Bat Ecology and Conservation
Recent papers in Bat Ecology and Conservation
Humans have shared buildings with bats for thousands of years, probably as early as first humans built primitive huts. Indeed, many bat species can be defined as synanthropic, i.e., they have a strong ecological association with humans.... more
Correlation between flight activity of noctule bats and air temperature and habitat features influencing roost-site selection were studied in the prefab buildings estate in the Zvolen town during the season October 2003 – April 2004.... more
Rain effects in the capture of bats in a coastal island in southeastern Brazil. Climatic factors are difficult to be analyzed because of their intrinsic unpredictability. For example, rain and wind occur in different intensities and in... more
For the assessment of the habitat use of bats with consideration of a complexity of environmental features a largescale multivariate canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was performed. Data were collected in April–September (1999–2005)... more
Excessive water loss during the day due to heat stress in bats of the genus Pteropus appears to be inevitable, because these bats are exposed to direct sunlight. Rain also affects the rest pattern of the Indian flying fox Pteropus... more
A b s t r a c t . Carpathian forests represent unique and well-preserved ecosystems in relatively intensively managed forests of europe. habitat use, foraging assemblages and activity patterns of a bat community were investigated in... more
Bats have partially evolved in response of predation pressure and have developed several strategies to cope with these threats. Nevertheless, the role played by many predators and their true impact on bat populations is poorly known and... more
On April 13 2002 first bat survey of the Mišarica cave (cave cadastre number 2382) 7 km SE of Banjaluka town has been undertaken. Although some of the data from this survey have been previously used in some documents and publications... more
La gestion des habitats est un des principaux facteurs déterminants pour la conservation d’espèces. Nous avons étudié les habitats utilisées par différentes espèces de chauves-souris en France métropolitaine pendant deux périodes... more
Saccopteryx gymnura is a rare emballonurine bat distributed from Guiana to the state of Par á , Brazil. This record extends its range more than 500 km from the easternmost locality. The presence of this species in an ecotonal Amazonian... more
Understanding biodiversity patterns as well as drivers of population declines, and range losses provides crucial baselines for monitoring and conservation. However, the information needed to evaluate such trends remains unstandardised and... more
Lasiurus egregius (Peters, 1870) is an insectivorous bat species known from Central and South America. This species has few confirmed records throughout its distribution. Here we report the first record of L. egregius from the... more
Agricultural intensification is one of the major causes for the global loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. As an alternative to conventional farming, organic management is considered a way to mitigate some of the... more
Bats are under threat from habitat loss, energy development, and the disease white-nose syndrome. The North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) suggests standardized, large scale monitoring to benefit ecologists and managers. Our... more
The greater round-eared bat, Tonatia bidens (Spix, 1823), is a medium-sized phyllostomid bat distributed in the north of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. The diet and foraging patterns of this species are poorly known. We analyzed the... more
The common vampire bat apparently is expanding its range northwards in Mexico and seems poised to enter the southern United States. Climate models predict suitable habitat in the U.S. in south Texas and parts of southern Arizona. While... more
The reproduction of Nyctalus noctula in a building in Slovakia was confirmed. It is in accordance with considerable increasing of the species occurrence in urban habitats during the last years. The first roost of Pipistrellus pygmaeus in... more
Studies of foraging habitat use by bats are nowadays common in many surveys and nature conservation projects. The use of ultrasound detectors has revolutionized the field studies of bats, but fast spreading methods are often not properly... more
Agricultural intensification is one of the major causes for the global loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. As an alternative to conventional farming, organic management is considered a way to mitigate some of the... more
Responsabile del sito internet e delle pubblicazioni on line, Filippo Z (Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta) Responsabile dell'Ufficio Comunicazione e della Biblioteca.
Infundadamente se han mencionado a los murciélagos como los portadores del SARS-CoV-2 y como los causantes de la actual pandemia COVID-19, sin embargo, ellos nos proporcionan grandes beneficios y servicios como depredadores de insectos... more
Carpathian forests represent unique and well-preserved ecosystems in relatively intensively managed forests of europe. habitat use, foraging assemblages and activity patterns of a bat community were investigated in semi-natural beech-oak... more
Gibraltar is a small country near the southernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula bordering Spain. Covering an area of just 7km2, most of the territory is dominated by the famous Rock of Gibraltar, a monolithic Jurassic limestone promontory... more
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Saccopteryx gymnura is a rare emballonurine bat distributed from Guiana to the state of Par á , Brazil. This record extends its range more than 500 km from the easternmost locality. The presence of this species in an ecotonal Amazonian... more
García-Morales, R., L. Chapa-Vargas, E. I. Badano, J. Galindo-González; K. Monzalvo-Santos. 2014. Community Ecology 15(2):158-168.
Understanding biodiversity patterns as well as drivers of population declines, and range losses provides crucial baselines for monitoring and conservation. However, the information needed to evaluate such trends remains unstandardised and... more
Caves are elective shelters for bat fauna, above all from a climatic point of view. The “buffer effect” on the variability of environmental parameters of cavities, make them a suitable habitat for bats. The choice of roosting sites, the... more
... más profundo agradecimiento. A mis sinodales: M. en C. Miguel Ángel Villavicencio Nieto, M. en C. Jesús M. Castillo Cerón, Dr. Numa P. Pavón Hernández, Dra. ... Page 5. iv Escorcia Maldonado,Paty Milo, Paty Rodríguez del Rosal, Caren... more
Agricultural intensification is one of the major causes for the global loss of biodiversity and associated ecosystem services. As an alternative to conventional farming, organic management is considered a way to mitigate some of the... more