Chaos/Complexity Theory
Recent papers in Chaos/Complexity Theory
"According to chaos theory, change is an organizational model that is contemporaneous and one of the best models for post-modern 21st century organizations. Chaos theory recognizes the inevitability of change, it is only the timing and... more
In this PPT Rowley & Roevens compare their Proteus Organize with Chaos model to several others: Kotter's 8-steps, Appreciative inquiry, Kubler-Ross, McKinsey, etc.
The complex environments of today’s markets makes managing organizations in complexity and turbulence a concern for senior managers, and necessitate developing a dynamic strategic framework to cope with complexity in managing... more
Multi-particle quantum statistical correlations measured in the collisions of heavy nuclei at the unrivaled energies. Remarkable consequences have been observed and speculated that such significant repercussions may arise due to... more
The progress in the field of computers in addition to improving our lives, is also helping to better understand the universe . Understanding the logic of computing and information is changing the way we look at the universe from the... more
The comprehensive abstract of my
resentation at the 12th EIKE Congress (Munich November 2018)
resentation at the 12th EIKE Congress (Munich November 2018)
The concept of “rewilding” has made its way into popular culture in recent years, describing a network of supporting the health of the environment and humanity itself through the cultivation of un-cultivated spaces within existing... more
In this paper, the dimensions of the new paradigm, the paradigm of complexity and its impact on strategic management are examined. The results of this study show that, since the fundamental issue of strategic management in turbulent... more
his paper aims at revealing the originality of Max Weber’s conception of the logical category of “historicity”, suggesting that in his writings on the methodology of the social sciences we can find a stimulating and forerunner... more
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Intermittency in the logistic map is studied by using Discrete Wavelet and Gabor Transforln. The evolution of the periodic zones in the appearance of bursts is observed as fun(:tion of the i)aranleter. The total energy of the system is... more
Recent work has conjectured that, under general boundary conditions, non-equilibrium Renormalization Group flows are likely to end up on strange attractors. If this conjecture is true, effective field theories must necessarily reflect the... more
We conduct tests for the presence of low-dimensional chaotic structure in the futures prices of four important agricultural commodities. Though there is strong evidence of non-linear dependence, the evidence suggests that there is no... more
Organizations in the 21 st century deal with constant changes such as globalization, technological evolutions, regulatory changes, competition, and other unexpected events, among others. These challenges can be viewed and addressed... more
This article juxtaposes the notion of wuwei in Daoism and philosophical principles of self-organization in systems theory to re-imagine classroom dynamics in which pedagogical relationships, students’ interactions with texts, and peer... more
Nowadays the increasing complexity and variety of narratives is challenging narratologists to reconsider many of the concept and tools elaborated so far, since their applicability and descriptive power is facing serious troubles due to... more
محيط امروزي روز به روز پيچيدهتر و غير قطعيتر مي شود. سازماني كه در پي شكل دهي روابط متعادل ثابت با محيط ذاتاً غير قابل پيش بيني است و شالوده هاي خود را بر نقاط قوت خود و همسازي با محيط بر زمين قرار مي دهد، با دست خويش خود را نابود مي كند... more
Therapy of language must to work togheter the brain of the patient, never without. The MR (Referential Method) work with then linguistic and individual words to rediscover the complex rules (grammatical, semantics, socials...) of the words.
‘‘Complex’’ is a special attribute we can give to many kinds of systems. Although it is used often as a synonym of ‘‘difficult,’’ it has a specific epistemological meaning, which is going to be shared by the incoming science of... more
This essay was submitted in the 2017 FQXi Essay Contest "Wandering Towards a Goal - How Do Mindless Mathematical Laws Give Rise to Aims and Intentions." The essay critiques the speculations on the infinite multiverse and explores the... more
Le recours contemporain à la notion de "complexité" renvoie fréquemment à des démarches ayant tendance à unifier sa définition. En langue anglaise, sa réduction à une forme singulière (complexity theory ou complexity science) s'avère... more
Arthouse Tacheles, Kyoto School and Chaos Theory ... Presented at the conference Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy, University of Dundee (UK), 13 – 15 November 2020; published 2 November 2021:... more
Turbulence, risk and uncertainty are now the normal situation of firms, markets and industries. This normality is underlined by periodic and irregular upturns and downturns which has two main effects. One is vulnerability, against which... more
ФИЛОСОФИЯ И НАУКА самодостраивание Е. Н. КНЯЗЕВА, С. П. КУРДЮМОВ Работа творческой интуиции, достижение состояния инсайта, озарения, «ara-переживания» издавна представали как наиболее загадочные проявления человеческого Я, Для философов,... more
The synchronization of coupled chaotic systems represents a fundamental example of self organization and collective behavior. This well-studied phenomenon is classically characterized in terms of macroscopic parameters , such as Lyapunov... more
In a global world, speaking foreign languages is an important skill. This book explores the acquisition of Maltese by adult non-native learners, which could easily be applied to any other foreign language acquisition. What is happening... more
It is not possible to speak of a single systems approach. There are rather of a number of systems approaches, each loosely drawing on different aspects of a family composed mainly of, general system theory, cybernetics, information... more
This book describes the birth of the new theory of Chaos. This is a difficult new concept that is still evolving but it popularized the term: Butterfly Effect and introduced new concepts to a popular audience, such as fractals and... more
The Navier-Stokes differential equations describe the motion of fluids which are incompressible. The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations misbehave very badly although they are relatively simple-looking. The solutions could wind up... more
E ste libro trata de la suerte o, por ser más precisos, de cómo percibimos y aceptamos la suerte en nuestra vida y en los negocios. Ya es una obra de referencia y su título forma parte de nuestro vocabulario. En su segunda edición,... more
il mondo contemporaneo sembra orientato verso gli estremi, verso l'assenza di limiti e di vincoli, verso la restaurazione di una ragione assolutistica (scientifica, teorica o politica), verso un orizzonte di autoannientamento. Per cercare... more
Relevant Analysis and Evaluation One of the most fertile collaborations in contemporary popular science writing began with a biologist and a mathematician meeting for lunch at a Coventry pub in 1990. Combining their prodigious... more
How do synchronization and self-organization emerge from systems that didn't have these properties to begin with? characterizing and understanding the transition from disorder to synchrony is of fundamental importance in order to... more
In 1963 Lorenz published his seminal paper Deterministic Non-‐‑ periodic flow in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. The philosophical ramifications of the unpredictability of phenomenon in nature noted in this work were profound and... more
Синергетику часто называют наукой о сложном, учением о самоорганизации, об универсальных закономерностях эволюции сложных динамических систем, претерпевающих резкие изменения состояний в периоды нестабильности. Центральный вопрос, который... more
This qualitative study investigated the lived experiences of highly sensitive persons (HSPs) to better understand the way they experience careers. Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is the underlying personality trait and is present in... more
The current era is witnessing serious geopolitical changes during the Arab spring and its waves in the Arab countries specifically. This geopolitics change is reflecting serious geostrategic changes on the OIC (Organization of Islamic... more
Simple réalisation of a chua' circuit
The study On the Thermodynamics of War and Social Evolution, shows that patterns can be identified in the war dynamics of the System, and that a relationship exists between these war dynamics and social evolution. The research suggests... more
This paper focuses on the subject of N. Katherine Hayles " s complex forms in Audrey Niffenegger " s The Time Traveler's Wife as a postmodern work. In 2003, Niffenegger published her famous novel, The Time Traveler's Wife. The novel is a... more
An overview of General System Theory and its applications in Organization Studies.
An extensive bio-bibliographical overview of the work of Edgar Morin, followed by a discussion of his "complex thought" in the context of the history of ideas. This is the Introduction to his "On Complexity."
Research on the theoretical conceptualisations and research methods informing current change agency theory and practice in the field of Organisation Theory (OT) in general, and Organisational Change and Development (OCD) in particular,... more