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Статья посвящена проблеме дифференциации категорий художествен-ный текст и художественный дискурс с позиций современной лингвистики. Художествен-ный текст рассматривается как сложное семантическое образование, признаки которого... more
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    • Лингвистика текста
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    • Humanities
The paper attempts to introduce Polish readers to a theory presented by the American literary scholar Margaret Freeman in her recent book, The Poem as Icon (2020). In the monograph, Freeman analyzes ways in which the reader experiences... more
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      PoetryEmbodied CognitionMetaphorCognitive Linguistics
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El presente trabajo se propone inaugurar el análisis del discurso literario de Clara Janés en una de sus obras más recientes, Kamasutra para dormir a un espectro (2019). La heterogeneidad de los materiales literarios y de las referencias... more
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      MysticismCognitive PoeticsPoetry and MusicPoetry and Science
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      PsychologyLiterary CriticismCognitionPoetics
Summary of an array of AI-focused articles -- ChatGPT versus Claude 3 Experimental poetic representations of summaries -- ChatGPT versus Claude 3 Summary generated experimentally in image form by ChatGPT Comparative experimental use of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCognitive PoeticsResearch Article AbstractsImage Generation
Too much do prayer (poetry) + politics (philosophy) differ for their own good. Spiritual + practical possibilities for personal + public activities, they instead tiptoe around divine/profane cities, separate by themselves, together... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionPolitical SociologySociology of Religion
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      Romanian LiteratureLiterary studies
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    • Psychology
Изучая специфику социального взаимодействия в исторической перспективе, историки работают с текстами, функционировавшими в разные исторические эпохи. Каждая эпоха отличается от другой своей специфической ситуацией. Насколько... more
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    • методология социальных наук
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Introduction: This research aimed to investigate the possible advantage of conceptual blending theory to illustrate hidden aspects of poetic creativity, which is called elaborating device in conceptual metaphor theory. Methods: We... more
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Introduction: This research aimed to investigate the possible advantage of conceptual blending theory to illustrate hidden aspects of poetic creativity, which is called elaborating device in conceptual metaphor theory. Methods: We... more
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בשנת 1954 , לפני שבעים שנה, היה משה בן־שאול בין פרחי המשוררים שייסדו את חבורת "לקראת" והתבלט בה כמי שאינו רץ בחבורות וביכר להתנסות בעצמו במדיומים ספרותיים ואמנותיים רבים. צימאונו לאוונגרדיות התבטא בין השאר בעריכת גיליונות כתב העת קצר... more
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      Hebrew LiteraturePoetry
An Inconceivable Coincidence: Szymborska and Lem In the article, I review the life events of Wisława Szymborska and Stanislaw Lem – who were close in age – that brought their fates together after the war. I aim to highlight the... more
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      Comparative LiteratureSelf and IdentityIntertextualityStanislaw Lem
This paper presents a translation of Osip Mandelstam's "Stalin Poem," approached through the lens of 'poetic immersion,' a method detailed in my earlier work, A Translator's Manifesto: Translating for Poetic Immersion. This approach... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureTranslation Studies
This paper explores the complex art of translating poetry with a focus on preserving the immersive qualities that are central to experiencing poetry in its original form. Through an analysis of various translation strategies and the... more
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      Translation StudiesPoetryCognitionPsycholinguistics
This study sheds light on the attitudes of two American Romantic Poets during the nineteenth century: Edgar Allan Poe and Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, towards the notion of death. Although they share the same interest of discussing death,... more
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«Кратко изложите эту статью для 10-летнего ребёнка Онтология — это учение о самом основном веществе и сущности всего, что нас окружает. Она изучает вопросы о том, что такое бытие и какие свойства присущи различным объектам. Важно... more
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      OntologyCritical ThinkingонтологияКритическое мышление
সার-সংক্ষেপ উইলিয়াম ওয়ার্ডসওয়ার্থ বলেছেন- কবিতা হল শক্তিশালী অনুভূতির স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত প্রবাহ। আমাদের এই কবি মনেপ্রাণে তা বিশ্বাস করেন।"স্বপ্নের কবি" কাব্যের কবিতাগুলোর অধিকাংশই রচিত হয়েছিল ২০১২-২০১৮ সালের মধ্যে যখন কবি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে... more
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      Contemporary PoetryPost modern Poetry
Proposte di intervento entro il 19 maggio 2024
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      PositivismoLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaCesare LombrosoPaolo Mantegazza
Pubblicate con lo pseudonimo di GIORGIO EGIDI.
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    • Poesia
In his cognitive study of visual poetry, Reuven Tsur (2000: 763-769) demonstrates that visual poetry generates a witty, intellectual effect in readers, rather than a sentimental one. Whereas it is true that this is a general tendency, the... more
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      PoetryCognitive Literary TheoryMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
A poesia utiliza de metáforas para destacar o cuidado e a dedicação que os educadores devem ter para cultivar a semente da educação. O poema enfatiza a importância da educação como chave de regência e o professor como seu guardião do... more
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      PoetryPoeticsModern PoetryContemporary Poetry
Bugün klavyenin başına, değerli Şaire hanımefendi kardeşim "Fatma Alageyiğin" yazdığı şiir için geçtim. Şiirin penceresinde gönüllere bir hoşluk sunmak kardeşimle birlikte sizlerin gönlünde bir gülümseme eklemek için, yazmaya başlıyorum.... more
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    • Şiir Tahlilleri
This is an iconisation and sociolinguistics of communication in Nigerian poetry of English expression. The paper assesses how the use of poetic creativity serves as both sociolinguistic and signifying processes of communicative roadmap... more
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    • Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication Disorders
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      HistoryCultural StudiesLatin American StudiesComparative Literature
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      New TestamentLiteratureNarrativeCognitive Narratology
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      PoetryStylisticsPoeticsCognitive Poetics
以能源政治话语为例, 聚焦由多元主体参与的话语网络, 考察不同社会主体话语之间的相互联系和影响。 研究发现, 上级主体话语与下级主体话语形成一种纵向权力互动, 主要体现为语体的再情景化和话题链上的延展、 提升和改造。 通过对话性交互和语体再情景化调配, 实现话语在语言使用和社会要素层面上的辩证互动, 经由主体意识形态, 创建出杂糅性新话语, 形塑和巩固主导性意识形态。 话语互动分析有助于加深对话语互动过程和复杂性的认识,推动批评话语研究的纵深发展。 Taking... more
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      Political Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse Analysis (CDA)Discourse Network Analysis
在图像为主、文字为辅的绘本叙事中,语篇视角的表征方式有别于纯文字叙事。绘本叙事通常采用哪些手段,激发读者启用何种认知机制,对故事内人物的视角进行识别、解释和评价? 本文以几米的绘本 《时光电影院》为例,发现绘本主要依赖图形-背景、概念隐喻和整合等认知机制,创造前景化的图文组合,表征视角的切换。立足于语境框架,读者会在特定图文组构的激活下启用相应的认知操作,识别和感知语篇的视角化等级,形成对故事世界的认识和评价。 In graphic narrative,where... more
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      Picture BooksMultimodalityCognitive Poetics
本文提出情绪的多模态转—隐喻表征连续体模型和图文多模态表征系统,以几米的十部叙事绘本为语料,系统考察“愤怒”的图像表征手段,总结“愤怒”转—隐喻多模态协同构建的规律,阐释其认知诗学效果。语料分析表明,除高频使用“愤怒情绪的生理效果代愤怒情绪”这一常规转喻外,几米还频繁使用隐转喻,形象刻画强烈愤怒情绪导致的夸张效果,吸引读者注意力。最具认知冲击力的视觉表征是隐喻,几米频繁使用亮丽的色彩、形状、构图等视觉元素,基于转喻—隐喻的互动,把“愤怒是容器中的气体”、“身体是容器”、“强度... more
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      Cognitive PoeticsMultimodal metaphor
认知诗学是滥觞于本世纪初的一种以文学为研究对象的跨学科研究,在学科定位、学理基础和研究范畴等方面存在含混,研究实践与研究名称依然名不副实。本文把认知诗学置于后现代文化语境中,用后现代哲学思想反观其学科定位与发展前景。参照其基本诗学观———体验人本观和多元识解观,... more
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      Cognitive PoeticsPost Modern Phylosophy
意识流语篇凌乱的表层之下隐藏着一定的脉络和肌理。本文从认知诗学的角度探讨如何破解这些脉络和结构。基于心理空间理论, 本文提出读者可以充分调用基本的经验感知图式和语篇知识图式, 在各种空间构造语的触发下, 构建立体的心理空间网络体系。实例表明, 这类网络体系具有基础空间背景化、内嵌空间层级化和空间回归越级化等特征。了解语篇的心理空间网络结构特征, 有助于读者降低解读难度, 构建连贯的语篇表征, 领悟深层主题内涵, 从而增强对意识流语篇的审美体验。 Underlying... more
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      Unconscious cognitionCognitive PoeticsMental Space Theory
আধুনিক বাংলা কবিতার শৈলীবিচারে অধিবাচনিক শৈলীর স্থান অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। কবি জয় গোস্বামীর অন্যতম মুখ্য কাব্য 'শাসকে প্রতি' -কে অধিবাচনিক শৈলীতত্ত্বের আলোকে বিশ্লেষণ করা হয়েছে।
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      PoeticsStylistics; Literary Linguistics; Cognitive PoeticsBENGALI MODERN POETRYBengali Language and Literature
সন্মাত্রানন্দ একুশ শতকের অন্যতম পরিচিত, আলোচিত এবং বিপুল পাঠক দ্বারা সমাদৃত লেখক। তাঁর ছোটগল্পের অসামান্য কৌশল ও শৈলী কথাসাহিত্যে নতুন মাত্রা এনেছে। শব্দের প্রাণ প্রতিষ্ঠা কাব্যিক কলার প্রয়োগে মেটাফরিক ইমেজ জাগ্রত করে বারবার।... more
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      Linguistic stylisticsCognitive Poetics
O meu prefácio para o livro Estilhaços no Lago de Púrpura.
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    • Wilmar Silva
[This is the script of a four-part German language video essay on intermedial narratological aspects of Hans Fallada's Wolf Among Wolves.] Dies ist das Skript einer vierteiligen Video-Einführung in die intermediale Narratologie... more
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      Transmedial NarratologyFocalizationPoint of View
This thesis examines the contemporary poetry of three Palestinian poets (Sharif Elmusa, Nathalie Handal and Hanan Ashrawi), three South African poets (Mbongeni Khumalo, Seitlhamo Motsapi and Mzi Mahola) and three Indigenous Australian... more
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      Cultural GeographyPhenomenologyIndigenous KnowledgeCognitive Linguistics
Este trabajo, que nace del interés personal en la poética lingüística y, más concretamente, la lingüística y poéticas cognitivas, pretende completar los siguientes objetivos: 1. Investigar si la lingüística cognitiva, a través de la... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsCognitive Poetics
Philosophy was a love of wisdom for a long time. It focused on wisdom from observation, experimentation, and establishing an understanding of nature and human beings. It was an intuitive, imaginative, and creative way to explore reality... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHeidegger's later thoughtHeidegger and TechnologyAristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics
Com base em pesquisa bibliográfica, pretende-se entender e analisar o papel que o grito desempenha na narrativa audiovisual, partindo do segmento de um tropo do cinema de terror "rainhas do grito". "Rainhas do grito" são atrizes que... more
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    • Cinema
An early version of the views developed in my book *Contingencies of Value: Alternative Perspectives for Critical Theory*. The article is focused on Shakespeare’s Sonnets but designed to suggest some of the more general problems that, to... more
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      AestheticsLiterary CriticismCultural TheoryLiterary Theory
The paper suggests the metacognitive representation of the conceptual framework of кажимость gestalt. The metacognitive representation is based on the inferential conclusions obtained by cognitive-discursive analysis of the functioning... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionGestalt PsychologyLinguistics
Recent work in metaphorical analysis makes it clear that many of our most basic concepts (and our reasoning via those concepts) are embodied: Lived experiences in our bodies inspire and constrain the way we conceive and articulate many of... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsSynesthesiaCognitive PoeticsCogntive Science
Mind, Language and Metaphor: Euroconference on Consciousness and the Imagination, took place in Kerkrade (The Nederlands), April 20-24, 2002.
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      Philosophy of MindConceptual Metaphor TheoryCognitive LinguisticsCognitive Poetics
Cognitive Linguistics (CL) is a field of investigation in Cognitive Science that conceives language as an integrated phenomenon within general human cognitive abilities. One of the CL deep roots departs form Noam Chomsky's Syntactic... more
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      Cognitive SciencePragmaticsCognitive LinguisticsCognitive Poetics
Publikacja wydana dzięki pomocy finansowej Wydziału Edukacji Urzędu Miasta Łodzi i Dziekana Wydziału Filologicznego UŁZadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych... more
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