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For decades the evolutionary biology has made efforts to understand the meaning of "species" and explain the training process. Currently, there are over twenty different concepts of species. The use of different concepts leads to improper... more
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      MeteorosPaleontologiaGenética de populaçõesAsteroides
According to evolutionary theory, the origin of tetrapods (or limbed vertebrates) from a fish-like ancestor during the Devonian Period was one of the major events in the history of life. Devonian sediments have yielded several families of... more
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      Early tetrapodsDevonianBaraminology
There is fossil evidence interpreted as transitional forms which can be understood to strongly support macroevolutionary theory. Creationist palaeontology is an immature field, the resources of creationists are severely limited, and the... more
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      DarwinismCreationismBibleCreationism V Evolution
Senter’s strategy of arguing against creationism using their own methodology focused on demonstrating a morphological continuum between birds and nonavian dinosaurs using classical multidimensional scaling (CMDS), a method used by some... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyEvolutionCreationismTheropoda
An ongoing debate about the baraminic status of H. naledi has taken place in a series of recent articles in the creationist literature, which was first determined to be a part of the human holobaramin. Subsequent analyses have tried both... more
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      Australopithecus sedibaHomo floresiensisBaraminologyHomo naledi
Homo naledi is a sensational fossil find. To estimate its relationship to other human species from a creation perspective, two statistical baraminological analyses of craniodental characteristics were conducted using data from a published... more
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    • Baraminology
The baraminic status of fossil hominids was tested using statistical baraminology techniques. Eight previously published cladistic studies of fossil and extant hominids were reexamined with baraminic distance correlation (BDC) and... more
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      PaleoanthropologyDarwinismCreationismCreationism V Evolution
Previous research in hominid baraminology has been sharply criticized by other creationists, especially concerning the proposal to include Au. sediba in the human holobaramin.  These criticisms can be summarized as concerns over... more
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      Human EvolutionPhilosophyDarwinismCreationism
Australopithecus sediba emerged a few days ago out of an obviously coordinated propaganda campaign or, for those less cynically inclined, a media frenzy. Allegedly nearly two million years old, Australopithecus sediba was hailed by some... more
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      Australopithecus sedibaScientific CreationismBaraminologystatistical baraminology
Sediba is not human.
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      Evolutionary BiologyAustralopithecus sedibaBaraminology
Recent articles have questioned the validity of hominin baraminology studies that place Homo naledi in the human holobaramin. Despite questions about the fossil discoveries, the skeletal remains of Homo naledi were intentionally placed... more
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      DarwinismCladistics (Systematic Biology)Homo floresiensisEarly Hominins
Previous research in hominid baraminology has been sharply criticized by other creationists, especially concerning the proposal to include A. sediba in the human holobaramin. These criticisms can be summarized as concerns over... more
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