Child Brides
Most cited papers in Child Brides
‘Early marriage’ is a relatively common but under-researched global phenomenon, associated with poor physical and mental health and educational and occupational outcomes, particularly for young girls. In this article, we draw on... more
‘Early marriage’ is a relatively common but under-researched global phenomenon, associated with poor physical and mental health and educational and occupational outcomes, particularly for young girls. In this article, we draw on qualitative interviews with six Nigerian women from Sokoto state, who were married between the ages of 8 and 15. The interviews explored young women’s experiences of the transition to marriage, being married, pregnancy and their understanding of the marital and parental role. Using interpretive phenomenological analysis, we explore women’s constrained articulations of their experiences of early marriage, as they are constituted within a social context where the identity of ‘woman’ is bound up in values and practices around marriage and motherhood. We explore the complexity of ‘hearing’ women’s experiences when their identities are bound up in culturally overdetermined ideas of femininity that function explicitly to silence and constrain the spaces in which women can speak.
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I'm prevented by copyright issues from uploading this article. Please contact me if you'd like to read it and can't download from the publisher's site.
- by Lisa C Fellin and +1
- •
- Gender, Feminism, Violence Against Women, Nigeria
ÖZ Modern hukuk sistemleri her ne kadar 18 yaş öncesi evlilikleri suç olarak kabul etse de dünya genelinde çocuk evliliklerin olduğu görülmektedir. Bu olgunun sadece belirli bölgelerde değil dünya genelinde yaygın oluşu, çocuk... more
ÖZ Modern hukuk sistemleri her ne kadar 18 yaş öncesi evlilikleri suç olarak kabul etse de dünya genelinde çocuk evliliklerin olduğu görülmektedir. Bu olgunun sadece belirli bölgelerde değil dünya genelinde yaygın oluşu, çocuk evliliklerin kültürel bir olgu olduğu iddiasını çürütmektedir. Çocuğun beden bütünlüğü ve psikolojik sağlığı üzerinde olumsuz etkilere ve hatta kalıcı hasarlara yol açan çocuk yaşta evlilikler, üzerinde çokça çalışılması gereken bir konudur. Bu maksatla çalışmada "çocuk gelin" olarak da adlandırılan bu olgu incelemeye alınmış, çocuk yaşta evliliğin ne olduğu, bu olgunun ortaya çıkma sebepleri değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada toplumun çocuk yaşta evlilikler hakkında yaklaşımı ve bilinç düzeyi tartışılarak, toplumsal farkındalığın arttırılmasına dikkat çekilmiştir. Bu noktada medyanın rolü ve çocuk evlilikleri hakkında yapılan haberleri ele alış ve aktarış biçimi incelenmiştir. Toplumun değer yargıları ve farkındalık düzeyinin yükselmesi ve şekillenmesi noktasında çok önemli bir güce sahip olan yayın organlarının çocuk yaşta evlilikler ile ilgili dikkat etmesi gereken noktalar vurgulanmıştır. Bu derleme çalışmasının çocuk gelin olgusu konusunda önleyici çalışmalar için bir kaynak niteliğinde olması hedeflenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: çocuk gelin, çocuk evlilik, çocuk istismarı, toplumsal, sorun.
Although modern legal systems accept marriages before the age of 18 as a crime,
child marriages can be seen worldwide. The fact that this phenomenon is
widespread not only in certain regions but also throughout the world refuses the
claim that child marriage is a cultural phenomenon. Child marriages, which have
negative effects and even permanent damages on the physical integrity and
psychological health of the child, should be studied comprehensively. For this
purpose, this study examines the concept of child marriage, which is also referred as
“child bride”. Moreover, the reasons behind this phenomenon were evaluated. In
this study, the society's approach to child marriage and the level of their
consciousness are discussed, and social awareness on child brides is emphasized. At
this point, the role of the media and the way of approaching news about child
marriages are examined. The points the press needs to pay attention to are
emphasized, for the media is known for its big role on increasing and shaping the
values and awareness level of the society. It is hoped that this review study will
become a source for preventive studies on the phenomenon of child bride.
Keywords: child bride, child marriage, child abuse, social, problem.
Although modern legal systems accept marriages before the age of 18 as a crime,
child marriages can be seen worldwide. The fact that this phenomenon is
widespread not only in certain regions but also throughout the world refuses the
claim that child marriage is a cultural phenomenon. Child marriages, which have
negative effects and even permanent damages on the physical integrity and
psychological health of the child, should be studied comprehensively. For this
purpose, this study examines the concept of child marriage, which is also referred as
“child bride”. Moreover, the reasons behind this phenomenon were evaluated. In
this study, the society's approach to child marriage and the level of their
consciousness are discussed, and social awareness on child brides is emphasized. At
this point, the role of the media and the way of approaching news about child
marriages are examined. The points the press needs to pay attention to are
emphasized, for the media is known for its big role on increasing and shaping the
values and awareness level of the society. It is hoped that this review study will
become a source for preventive studies on the phenomenon of child bride.
Keywords: child bride, child marriage, child abuse, social, problem.
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