Classical and Contemporary Social Theory
Recent papers in Classical and Contemporary Social Theory
Post-modern theology is highly suspicious of social theory and its secular origins. After all, the founder who gave us the word “sociology” also coined the term “positivism.” An alternative strategy is that of Bernard Lonergan, a... more
Glocal Spirituality: Consumerism and Heritage in Puerto Rican Brujería With the recent intensification of the circulation of ritual experts and commodities, folk religions such as Puerto Rican brujería (witch-healing) have entered a... more
The concept of the gentleman amateur was, and remains, an important aspect of upper and middle-class Victorian and Edwardian male identity. Although he remains a significant literary presence, the form and length of time the gentleman... more
Kendini üniversitedeki bilim yaşamına profesyonel olarak adamaya karar vermiş bir lisansüstü öğrencisinin geleceği nedir? Almanya'daki koşulların özelliğini anlamak için, karşılaştırma yöntemiyle ilerlemek, dışarıdaki koşulları tanımakta... more
Uma breve análise crítica do neoliberalismo, suas origens e ideologia.
Il potenziale critico fondamentale delle scienze storiche risiede nel poter includere nella ricerca idee e punti di vista che rischierebbero altrimenti di esserne esclusi. Nell'ambito specifico che interessa questo articolo, quello dello... more
Working beyond the inclination to inaugurate alternative theoretical traditions alongside canonical sociology, this article demonstrates the value of recovering latent gender theory from within classic concepts-in this case, Weber's... more
The chapter deals with the theories of Durkheim, Marx and Weber on education as a social institution. The texts sets the task to answer two questions: in what way the aforementioned classical sociologists approached education? What are... more
Esej jest wprowadzeniem w polskie wydanie książki Hartmuta Rosy "Przyspieszenie, wyobcowanie, rezonans. Projekt krytycznej teorii późnonowoczesnej czasowości" – pierwszej książki Rosy wydanej w języku polskim. Jako że stanowi ona... more
"Postface au rapport: La gestion de la diversité ethnique dans les armées. Le cas du Royaume-Uni, des Etats-Unis, de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas, par Anaïs Reding, Matt Bassford, Claire Celia, Kristin Weed, Emmanuel Hassan (Rand Europe),... more
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more day you set foot in someone else's country and your world turned upside down. These people were *weird*, really off the wall. The neighbours back home might be slack, but at least you could talk to them. In this new place, it was,... more
This paper provides a conceptual augmentation of the notion of responsibility offered by Roth. This augmentation is predicated on the idea that Being is grounded in actions (or answerable deeds) that contribute to the unfolding collective... more
This book explores the relationship between knowledge and the body through a series of historical and archaeological case studies. More specifically, it considers the concept of embodied knowledge by exploring some of the apparent diverse... more
Published on Britannica.Com Humanities Web Site (May 2000); revised version in The Surre(gion)alist Manifesto & Other Writings (Baton Rouge: Exquisite Corpse Books, 2003).
Dieses Kapitel zielt auf Demokratie aus einer gesellschaftstheoretischen Perspektive. Im Fokus stehen - exemplarisch für frühe, entwickelte und späte Moderne - die Denker*innen Tocqueville, Arendt und Rancière. Dabei werden... more
Power is often taken to be a central concept in social and political thought that can contribute to the explanation of many different social phenomena. This article argues that in order to play this role, a general theory of power is... more
Este trabajo –parafraseando a Descartes- es un discurso sobre el método y la necesidad de reposicionar el sujeto en el proceso de construcción de conocimiento. Para ello nos proponemos esbozar algunas consideraciones que esperamos sirvan... more
This article discusses the transformation of the Moroccan state under contemporary neoliberal globalization, and considers what this transition means for the ways in which scholars view state-society interplay in Morocco and the Arab... more
This project builds on James' Scott synthesis of “reactive statelessness” theory (famously beginning with Pierre Clastres), in which he argues that pastoralism, nomadism, and foraging were often secondary forms of adaptation in response... more
המסה התפרסמה ב"הארץ" לרגל פירסום התרגום העברי של חיבורו הקלסי של מרסל מוס ומובאת כאן בתיקוני ניסוח קלים
Middle-class progressives in the early 20th Century wanted to transform a corrupt and chaotic industrial America into an "authentic" democracy. But they were led astray by their privilege. Focused on enhancing the voices of individuals,... more
This is our first translation of Max Weber's "Class, Status, Party." It was published in the Journal of Classical Sociology in 2010. We are quite proud of the translation, and believe that it is better than earlier versions. However,... more
Panel 1 - Critique of history and history of critique with Christian Garland, Harry Cross & Matt Bolton
British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
This text was originally written for the tenth anniversary issue of the Journal of Environmental Thought and Education (Japan). This is an expanded and revised version (June 20, 2018). Links to several earlier versions are included.
About work and life of Ludwig Gumplowicz (one of the founders of sociology).
This course is designed to introduce graduate students a broad introduction to the history of classical sociological thought. Students are going to learn and discuss not only the essential scholars and their theories but also... more
The competing theories of state recognition and their failings actively demonstrate that recognition of a state does not have any normative content per se, but rather, that the rules of state recognition, although legal rules, are legal... more
Karl Marx like everyone understood and believed that religion serves a purpose and function in a society, but he did not agree with the basis of that purpose or function. Karl Marx experienced a hard time believing in unseen truths and... more
Se trata del trabajo introductorio al libro del cual fui compilador, que se adentra en reflexiones acerca del problema de la comunidad a través de diferentes momentos de la historia de la teoría sociológica, desde los aportes de los... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
My nine-year-old son, .feremy, once told me that when he grows up and becomes a doctor, he wants to use the money he makes to promote anarchism. Naturally, I replied that this was a wonderful aspiration, especially since so few doctors... more
This revised and truncated article is meant to serve as a survey and reference for further inquiry, the original source article is accessible in its entirety online ; the focal points herein are (1) racialization of drug addiction and... more