond the Standard Model" project addresses the intrinsic non-linearity of asemic writing from two perspectives: on the one hand the creation of new original computer-aided artworks, on the other hand the first attempt to define... more
Asemic writing. Contributi teorici, a cura di Francesco Aprile e Cristiano Caggiula, “Studi e scritture di Poesia Visiva Sperimentale”, n. 1, Ivrea, Archimuseo Adriano Accattino, 2018, edizione fuori commercio. Nato dal dibattito attorno... more
L’esperienza della rimozione caratterizza l’esigenza della scrittura la quale si esprime, articolandovisi, sulle radici del rimosso. Il taglio della superficie sulle pareti di Lascaux, con l’affiorare delle forme grafiche, intercetta... more
A review of an exhibition of Mirtha Dermisache's asemic writings at Henrique Faria Gallery.
Foreword in the book by Cecil Touchon about asemic writing.
Le operazioni delle avanguardie storiche, in particolare dall'esperienza futurista e mano-parolibera di Balla alla parola-usso di area surrealista, hanno avuto il merito di intercettare i cambiamenti in atto nella società del primo... more
Tassonomia di un segno dissidente by Mariangela Guatteri febbraio 2019 Ātmanvī syām Letteralmente «avente se stesso io mi sia», l'inizio del gesto cosmogonico. È il dio della morte che fa l'esperienza del Sé nella condizione di là da... more
To celebrate my 10th column "Of Tradition and Experiment" for Tears in the Fence magazine, I did "a roundup of 5 excellent small press publications" including : Afton Wilky's Clarity Speaks of a Crystal Sea (Flim Forum, 2014), The First 4... more
Introductions to Session 5 De/Sign and Writing: Toward an Aesthetic of the Asemic prove to be a disenchanted projection. Thus, the present collection of essays inquires into the dynamic relationships between de/sign and writing by... more
Francesco Aprile, Pagine per un abbecedario asemantico. Appunti di lavoro, in, #15, marzo 2018
Asemic writing points to a gradual weakening of the correlation between sign and meaning or, in the language of architecture and biology, to the confutation of the form follows function principle. Several lines of research are suitable... more
Asemic writing does not envisage the outcome of reading. It rather expresses a suspension or a lack of a kind of realism. The symbols in its polysemic spectrum are no longer elements of reality but of an ongoing renegotiation with it.... more
Francesco Aprile (1985, Lecce), poeta visivo, autore di scri ure asemantiche, asemic-glitch writing, glitch, asemic cinema, abbecedari asemantici, scri ure sbagliate, ha aderito nel 2010 al movimento le erario "New Page -Narrativa in... more
Writing has never been more exicting than before, although the asemic writing that emerges has to be understood as the amorphous form of any common alphabetical writings. Asemic writing intends to explore the field that has not yet been... more
Writing has never been more exicting than before, although the asemic writing that emerges has to be understood as the amorphous form of any common alphabetical writings. Asemic writing intends to explore the field that has not yet been... more
Quello che è chiaro fin dall’inizio è l’inafferrabilità del Codex. Sia le immagini che la scrittura illeggibile rifiutano ogni interpretazione e diventano dei dispositivi che attivano e potenziano i processi dell'immaginazione. La... more