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Il convegno internazionale "Da Archimede a Luca Valerio: giornate di storia delle matematiche per (e con) Pier Daniele Napolitani" vuole essere un'occasione per riflettere sulle tematiche di ricerca più care a Pier Daniele Napolitani in... more
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      PhilologyHistory of MathematicsTextual Criticism
In the second half of the 20th century, the role of linguistics in analyzing literary texts went beyond the mere examination of linguistic elements and features of the text and embraced the effects of mental processes in the formation of... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsSamuel Beckett (Literature)Cognitive PoeticsImage Schemas
Brandt (2021) ignores Peircean indices as signs and fits them into the category of symbolic signs if they are intentional. He names the third group of signs as diagrams and considers them, along with iconic and symbolic signs, to complete... more
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      PerspectiveDiagrammatic DesignGestaltPersian Calligraphy
In this study, we examine common intonational formulas with fixed meanings, revealing a tendency towards symbolisation. It is characteristic that the primary representational function typically remains intact but transitions into the... more
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      SemioticsTchaikovskyFrederic ChopinSymbolisation
The article is devoted to Joseph Brodsky’s ideas about poetic language. They are described as an aesthetic auto-conceptualization or myth-making project of the poet based on the analysis of his essay s, public speeches and “Eclogue... more
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      Derek WalcottWystan Hugh AudenБродский Иосифпоэтический язык
Soll ich also, von dieser Art von Analyse ausgehend, die Abschweifungen forcieren und mein Niveau narrativ in Richtung von labyrinthischen Gängen und Verschachtelungen à la Tristram Shandy noch weiter senken? Der Gedanke, die... more
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      Translation StudiesPhilosophy Of LawMichel FoucaultTristan Tzara
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      English LiteraturePoetryEzra PoundDisability
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    • Humanities
In this paper, I propose translation as a main tool for a sensualistic and hermeneutical approach to texts. In agreement with the writer and thinker Euphrase Kezilahabi, who claims that the text has to be considered as a living event, I... more
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Исследование понятия достоверности началось в период античности, в Новое время Г.Гегель, Л. Витгенштейн, М. Хайдеггер обозначили актуальные дефиниции понятия в аксиологическом и гносеологическом дискурсе. Достоверность как технический... more
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On The Question Concerning Technology In China An Essay in Cosmotechnics by YUK HUI At least since Martin Heidegger + Jacques Ellul, philosophy has studied some alarming subjective/objective conditions emanating from ubiquitous... more
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      LanguagesHistoryCultural HistoryAnthropology
Reîntoarcerile biografismului în istoriografia literară a ultimilor 30 de ani reprezintă un efect de recul, o reacţie, să zicem, atât faţă de mai vechile abstracţiuni ale Noii Critici franceze, cât şi faţă de teroarea mai noilor Studii... more
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      Literary HistoryBiographical literary criticism
This article presents an analysis of negation forms in Philip Larkin’s poetry, specifically forms negated by suffixes and prefixes. Drawing on the literary stylistic analysis approach, as proposed by Geoffrey Leech, we progress from... more
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The turn of the nineteenth century marked an inflection point in modern painting and sculpture accompanied by new experimentation and research in literature, a movement that has yet to recede in our time. Russian artists and writers found... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteraturePoetryPoetics
The paper explores the metaphorical link between the physical and metaphysical realms as depicted in the selected poems of John Donne. Through a close analysis of Donne's poetic works the paper investigates how skilfully Donne weaves... more
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      Conceptual Metaphor TheoryFeminismMetaphor
Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме актуализации когнитивной и коммуникативной категории выдвижения в художественном тексте. Данная категория рассматривается в качестве когнитивно-коммуникативного параметра авторского отступления в... more
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      StylisticsLinguistic stylisticsCognitive LinguisticsPragmalinguistics
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      Cognitive PsychologyMathematicsComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
2 volumes
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      Medieval LiteratureRomance philologyTextual CriticismHistory of Literature
No recuerdo la fecha que la conocí esa es la verdadera razón por la que ahora mido el tiempo con las agujas y jeringas que salen a mi encuentro al llamarlas por sus nombres. Me aseguro de no perder la cuenta apilándolas sobre una telaraña... more
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      PoeticsTranslation of PoetryModern PoetryContemporary Poetry
This article proposes that certain styles of thinking have the effect of limited or expanding a researcher's awareness of anomalous aspects of Consciousness. By altering one's thinking style, one can appreciate and understand that the... more
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      CognitionParanormalPsychical ResearchConsciousness Studies
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    • Political Science
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Социальный гипноз общепринятых ментальных моделей разносит обыденное и божественное в разные полюса мира, таким образом разделяя жизнь на быт и духовное. Но нет ничего что не было бы проявлением духа - вопрос только во взгляде.
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      Space and PlaceAlchemyMagicTheurgy
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Предлагаемый материал является результатом обобщения, анализа и систематизации теоретических и эмпирических данных по исследованию языка и интеллекта, проблемы вербальной организации человека. В работе представлена концептуальная модель... more
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      PsycholinguisticsPsicologia Cognitiva
I have a motto taped to my computer monitor, a partial quote, one extracted from Shakespeare: "Kill the Lawyers." This urge to commit a planetary lethal act is displaced from its intentions into a sort of comic excess: we laugh at the... more
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      American LiteraturePolitical SociologyAmerican PoliticsPolitical Philosophy
This paper explores a constructionist and corpus-based approach to Old English formulaic language through an analysis of the “maþelode system” of speech introductions. The analysis is performed on a section of the York-Helsinki Parsed... more
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      Historical LinguisticsMedieval LiteratureAnglo-Saxon StudiesComputational Linguistics
It is commonly thought that Time seems to accelerate as we get older. Although there has never been any detailed explanation, or even proof, of this phenomenon - a few thoughts are offered here. If this is true, at least subjectively,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysisEmotion
Este trabajo estudia algunos aspectos del procesamiento cognitivo del poema “Ruina”, de Fede- rico García Lorca, adoptando un enfoque empírico. La muestra está conformada por registros de lectura escritos por estudiantes universitarios... more
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      Federico García LorcaLectura Y EscrituraEmocionesPoeta En Nueva York
'La speculazione edilizia', pubblicato nel 1957, è il primo romanzo in cui Calvino congiunge narrazione e riflessione sul tema della città, facendo di quest’ultima il nucleo poietico e sineddotico per raccontare in controluce i primi anni... more
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      Urban StudiesLiterary TheoryItalo CalvinoLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
В статье рассматривается лингвистическая специфика изображения луны в творчестве известного французского поэта, драматурга и сценариста Жака Превера (1900–1977). Выделяются такие семантико-стилистические особенности, как персонификация... more
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      French LiteratureJacques Prévert
Figure and ground are cognitive devices for text analysis, indicating a phenomenological relation between literature and human beings. So critical research by cognitive poetics approach, on one hand, includes the possibility of analyzing... more
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      Cognitive PoeticsLanguage and LinguiticsFigure and Ground
On THE NECESSITY OF THEATER The Art of Watching and Being Watched By Paul Woodruff To be short & neat this digitally designed review lightens critical contrasts by mentioning how differently science & theater present understanding. It... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of Science
This article focuses on three texts that blur the boundaries of form—I Love Dick (1997) by Chris Kraus, Simple Passion (1991) by Annie Ernaux and Suite vénitienne (1983) by Sophie Calle. They can be read as autofiction in both their... more
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      French LiteratureLife Writing (Literature)Autofiction
Eavan Boland died on 27 April 2020. She ranks among Ireland’s finest poets, and was one of the foremost female voices in Irish poetry. this article examines levels of meaning in The War Horse.
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    • Irish Literature
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      Giacomo DebenedettiRomanzo ItalianoNovecento Italiano
This article analyzes the interconnection of culture, language and conceptualization. Culture is a fact that has a negative and positive influence of human behaviour on it. Culture is changing by society. The lexical elements of language... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCulture
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    • Art
«L'Immaginazione» 340 (marzo-aprile 2024), pp. 61-2.
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      IntermedialityCognitive PoeticsLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaRomanzo Italiano
Il saggio parte con una breve ricognizione delle varie forme d'intermedialità che interessano chi studia il rapporto tra musica e poesia e propone di osservare il punto d’incontro tra musica e poesia nella comune radice timica,... more
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      IntermedialityCognitive PoeticsRemediationPoetry and Music
This article argues that Fernando de Herrera, Renaissance Spain's foremost poetic theorist, blended classical poetics and rhetoric with facultative psychology to craft a revolutionary framework of poetic thought in his most important... more
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      RhetoricAristotleRenaissance HumanismPoetics
Revista TAUP: nº1 editado por Mylena Godinho, Jéssica Iancoski, Mabelly Venson, Belise Campos... more
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      PoetryPoeticsModern PoetryContemporary Poetry
יד אלוהים בעולם כיד אמי במעי התרנגול השחוט בערב שבת: 100 שנה להולדת יהודה עמיחי - תרבות וספרות הארץ 10.11.2024 כולם תמימי דעים שהיתה למשורר יהודה עמיחי יכולת וירטואוזית להעמיד דימוי, להגיד "כמו". אבל גדולתו האמיתית היא בכך שהוא רתם את... more
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    • Yehuda Amichai
Elena Ferrante is the nome de plume of an anonymous writer who is highly successful on the international stage and whose success far exceeds that of other authors of contemporary Italian literature. In this study, we approach Ferrante's... more
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      StylometricsAuthorship AttributionElena FerranteAuthorship Verification
Functional linguistics is one of the theoretical linguistic trends, which emphasizes the social and contextual role of language. Michael Halliday's theory of functional linguistics analyzes words by penetrating the inner layers of the... more
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    • Women's Activism
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      Architectural EngineeringPhilosophyArtPoetry
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