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Scanning microscopy techniques have emerged as powerful scientific tools for analysing materials of architectural or archaeological interest, since the commercialization of the first scanning electron microscopy instrumentation in the... more
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      Cultural HeritageTransmission Electron MicroscopyBuilt Heritage (Heritage Studies)Lime mortars and plasters
There is a deep and often impassioned postulation that preservation is virtuous for societal well-being, collective identity and for the environment. This idea is an important paradigm to guide rehabilitation strategies for historic... more
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      Urban Regeneration and ConservationArchitectural Preservation & RestorationBuilt Heritage Restoration and PreservationSustainability of Construction Works
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      Built Heritage (Heritage Studies)Acting on the existent (Architecture), Architecture, Built Environment, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism, Culture Studies, Domesticity, Interior design, Military Architecture, and Modern Movement and Local TraditionsBuilt Heritage Restoration and PreservationTechnology in Preservation of Built Heritage
Built heritage in Singapore is safeguarded through two legal regimes, one relating to national monuments declared under the Preservation of Monuments Act (Cap 239, 2011 Rev Ed), and the other relating to conservation areas declared under... more
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      Intangible cultural heritageBuilt EnvironmentBuilt Heritage (Heritage Studies)Intangible Cultural Heritage (Culture)
Abstract of the research paper presented for International Conference on Water Resources, Climate Change & Sustainability by IPE & SAIRD. The Research paper awaits publication.
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      Climate ChangeCultural LandscapesTraditional Cultural Properties and LandscapesBuilt Heritage Restoration and Preservation
The intervention on Cultural Heritage has evolved from an idea of a post factum restoration, that puts an end to a process of continual becoming, to a preventive and constant maintenance, as a less destructive and cheaper action, actually... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageSustainable DevelopmentCultural Heritage Conservation
The paper presents the intermediate results of a research ongoing at the University of Pavia whose object is the analysis of geometry, morphology, materials and degradation of the central building of the university, with the aim of... more
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      ArchitectureHistory of UniversitiesBuilt Heritage (Heritage Studies)Restoration
The paper discusses socio-economic and cultural conditions and technological and formal aspects which attests rooftop additions on existing buildings as a model for increasing built density of residential area. In Italy most of the... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationContemporary Design (Architecture)
This paper is on the subject " Heritage is at risk: impact of Globalization ". The Aim of this paper is to compiles the case studies of where heritage is at risk and how the globalization has affected the tangible and intangible heritage.... more
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      Cultural Built HeritageBuilt Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Urban Art, Urban Design, Urban Regeneration Through Art, Urban Light, Urban Development, Rehabilitation, Reuse of Industrial Buildings.Built Heritage Restoration and Preservation
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      Architectural HistoryCultural Heritage and TourismBuilt Heritage Restoration and PreservationParadores de turismo
The development of efficient preventive and planned maintenance’s plans, about ‘coherent groups’ of built Heritage (castles, villas, churches, monumental cemeteries, etc.), is becoming increasingly necessary. Ecclesiastic Heritage... more
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      Cultural HeritageRestoration EcologyCultural Heritage ConservationBuilt Heritage (Heritage Studies)
Processes of increase in urban population have always been characterized by an alternation of phases in which densification of existing urban fabric prevailed, with other in which the prevalent phenomenon was urban expansion. Phases of... more
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      EngineeringArchitectureBuilt EnvironmentModern Architecture
La sostenibilità nei suoi aspetti ambientale ed economico è divenuta, da diversi anni, tema centrale nei dibattiti tecnici relativi a tutte le aree della produzione e della gestione dei beni materiali, sia a causa delle conseguenti... more
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      Housing & Residential DesignSustainability (Organisational Strategy)Housing and Dwelling (Architecture)Environmental Sustainability
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      Architectural ConservationUrban DecayBuilt Heritage Restoration and Preservation
La rilevazione dei danni sismici sul patrimonio storico architettonico viene compiuta tramite modelli schedografici stabiliti dalla Protezione Civile e si differenzia da quella relativa alla verifica di agibilità dell'edilizia ordinaria,... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationCultural Heritage Recording, Documentation and Information SystemsArchitectural HeritageEarthquake
Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro del Proyecto de investigación del MICINN Encuentros, intercambios y presencias en Galicia entre los siglos XVI y XX. Ref. HAR2011-22899, cuyo investigador principal es Juan Manuel Monterroso Montero... more
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      Architectural HistoryCultural Heritage and TourismBuilt Heritage Restoration and PreservationParadores de turismo
The sustainability is an essential topic in the field of building planning and it became also a necessary requirement of the Cultural Heritage preservation. It’s a long time since the STEP laboratory, of the University of Pavia, deals... more
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      Cultural HeritageConservationHistoric PreservationCultural Heritage Conservation
"ENG: The issue of the relationship between contemporary architecture and pre-existence is of utmost importance as always and nowadays increasingly architects tend to operate with additions or substitutions in the core of already... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
Due to the progressive abandonment of Italian military buildings, a heterogeneous whole distributed all over the national territory, it makes deep sense to study this considerable heritage, in order to re-function them and re-adjust the... more
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      Military HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageHeritage Studies