Child Prodigies
Recent papers in Child Prodigies
Focusing on the chess prodigy Samuel Reshevsky (1911–1992), this paper examines the international commercial exploitation of child prodigies and their rise to celebrity. In the early 1920s, this boy wonder toured Europe and the United... more
La precoce carriera di direttore d'orchestra, cui Bruno Maderna era stato avviato ad appena dodici anni d'età, toccò l'apice il 21 maggio 1933, quando il ragazzo, preceduto da una campagna di stampa degna di un divo dello spettacolo,... more
The last three pages of the file include a short description of the work in English
Sujette à de nombreuses controverses, la promotion des enfants prodiges dans la musique classique est un phénomène récurrent selon les modes et les goûts du public. Bien que la cause semble entendue dans les consciences collectives, ce... more
This paper considers the double role of child prodigies as child stars and psychological subjects in Paris in the Belle Époque. I argue that the celebrity status of child prodigies during this time contributed to their transformation into... more
This is the beginning of a new book and it contains the Index and also the Preface. This book directly takes on the scientific vision of life as well as the large import associated with it.
Even though, she was only 11 years old in 2009, she was in big demand on the world lecture and classroom circuit. A child prodigy and internationally published author, known for her essays, stories, poems, blogs, and full-length books.... more
Caspar Hennenberger vel Henneberger w swoim dziele Erclerung der preußischen größeren Landtafel oder Mappen, wydanym w 1595 r. w Królewcu, obok opisów dziejów miast i wsi zamieścił także wiele informacji na temat historii Prus od czasów... more
Traducción de un artículo publicado en la revista Life en 1965 sobre el niño prodigio de por aquel entonces 11 años Michael Grost, matriculado desde el año anterior en la universidad.
The child prodigy phenomenon expanded during and after the mid-19th century, nurtured by a growing entertainment industry in Europe. Prodigies were particularly popular in two domains-classical music and mental calculation. Many spent... more
Late Bloomers, The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement (2019) is a highly recommendable book by Rich Karlgaard. The book isn’t strictly speaking about late bloomers, but about the wider societal context and our... more
Mathew Franklin Whittier, the little-known younger brother of Quaker poet John Greenleaf Whittier, was actually a literary child prodigy in his own right, who began publishing in the Boston “New-England Galaxy” in 1825, at age 12. He ran... more
Juan Antonio Picornell, who was famous pedagogue Picornell y Gomila’s son, was a case of child prodigy of the Spanish Enlightenment. In 1785, he underwent a public exam at the University of Salamanca, when he was only three years old, and... more
Commonalities in the intelligence of Nathan's father, brother, and himself.
To appear in A. Ericsson, N. Charness, P. Feltovich & R. Hoffman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook on Expertise and Expert Performance. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 127-145. ... Observation of Work Practices in Natural... more