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      Animals in LiteratureFolk and Fairy TalesThe NovellaDonkeyskin
The boundaries and complementarities relating animals and language have always captured the human imagination. Animal/Language: An Interdisciplinary Conference engages with a central feature of what is becoming known as the "animal turn"... more
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      Animal ScienceAnimal BehaviorAnimal StudiesSocial behavior in animals
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      Animals in LiteratureContemporary Japanese LiteratureCapitaloceneFukushima literature
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      Animals in ArtAnimals in LiteratureAnimals in Culture
In the Odyssey we find a description of Odysseus being recognized by his age-old and decrepit dog Argos, whom he he had reared and trained before his departure for Troia. I will discuss this text passage with a focus on its function and... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerGreek EpicAnimals in Literature
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
This book gathers the texts presented during the conference devoted to animal studies in humanities and arts in Warsaw in March 2014. The volume was edited by Anna Barcza and Dorota Łagodzka and comprises texts in Polish including:... more
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      PhilologyCultural StudiesMusicologyEthics
Virginia Woolf's 1933 novel is often disregarded as one of sentimentality. This paper aims to prove the contrary; that Flush; like Woolf's groundbreaking 'A Room of One's Own' highlights the patriarchal and hierarchal structure present... more
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      English LiteratureFeminist TheoryLiteratureAnimal Studies
Cari amici, cari colleghi, ho il piacere di invitarvi al convegno in ricordo dell’antropologo Enrico Comba, “Animali. Miti, Saperi, Simbologie”, che si svolgerà a Nemi dal 7 al 10 luglio 2021. L’iniziativa si terrà all’aperto e in... more
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      AnthropologyAnimal StudiesHistory of ReligionsAnimals in Art
Julio Cortázar se méfie de l’autobiographie et privilégie des approches obliques quand il s’agit d’écrire sur sa vie ou sa personne. « Paseo entre las jaulas » est le résultat d’une commande de l’éditeur Franco Maria Ricci dans le cadre... more
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      Latin American StudiesAutobiographyJulio CortázarAnimals in Literature
Close reading of the White Hind in Marie de France's lais "Guigemar".
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      French LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval French Literature
In this chapter, I argue – using a number of examples from representations of non-human animals – that there are close connections between the exotic otherness of animals in Occidental representations and the othering of some human... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryGender StudiesPhilosophy
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      PlutarchAnimals in LiteratureAncient Greek PhilosophyAnimals in Philosophy
After the audacious study and profound interest in Latin literature by the autodidact Charles Chesnutt is presented, this contribution argues that, unlike scholarship up to now pointing to orally-passed African American folktales, many of... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesLatin LiteratureNineteenth Century StudiesAfrican American Literature
As usual since the first edition VICENTE, Mário Caeiro’s text establishes the bridge between the authors’ different perspectives, exploring the implicit insight in this year’s theme: ‘On the silence of the Crows, Animal Vicente’. Among... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryCultural History
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      German LiteratureJewish StudiesPoetryAnimals and Animality
L'immagine del favoloso uccello che muore e rinasce in un tempo prefissato non ha mai abbandonato una fortissima carica simbolica che l'accompagna ancora oggi. Il presente lavoro intende analizzare la documentazione relativa alla fenice... more
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      MythologySymbolismAncient myth and religionAnimals in Literature
“The Separation of Wild Animal Nature and Human Nature in Gilgamesh.” Papers on Language and Literature 38.4 (2002): 1-20.
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      Comparative LiteratureAnimals in LiteratureAncient Literature
Peter Goldsworthy's novel Wish (1995) narrates an unusual love story, that between the female gorilla Eliza and her Sign teacher John James. It can be interpreted as a rewriting of George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion (1912) where a... more
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      Animals in LiteratureZoocriticismLiterary Animal Studies
Tra Marx e Leopardi. Lingua, animalità e utopia nel Pianeta irritabile di Volponi 1. Il pianeta irritabile (1978) nasce da una costola dell'avantesto del più importante romanzo di Volponi, Corporale (uscito a stampa nel 1974). Il... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureItalian LiteratureApocalypticism In LiteratureGiacomo Leopardi
This article explores the place of the animal and animals in Lacanian psychoanalysis, arguing that the standard accounts of Lacan on the animal, including the influential intervention by Derrida, depend almost exclusively on the Écrits... more
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      EthologyPsychoanalysisAnimal StudiesHistory Of Psychoanalysis
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
An analysis of James Agee's story 'A Mother's Tale' in the context of postwar Humane Slaughter reform
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      Animal StudiesCritical Animal StudiesAnimal LawAnimals in Literature
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      Children's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureChildren's MediaAnimals and Animality
Nell'anno 802 giungeva ad Aquisgrana per l'imperatore Carlo Magno un dono davvero fuori dal comune: un elefante, di nome Abul Abbas, che il califfo di Baghdad Harun al-Rashid aveva inviato a seguito della richiesta che lo stesso Carlo... more
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Animals in LiteratureAnimals in CultureCharlemagne
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
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      Jewish StudiesItalian StudiesEcocriticismAnimals in Literature
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest przedstawienie gatunków zwierząt, które były hodowane dla towarzystwa w starożytnej Grecji i Rzymie, a także zbadanie, na ile owe zwierzęta można określić mianem domowych, gdyby posługiwać się współczesnymi... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesClassical Archaeology
The paper moves away from a re-examination of Saba’s essay Quello che resta da fare ai poeti, regarded as one of the basic landmarks of Saba’s poetics, though published posthumously. The author recalls Saba’s renowned concept of poesia... more
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      EthicsItalian LiteratureContemporary PoetryLiterature and Philosophy
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      Critical Animal StudiesComics StudiesGraphic NovelsAnimals in Literature
Resumen: Se realiza un recorrido por la obra más universal de la literatura española, Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes, analizando los artrópodos citados en ella y comentando el contexto histórico y cultural en el que... more
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      Animals in LiteratureQuijoteAnimals in Art and Culture
In the Odyssey, there is a description of Odysseus being recognized by his age-old and decrepit dog Argos, whom he had reared and trained himself before his departure for Troy. This so-called Argos episode (Od. 17.290–327) is still famous... more
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      HomerGreek EpicAnimals in LiteratureHomeric poetry
The past decade has seen the rise of a cultural preoccupation with cuteness. As with most popular trends, Am erican media had a huge impact. New websites like BuzzFeed and Mashable
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      French LiteratureAestheticsFrench StudiesContemporary Art
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      LiteratureLiterary StylisticsItalian Literature20th Century Italian Literature
The histories of moral concern for animals and literary sentimentalism are intertwined, yet the reasons for this connection have been little understood. This study examines the reasons for the growth of compassion for animals in late... more
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      Animal StudiesBritish RomanticismJacques Derrida18th Century British Literature
Dziękuję za świńskie oczy to ważny głos w debacie na temat naszego stosunku do innych zwierząt. Autor nie tylko pokazuje, że zwierzęta są niezastąpionym źródłem wiedzy o świecie, w tym o ludziach, ale również jak bardzo potrzebna jest... more
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      EthicsHuman-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesAnimal Ethics
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Jewish HistorySymbolismAnimals and Animality
This important book explores the relationship between the Third Reich and animals -- as symbols, as myths, and as living creatures. From a review in Choice: "Rarely does a book contribute to two fields so significantly as this one. Sax,... more
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      AnthrozoologyPhilosophy Of AnimalsAnimals & Society studiesAnimals in Literature
Animals have a minor role / are poorly represented in Sumerian narratives, apart from their presence in specific literary genres such as disputes and the so-called “fables”, where they play a role in a moral pedagogic context. An... more
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      Sumerian ReligionMythologyAncient Near EastAncient Near Eastern Languages
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      Native American StudiesAnimals in LiteratureRepresentations of animals and human-animal relations in literature.Manipuri Literature
In edicola con "La Repubblica" dal 16 aprile 2021.
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
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      RhetoricItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesItalian Literature
'approcciare questo lavoro vorrei rimandare per un attimo il lettore ad una tela presente all'interno dei Musei Vaticani. Si tratta di Adamo ed Eva nel Paradiso Terrestre di Wenzel Peter, pittore austriaco di fine Settecento/prima metà... more
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    • Animals in Literature
Rivista di Letterature moderne e comparate Vol. LXIX Fasc. 2 aprile-giugno 2017
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      German LiteratureItalian LiteratureAnimals in LiteratureAnimals in Culture
This paper aims to shed new light on the physiognomy of Socrates by comparatively examining Plato's and Xenophon’s passages on the topic. A comparative analysis of these texts is of primary importance for understanding the reception of... more
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      Ancient HistoryPhilosophyPortraitsPlato
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      HeraldryFantasy LiteratureAnimals in LiteratureGame of Thrones All rights reserved Printed in Italy 1 Sugli animali nel poema dantesco non solo manca uno studio complessivo, ma mancano anche quasi completamente i sondaggi particolari. Pochi saggi dedicati a una singola immagine... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesMedieval StudiesItalian Literature
Una tra le presenze più sorprendenti nel poema dantesco è quella degli animali: una presenza continua e variatissima, che si esprime soprattutto nelle similitudini. Si va dalle tre immagini usate in Inferno V per le anime dei lussuriosi,... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
Philip K. Dick's lifelong love of animals appears to be implied even in his own name. 'Philip', meaning a 'lover of horses', was something Dick appealed to when naming his alter-ego 'Horselover Fat' in VALIS (1981). Moreover, as the... more
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      Animal EthicsPhilip K DickScience FictionVegetarianism
Two papers published in Claire Bellier Laureline Cattelain et Pierre Cattelain (dir.), Chiens et Chats dans la Préhistoire et l’Antiquité, GUIDES ARCHÉOLOGIQUES DU MALGRÉ-TOUT (2015). The first one recalls the History of the Dog in the... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryAnimal ScienceAncient Greek History