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Visual Poetry: Key Historic Figures from Flanders in an International Context This paper compares historiographic and object-related definitions of visual and concrete poetry. An integrated definition is proposed, situating visual poetry... more
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      SemioticsPerforming ArtsArt TheoryAvant-garde writing
Since the beginning of the 20th century, all over the world, several authors not associated by common paradigms,
started to explore new forms of language which are nowadays referred to as “asemic writing”.
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      LanguagesContemporary ArtPoetryMaurice Blanchot
The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-analysis: A Selection is a typographical artwork inspired by appropriation art, conceptual writing, and visual poetry. In its complete form as a 142-page printed book, the project operates as a... more
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanLacanian theoryBook Arts
In this text I wish to delve into the creation of textual content as well as its visualization through typographic design mechanisms inside three dimensional virtual worlds, which are known as the metaverse. I am particularly focused upon... more
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      Virtual EnvironmentsDigital MediaDeconstructionDigital Culture
Writing has never been more exicting than before, although the asemic writing that emerges has to be understood as the amorphous form of any common alphabetical writings. Asemic writing intends to explore the field that has not yet been... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryLiteratureContemporary Art
The work of Japanese novelist Kenji Siratori poses the reader with a contentious question: at what point does literary experimentalism transcend the circumference of literacy? Siratori’s Blood Electric (2002), evokes “the coming to... more
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      Information TheoryJapanese LiteratureAvant-garde writingMedia Ecology
This document on the British Library MS 73525 f.7r "asemic writing hoax" is a bit of a mess, perhaps, but I see there's a table of contents, so that might guide you through it. You can search each Table of Contents entry in Advanced... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsWriting Systems & DeciphermentCorpus LinguisticsClassical Armenian
VISPRO - Prose made visual (visual prose). From where I stand now, the how (asemic writing/ text – in all its manifestations/ the image – be it original/begged/borrowed/stolen) is not the important question it seems. Rather, the why has... more
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      Visual arts and poetryAsemic WritingThe Use of Imagery to Convey Meaning and Understanding I Literary TextsVispo
The first critical study of writing without language In recent years, asemic writing-writing without language-has exploded in popularity, with anthologies, a large-scale art exhibition, and flourishing interest on sites like tumblr,... more
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      Asemic WritingAsemic
Introductions to Session 5 De/Sign and Writing: Toward an Aesthetic of the Asemic prove to be a disenchanted projection. Thus, the present collection of essays inquires into the dynamic relationships between de/sign and writing by... more
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      DesignCalligraphyAsemic Writing
A review about a special issue about the Lettrist movement, dated 1971. Présentation d'un ouvrage illustré sur le mouvement lettriste publié par George Fall, un éditeur intéressé par les mouvements artistiques surréalistes et... more
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      SurrealismVisual ArtsAvant garde PoetryAsemic Writing
Since the beginning of the 20th century, all over the world, several authors not associated by common paradigms, started to explore new forms of language which are nowadays referred to as " asemic writing ". As of the '20s, for example,... more
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      Jacques LacanMarshall McLuhanHenri Michaux (Literature)Asemic Writing
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      IntermediaPugliaAsemic WritingPoesia Visiva
Writing has never been more exicting than before, although the asemic writing that emerges has to be understood as the amorphous form of any common alphabetical writings. Asemic writing intends to explore the field that has not yet been... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryLiteratureContemporary Art
Notice: register_sidebar è stato richiamato in maniera scorretta. Nessun id è stato impostato nell'array degli argomenti per la sidebar "Sidebar". Si utilizzerà il valore predefinito "sidebar-1". Impostare manualmente id a "sidebar-1" per... more
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      Jacques LacanMaurice BlanchotHenri Michaux (Literature)Asemic Writing
In this article, I present a framework for the analysis of postlinguistic visual poetry through a discussion of several works by Canadian poets derek beaulieu and Donato Mancini. This poetry eschews words to manipulate parts or hints of... more
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      Visual StudiesImprovisationCognitive LinguisticsCognitive Poetics
From Marshall McLuhan + Vilem Flusser's Communication and Aesthetic Theories Revisited, ed. Melentie Pandilovski and Tom Kohut (Winnipeg: Videopool, 2015)
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    • Asemic Writing
L’esperienza della rimozione caratterizza l’esigenza della scrittura la quale si esprime, articolandovisi, sulle radici del rimosso. Il taglio della superficie sulle pareti di Lascaux, con l’affiorare delle forme grafiche, intercetta... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeJacques LacanMaurice BlanchotWriting
Questo lavoro è iniziato tra le pagine del Codex e le parole di Luigi Serafini. Solo stabilire cosa è il Codex Seraphinianus risulta difficile. C'è chi lo sfoglia come un libro, chi lo guarda come un'opera d'arte e chi lo pensa come un... more
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      Codex SeraphinianusAsemic WritingImmaginazione
The purpose of this study has been to present a new method of investigating an undeciphered writing system using a computer, by analyzing the written images as images instead of relying on a transcription scheme to map written characters... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentSurrealismCharacter RecognitionArchaeological Decipherment
The love of writing, or writing as love/r: Collaborative writing as shared visual art studio practice Written by: Fouad Asfour, Londiwe Mtshali, Mujahid Safodien, Pebofatso Mokoena, Philiswa Lila, Saajidah Madhi & Vidya Chagan... more
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      DecolonializationCollaborative WritingAsemic WritingVisual Arts, Experimental Writing
A review of an exhibition of Mirtha Dermisache's asemic writings at Henrique Faria Gallery.
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      SemioticsLiteratureContemporary ArtRoland Barthes
L'Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo organizza giovedì 5 dicembre, presso la sua sede di via Papireto 20, una giornata di studi sulla SCRITTURA ASEMICA.
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    • Asemic Writing
To celebrate my 10th column "Of Tradition and Experiment" for Tears in the Fence magazine, I did "a roundup of 5 excellent small press publications" including : Afton Wilky's Clarity Speaks of a Crystal Sea (Flim Forum, 2014), The First 4... more
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      Popular CulturePoetryContemporary PoetryWar Poetry
Asemic writing and visual poetry are inherently connected, and the relationship is symbiotic. Thus it is not at all surprising that typewriter-generated concrete poetry (ironically considered by some to be obsolete) is re-emerging in new... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsContemporary ArtDigital ArtsContemporary Poetry
Foreword in the book by Cecil Touchon about asemic writing.
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      Experimental LiteraturePostmodern LiteratureAsemic WritingVisual Poetry
Francesco Aprile (1985, Lecce), poeta visivo, autore di scri ure asemantiche, asemic-glitch writing, glitch, asemic cinema, abbecedari asemantici, scri ure sbagliate, ha aderito nel 2010 al movimento le erario "New Page -Narrativa in... more
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      Asemic WritingWRITING ERRORSAsemicscritture asemantiche
e o c e a ro tere o agg ogolare che ha a che fare con la scrittura, la guarda, la osserva, la corteggia e prende un'altra strada. L'autore in questione è una delle voci centrali, oggi, nel panorama dell'asemic writing, una scrittura sena... more
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    • Asemic Writing
The asemic text seems to challenge the reader’s clairvoyance to discharge a signification of its own, rather than reduce itself to an aesthetic artefact of the renunciation of meaning. An extensive conceptual breach is set against the... more
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      Avant-garde writingPostmodernism (Literature)Visual ArtConcrete Poetry
One of the last interests of Roland Barthes was what he called illegible writings. This article aims to analyze the perspective on writing of the French thinker in the 1970s, seeking to justify a brief reflection about some... more
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      LiteratureVisual CulturePoetryRoland Barthes
A response to The Last Vispo Anthology, examining up close a select number of works (by Spencer Selby, Fernando Aguiar, Satu Kaikkonen, Oded Ezer and Jim Andrews). This review closes with some thoughts on 2 French anthologies and... more
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      Visual CulturePoetryPoeticsContemporary Literature
A screen of words covers the world. Upon it, habitual patterns of perception and meaning, patterns which have been established precisely through words are projected. The glacier is the perfect, unstable system to account for how the... more
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      Translation theoryPostmodernismPostmodern LiteratureConcrete Poetry
Asemic writing. Contributi teorici, a cura di Francesco Aprile e Cristiano Caggiula, “Studi e scritture di Poesia Visiva Sperimentale”, n. 1, Ivrea, Archimuseo Adriano Accattino, 2018, edizione fuori commercio. Nato dal dibattito attorno... more
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      Asemic WritingScrittura AsemanticaAsemic
Le Codex Seraphinianus est un livre qui nous interpelle visuellement mais qui en même temps se dérobe à la lecture, par les textes asemiques, c'est-à-dire "privés de sens", qu'il contient et par ses nombreuses images représentant des... more
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      Comparative BiologySurrealism20th century Avant-GardeCodex Seraphinianus
Francesco Aprile, Pagine per un abbecedario asemantico. Appunti di lavoro, in, #15, marzo 2018
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      Asemic WritingBenjamin BuchlohFrancesco Aprilescritture asemantiche
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      Asemic WritingPoesia VisivaLuciano CarusoFrancesco Saverio Dòdaro
Since the beginning of the 20th century, all over the world, several authors not associated by common paradigms, started to explore new forms of language which are nowadays referred to as "asemic writing". As of the '20s, for example,... more
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      Asemic WritingFrancesco
Asemic writing does not envisage the outcome of reading. It rather expresses a suspension or a lack of a kind of realism. The symbols in its polysemic spectrum are no longer elements of reality but of an ongoing renegotiation with it.... more
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      Creative WritingArt TheoryInstallation ArtLiterature and Visual Arts
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    • Asemic Writing
Aprile | Asemic writing. Rispondendo a Piero Montana Asemic writing. Rispondendo a Piero Montana by Francesco Aprile Di recente il gallerista siciliano Piero Montana, da poco... more
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    • Asemic Writing
From conceptual art to asemic writing: the methodological approach of proceeding by definition.
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      Languages and LinguisticsContemporary PoetryConceptual ArtPostmodern Literature
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      Maurice BlanchotMichel FoucaultAsemic WritingVisual Poetry
Review of Selected Writings, by Mirtha Dermisache (Siglio Press, 2018)
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      DrawingAsemic WritingGraphic ArtArtists’ Books
XAGGERA is the new Fenylalazine (magazine of art), from Fenylalanine Publishing. This initial issue celebrates the 40th Anniversary of Ed Video Media Arts Centre. Over the course of the past many months, Fenylalanine has identified the... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhotographyGraphic DesignIllustration
Tekst o radu beogradskog umetnika Dejana Golića, člana Belgrade Raw, iz kataloga izložbe "TXT/SMBLS" u Galeriji Kolarčeve zadužbine (od 12. do 31. januara 2015).
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      Contemporary ArtExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds FairsSerbiaAsemic Writing
Prose fictions such as Chris Abani’s Becoming Abigail and Dave Eggers’s What Is the What mobilize their readers’ readiness to identify with a given protagonist through differently haunted styles of fictional presentation. This essay... more
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      GhostsContemporary LiteratureDave EggersAsemic Writing
Aprile | Viaggio al margine di un premio senza premio Viaggio al margine di un premio senza premio Francesco Aprile Utsanga è una realtà nata nel 2014. Il nome è da sempre un... more
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      Experimental PoetryConcrete PoetryAsemic WritingVisual Poetry
On dit souvent que les conditions pour la genèse des mots vivants et l’évolution de l’écriture sont à considérer en tant qu’une partie de l’évolution de l’univers. L’établissement d’un code a posé le problème du développement de la vie et... more
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      Post Modern LiteratureBiophysicsFrench LiteratureArt Theory