Cary Wolfe
Recent papers in Cary Wolfe
Published for the occasion of CYBORGY_
April 24 - May 17, 2015 @ Expoplu Nijmegen
April 24 - May 17, 2015 @ Expoplu Nijmegen
This article examines American philosopher Cary Wolfe’s considerations on the need to redefine the notion of ‘posthuman’. The analysis is focused on the reflection over the difference between humanitas and animalitas and, in the general... more
Paperback coming autumn 2021! Table of Contents 1. In the beginnings: introducing Poetics of Deconstruction 2. The Animal Cure: inhaling the other in Dean Spanley 3. Raising Animals: between the basement and the kennel in The... more
Język, nierozerwalnie związany z rozumnością, traktowany jest w większości nowożytnych teorii polityki jako to, co określa człowieka i stanowi podstawę uspołecznienia. Echo tego pobrzmiewa w stwierdzeniu Jacques’a Rancière’a, że polityka... more
This essay offers an account of what I call “a vegan form of life”. Reflecting on a moment when a vegan meal was presented to me as “your lesbian food” I begin with a critique the concept of species, drawing on Judith Butler’s... more
While it is Derrida's late work on the 'animal question' that brought his insistence on limitrophy between species to wider attention, it is also named as the general condition of the limits in the much earlier text, 'Tympan'. There, in... more
Utilizzando come attivatore di ogni capitolo una "specie harawaiana", Federica Timeto nel suo Bestiario Haraway (Mimesis 2020) analizza e mette a sistema il pensiero di Donna Haraway a partire da una serie di figure zoo-tecnomorfe che... more
A chapter in KENNETH BURKE + THE POSTHUMAN ed. Chris Mays, Nathaniel Rivers, and Kellie Sharp-Hoskins, Penn State UP. This book is part of Penn State's "RSA Series in Transdisciplinary Rhetorics." While posthumanism is widely discussed... more
There are two main axes concerning “The Animal Question” in philosophy: the Anglo-American (Bentham, Singer, Regan, Clark…) approach and the Continental approach (Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Derrida, Deleuze…). This article aims to deal... more
Reviewed by DAVID HEINIMANN Recently, "ecophobia" has arisen as a debilitating problematic for ecocriticism. The fear is over performative incapacity. A major aspect of that fear is the sketchy scientific understanding among some... more
A discussion of the concept of value in discussions of animal life drawing on the work of Karl Marx, Hal Foster, and Cary Wolfe. This leads to an analysis of the novel The Roots of Heaven by Romain Gary
Registration is now open for 'Hearing' the 10th anniversary meeting of the British Animal Studies Network - plenary speakers include Cary Wolfe, John Webster, and Karen Lury.