Caribbean Archaeology
Recent papers in Caribbean Archaeology
One of the most momentous cross-cultural collisions occurred in the Caribbean in 1492, heralding a period of rapid change in both ‘New’ and ‘Old’ Worlds. During the early years of the colonial period, when new relationships were being... more
Mostly sugar industry oriented, these details are enumerated to contribute raw data (including 3 camels in 1766 !) to those researchers for whom they may be useful. There is no attempt to analyse, or to compare with other West Indies... more
A detailed study of all known cannon and anchors on and in the waters surrounding the Caribbean island St. Eustatius.
Substantive entry on Island Archaeology for the Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology - posted online with the Editor's permission
"Vienna’s Museum für Vökerkunde holds in its collections a rare sixteenth-century Taíno cotton belt from Hispaniola (today’s Dominican Republic/Haiti) – one of only two surviving Taíno cotton artefacts to feature European ‘exotics’,... more
Caribbean archaeologists have tended to focus exclusively on the prehistory of the largest islands, perhaps because large islands are believed to provide the landmass necessary to support long-term population growth and cultural... more
Archaeological studies of African-American sites in North America have presented analysts with tremendous challenges of interpreting the possible symbolic meanings of nineteenth-century material culture. A range of artifacts uncovered in... more
Lesparre-de Waal, M.S., 2009, Russel K. Skowronek and Charles R. Ewen (eds.), X Marks the Spot. The Archaeology of Piracy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2006, xxvi + 339 pp. In: Journal of Caribbean History, Vol. 43: 139-142... more
This study describes the archaeological investigations that have taken place at the wreck site of the English slave ship Henrietta Marie (1700) since its location in 1972. Information is provided on the methodology utilized during on-site... more
In a recent ISJ paper, “Island Archaeology: In Search of a New Horizon”, Boomert and Bright (2007) argue that the field of “island archaeology” should be replaced by an “archaeology of maritime identity”. We disagree and counter that... more
Academic and policy writing on islands has grown rapidly, with much effort focused on island ecologies and environments, island heritage and culture, and island vulnerabilities and resilience, and with characteristics such as isolation,... more
This article identifies over 20 different species and/or genera of animals represented in Saladoid ceramics. It surveys thousands of Saladoid zoomorphic ceramics in some 15 institutional collections in the Lesser Antilles and the United... more
We summarize here some of the results of recent collaborative archaeological research at and around the site of Los Buchillones in northern Cuba. The excavation of wooden structural posts at the site reveals aspects of house size and... more
Call for papers for 2020 International Garifuna Conference
BERARD B. (dir.) (2014), 50 ans d'archéologie caribéenne 1961-2011 Martinique-Actes du 24e congrès de l'Association Internationale d'Archéologie de la Caraïbe, AIHP/GEODE, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Schoelcher, 2014, 517 p.
From April 29 to May 5-8, 2008, a research team assembled by the Center for Historical Archaeology in conjunction with the Caribbean Geographic Society conducted an archaeological reconnaissance of three cays in the chain of small islands... more
Lay-out & cover design: Sidestone Press Photograph cover: Cover design by Oliver Antczak. Cover photo is a composite of photo's by Tiago Fioreze (sea and cloud, Wikimedia Commons), Patrick Nouhailler (island,, and David... more
The neighboring abandoned villages of Palmetto Point and Middle Island, on the northwest of Saba, Dutch Caribbean, relied upon rainwater caught in cisterns as their primary source of potable water. The island of Saba is located in the... more
The rules of succession described in the early Spanish chronicles for Caribbean chiefdoms have been used by many scholars to reconstruct a Taino kinship system. This article argues that these conclusions were reached by using unfounded... more
Los argumentos centrales presentados en este libro se relacionan con la diversidad cultural asociada a una de las regiones arqueológicamente más interesantes dentro de las Antillas Mayores, el norte de la isla de La Española. De ahí que... more
This paper applies an innovative, multidisciplinary approach to the human and cultural remains recovered from the cemetery of El Chorro de Maíta, Cuba. The study of this indigenous cemetery, dated to late prehistoric and early contact... more
The Aklis site (12VAm1-42) is a prehistoric multi-component habitation, cemetery, and shell midden site located on the Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. The site is located directly on the waterfront and... more
École Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation (ESPE) de Martinique. Université des Antilles. Mai 2019.
A fin de conocer las dimensiones cultural, espacial y temporal de los posibles yacimientos arqueológicos de la isla La Blanquilla (Dependencias Federales, Venezuela), se realizaron 3 expediciones de prospección a la isla. Se localizaron... more
The island of Carriacou in the southern Grenadines, Lesser Antilles, has been the focus of interdisciplinary archaeological research since 2003, focused on ceramic-associated assemblages dating between c. AD 400 and 1300. Amerindians here... more
Potshards discovered during excavation of bridge pilasters for a major expressway over the Rio Indio floodplain, a stream incised within the karsts of north-central Puerto Rico, required large-scale archaeological excavation.... more
discussion demonstrates how people of African descent have incorporated Maroon history into a proud sense of heritage. Such incorporation of this terminology in the development of heritage identities represents instances of proud... more
De geschiedschrijving van de zogenaamd Spaanse periode van de Benedenwindse eilanden Curaçao, Aruba en Bonaire (ca. 14991634/6) wordt nog steeds gedomineerd door koloniale mythes over inheemse bewoners en Spaanse encomenderos. Inheemse... more
An overview of the African experience in the Caribbean. This article was to be featured in a Fact and File encyclopedia project, but the project stopped after having more than half of the articles completed, including mine. Currently, I... more
ZKR JDYH PH P\ ÀUVW ERRN RQ WKH 0DURRQV DV D ELUWKGD\ JLIW The Fighting Maroons of Jamaica by Carey Robinson and who explored with me and my sister the forested wilds of Dominica, WKH KDXQWV RI WKH 1HJUH 0DZRQ +LV DVKHV OLH VRPHZKHUH... more
This article outlines an interdisciplinary research project exploring a nineteenth-century Barbadian colonization effort in the West African nation of Liberia. Several families of the 346 migrants who sailed for Liberia in 1865 settled... more