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The publication of the 'First Report of the National Advisory Council on Art Education' (1960), otherwise known as the first ‘Coldstream Report’, is a graspable moment of displacement in the British art world. It represents a shift... more
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      Art HistoryBritish HistoryModern British HistoryDrawing
Cornelia Parker is a British-born, London-based artist set to show at Australia’s Museum of Contemporary Art as part of this year’s Sydney International Art Series. Her works are marked by an unusual amount of order, coupled with an... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryArt TheoryInstallation Art
This is the first refereed article that presents the life and work of JP Hully, a British modernist that worked with Gane furniture manufacturers in Bristol. His design life and tenure at Gane overlapped with that of Marcel Breuer. Both... more
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      DesignArtFurniture DesignBritish art
The Nore sand remains covered at low-water, and never seen by human eye; but the Nore is a name to conjure with visions of historical events, of battles, of fl eets, of mutinies, of watch and ward kept upon the great throbbing heart of... more
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      Napoleonic WarsBritish artLandscapeSeascape
Apart from a few notable exceptions, British painters from the late Victorian and Edwardian periods have suffered from the modernist historiography which deemed it parochial and unworthy of study. Recent developments in art history have... more
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      Art Economics and MarketsCultural EconomicsBritish artCollecting and Collections
Essay published together with the artist's book presented at his exhibition João Penalva at Trondheim Kunstmuseum in 2014. The text refers to his works Sleeping men (installation, 2014), Museum of Stands, Yuteval (installation, 2012),... more
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      New MediaInstallation ArtContemporary ArtNew Media Performance and Installation
Hogarth’s “Industry and Idleness” series (1747) is arguably one of the most ambiguous of what he called his 'Modern Moral Subjects'. Although widely presented, particularly by eighteenth century criticism, as a moralistic commentary with... more
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      Art HistoryBritish art
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      Art HistoryIdentity (Culture)British art
Defiance, independence and transgression for sale. On social rituals of creating and receiving the "difficult" art. According to Marshall McLuhan: "Art is anything you can get away with". To what extent is this statement correct... more
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      Contemporary ArtSociology of ArtsBritish artStreet Art
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      History of Science and TechnologyVictorian StudiesNineteenth Century StudiesSociology of Knowledge
Fancy in the eighteenth century was part of a rich semantic network, connecting wit, whimsicality, erotic desire, spontaneity, deviation from norms and triviality. It was also a contentious term, signifying excess, oddness and... more
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      Art HistoryReception StudiesBritish HistoryBook History
Mapping the history of the London-­based art agency Artangel immediately comes with a catch, as the organisation officially dates back its genesis to 1991, when curators Michael Morris and James Lingwood started on a journey to deliver... more
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      British HistoryContemporary ArtBritish artTwentieth Century British Art
Many years after queer and queer-of-color theories made such a binary indefensible, art history and film studies remain committed to a distinction between criticality and pleasure. The former remains a desirable activist strategy and the... more
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      Art HistoryFilm StudiesFilm TheoryContemporary Art
A short review of Sculptor William Pye and his work “Charybdis” (2000).

Written as an artistic review for a Columbia studio.
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtSculptureBritish art
Paper placing the drawings within 'The Elemental Force of Charcoal: Drawing at the Borough' in a wider context, with reference to seismic shifts that occurred in arts education and drawing practices of the 20th century, as well as the... more
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      Art HistoryDrawingDrawings (Architecture)British art
Котломанов А.О. Генри Мур — книжный график // Книга: исслед. и материалы. 2004. Сб. 82. С. 171—181.
Kotlomanov A.O. Henry Moore — book illustrator. Book: research and materials, 2004, issue 82, pp. 171—181 (In Russian).
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      IllustrationsBook HistoryHistory of the BookModern Art
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtModern ArtHistory of Art
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      Contemporary ArtBritish artYoung British Artists
Seminarski rad na temu 'Dante Gabrijel Roseti i telesna škola' . Sažet pregled najistaknutijih dela i objašnjenje glavnih odlika prerafaelitskog pokreta.
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      Art HistoryBritish artPreraphaelites
An introduction to the concept and practice of the Artist Placement Group in England during the 1960s and 1970s.
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      British artArt and IndustryArt and Society, Art Theory, Art History & Criticism,Sociology ofArtists
In 1663 Mary Beale recorded her thoughts on how to paint apricots. Beale’s statement, ‘Observations by MB in her painting of Apricots in August 1663’, is the first known text in English about the act of painting written by a female... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistorySelf and Identity
Zetischrift fur Kunstgeschichte (2004)
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      History of MedicineHistory of ScienceBritish artJean Jaques Rousseau
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      Art HistoryBritish HistoryHistory of ArtBritish art
In the late 1980’s, young British artists, ‘yBas’, conceived as a group both within Britain and for export, were understood to be provocative from a number of angles. By the time of their mass exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum in 1999,... more
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      Contemporary ArtBritish artYoung British ArtistsSocial Media Marketing for Arts and Culture
Bahçeler farklı bitki,çiçek,hayvan ve böcek türlerinin bir arada bulunarak insanoğluna çeşitli amaçlarla hizmet eden tamamlayıcı unsurlardandır.Dünya var olduğundan beri bahçeler de var olmuştur. Antik kültürlerden günümüz modern... more
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    • British art
In dem Artikel geht es um Maßstäblichkeit von Architektur und deren Beschreibung. Chronisten geben die Größe von Architektur an und analysieren deren Maßstäblichkeit im Vergleich zur Großarchitektur (Makroarchitektur). Daraus folgt, so... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryArchitectural HistoryBritish art
In 1998 John Roberts argued that the recent ‘history of photography in Britain… is a history of dispersed and embattled counterhegemonic practices breaking out of the ideological confines of Modernism’. However, the contributions of... more
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      Art HistorySouth AsiaDiasporaBritish art
In the summer of 1990, a four-storey tenement of council flats in the Castlemilk district of Glasgow was home to an unusual work in progress. A group of artists, led by three graduates of the Glasgow School of Art, created installations... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtFeminismBritish art
A web page collating the reviews of my recent book on Lucian Freud's paintings of plants.
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      BotanyArt HistoryPosthumanismVisual Culture
Every year, a member of the YCBA curatorial team guides a select group of Yale undergraduates through the process of creating an exhibition. I conceptualized and curated the exhibition, The British Castle: A Symbol in Stone, as part of... more
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      Museums and Exhibition DesignBritish artMuseumsMedieval castles
Clement Greenberg’s animosity to Herbert Read’s art criticism manifested itself in his review of Read’s 1956 'The Art of Sculpture'. Focusing on this interchange and on the two critics’ priorities for modern sculpture, this article... more
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      Art HistoryPublic ArtModern ArtHistory of Sculpture
A review of Rasheed Araeen's expansive retrospective organised by Van Abbemuseum on the occasion of its staging at BALTIC, Gateshead.
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      Contemporary ArtRace and RacismSculptureBritish art
This paper was sparked by an encounter with the British landscape artist Paul Nash's painting 'We Are Making a New World' (1918) amid the tumult of Brexit in 2016. Much as the UK might like to withdraw from the outside world, I argue, it... more
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      International LawInternational organizationsBritish artArt and the Law
Published in Meanjin, v. 75, no. 1 (Autumn 2016), 159-168. Also available at
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      British artWar artSettler colonialismAustralian art history
This article centres on the work of Vong Phaophanit (b. 1961, Laos) and his collaborations with Claire Oboussier (b. 1963, UK). It first examines the problematic politics of identification made apparent by the media controversy... more
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      Contemporary ArtSoutheast AsiaSound studiesHistoriography (in Art History)
This is the first of two articles for the Brill journal Images, no.13, an issue on "Kabbalah and Art," of which I am Guest Editor. Jonathan Leaman (b. 1954, London) is a British painter who is represented in the Tate Collection. This... more
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      PaintingSpirituality & MysticismBritish artKabbalah
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      Landscape EcologyFire EcologyBritish EmpireBritish art
TO CONSIDer JONAThAN MONK AS A CONCePTuAL ArTIST IS NOT eNOuGh. In fact, his work is not only a simple appropriation of past methods, but benefits from a distinct, self-referencing component. Processes of conceptual and minimal art are... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtBritish artConceptual Art
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesInstallation ArtCosmopolitanism
This thesis investigates the creation, early history and development of the permanent collection of the Laing Art Gallery - the first public art museum in Newcastle upon Tyne - between its opening in 1904 and the death of its first and... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of MuseumsHistory of CollectionsBritish art
Art museums are institutions with the general purpose to acquire, preserve and provide access to the works of art. 1 Thus, they have the unique ability to decide which art works will represent man's finest works, shaping -in this way -an... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesBritish HistoryMuseums and Exhibition Design
J.M.W. Turner studied nature from a scientific perspective to achieve a comprehensive perception of natural occurrences. Such approach defines the exploration of celestial phenomena in the watercolours of his Skies sketchbook. The... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ScienceBritish RomanticismHistory of Astronomy The casket scene in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice is the supreme audio–visual manifestation of the cultic and erotic power of Elizabethan portraiture. Bassanio chooses the... more
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      Art TheoryHistory of DressPortraitureBritish art
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      PanoramasNineteenth Century British History and CultureBritish artHistory of the British Empire
New documentary discoveries and technical analysis reveal that a portrait of Lady Margaret Beaufort, founder of St John's College, Cambridge, was painted c. 1510 by the Netherlandish immigrant artist Meynnart Wewyck. It may be the... more
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      Tudor EnglandTudor HistoryPortraiture16th Century Netherlandish Art
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesArt HistoryArt Theory