Chance and Indeterminacy
Most downloaded papers in Chance and Indeterminacy
For many astronomers, the progressive development of life has been seen as a natural occurrence given proper environmental conditions on a planet: even though such beings would not be identical to humans, there would be significant... more
There is stock argument against libertarianism: that the indeterminism it postulates makes human choice a matter of chance and this is no better as a basis for practical rationality and moral responsibility than the most rigid... more
In this work we look at one special case to provide a rational basis for the following assertion known as Statistical Law of Large Numbers: If an event E has a constant probability p of occurrence on any one trial, and has occurred m... more
The John Cage pieces composed after 1950 bring to the center of the musical discussions the subject chance as a compositional tool and indeterminacy as a poetic proposal. The notion of a musical proposition where the composer apparently... more