Color Perception
Recent papers in Color Perception
Pigeons were exposed to multiple and concurrent second-order schedules of token reinforcement, with stimulus lights serving as token reinforcers. Tokens were produced and exchanged for food according to various fixed-ratio schedules,... more
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La couleur n’est pas un élément anodin de la Recherche. Au contraire, elle est l’une des voies d’accès au style de l’écrivain. De la science à la peinture, de la critique d’art à la réflexion philosophique, le rendu chromatique de l’œuvre... more
Patients suffering from AIDS develop ocular complications, the most frequent being HIV retinopathy. It is however not clear, if functional visual impairments can be observed as early indicators of ocular complications, before clinical... more
When two isoluminant colors alternate at frequencies >10 Hz, we perceive only one fused color with a minimal sensation of brightness flicker. In spite of the perception of color fusion, color opponent (CO) cells at early stages of the... more
The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is an important phytophagous pest of greenhouse and field crops. In the host finding process visual cues are of paramount importance. In order to contribute to the understanding... more
In a valence induction task, one color acquired positive valence by indicating the chance to win money (in the case of fast and correct responses), and a different color acquired negative valence by indicating the danger to lose money (in... more
Subjects watched either an emotional, neutral, or unusual sequence of slides containing 1 critical slide in the middle. Experiments 1 and 2 allowed only a single eye fixation on the critical slide by presenting it for 180 ms (Experiment... more
To assess the colour difference values that represents the perceptibility and acceptability thresholds of denture teeth.
Three experiments investigated whether it is possible to orient selective spatial attention to internal representations held in working memory in a similar fashion to orienting to perceptual stimuli. In the first experiment, subjects were... more
Schizophrenia patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may be a subgroup of schizophrenia, and OCD patients with poor insight may show psychotic-like symptoms. The aim of this work is to compare the neuropsychological performance... more
In this article, the authors respond to J. D. Cohen, K. O. Dunbar, D. M. Barch and T. S. Braver's (1997) comment on their target article. The present article (a) takes issue with the characterization given by Cohen et al. of the... more
The developmental trend from overall similarity to dimensional identity classifications is explained by a quantitative model. I begin with the assumption that objects are represented in terms of constit uent dimensions and that the... more
Using an uncertainty paradigm and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we studied the effect of nonspatial selective and divided visual attention on the activity of specific areas of human extrastriate visual cortex. The stimuli... more
SUMMARY Male glow-worms Lampyris noctiluca find their bioluminescent mates at night by phototaxis. There is good evidence that location of mates by lampyrid beetles is achieved by a single spectral class of photoreceptor,whose spectral... more
Introduction: The Ishihara Test (IT) is arguably the most sensitive and commonly used color vision test within aviation and other occupational environments, but when no errors are allowed ~20% of normal trichromats fail the test. The... more
The relationship between food flavors and postingestive feedback enables mammalian herbivores to procure nutrients and avoid toxins within ever-changing environments. We conducted four experiments with red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius... more
Novel binocular depth ilhrsions obtained from two-dimensional colour images are presented. It is demonstrated that the magnitude of these illusions is based on transverse chromatic aberation (TCA), however, the depth obtained caNlot be... more
Color coding and directional selectivity (DS) of retinal neurons were studied in the Pseudemys turtle by using similar intracellular recording and staining techniques as in the preceding paper (J. Ammermuller and H. Kolb, 1995, J. Comp.... more
In this work it is suggested that color induces phenomenal wholeness, part-whole organization and fragmentation. The phenomenal wholeness subsumes the set of its main attributes: homogeneity, continuity, univocality, belongingness, and... more
Vasarely's 'nested-squares' illusion is the perception of a glowing ''X" along the diagonals of concentric squares with a luminance gradient. We present here the chromatic Vasarely effect, where the concentric angles have a chromatic... more
On the contingent capture account, top-down attentional control settings restrict involuntary attentional capture to items that match the features of the search target. Attention capture is involuntary, but contingent on goals and... more
Behavioral tests of vision in squirrel monkeys (Suimirisciureus) reveal that there are widespread individual variations in color vision in this species. The variation has a sex-related component: whereas both trichromatic and dichromatic... more
BACKGROUND Alzheimer disease (AD) primarily affects cognition. A variety of visual disorders was established in AD. Fechner illusory colors are produced by a rotating disk with a black and white pattern. The purpose of our research was to... more
When attempting to draw a ball of a specified color either from an urn containing 50 red balls and 50 black balls or from an urn containing an unknown ratio of 100 red and black balls, a majority of decision makers prefer the known-risk... more
Based on the measurements of 1063 flower reflection spectra, we show that flower colours fall into distinct clusters in the colour space of a bee. It is demonstrated that this clustering is caused by a limited variability in the floral... more
This study investigated subjects with eating disorders' selective attention to linguistic and pictorial representations of food stimuli in a version of the Stroop color-naming task. If subjects with eating disorders' attention really are... more
Research on incidental sequence learning typically is concerned with the characteristics of implicit or nonconscious learning. In this article, the authors aim to elucidate the cognitive mechanisms that contribute to the generation of... more
reason moon luminance increases rapidly with altitude, from 2 cd/m 2 up to over 4000. 3 Accordingly, the moon can appear off-white, white, fluorescent, or luminous -variations that are not predicted by Retinex theory.
White's effect is a phenomenon in which grey bars replacing segments of the white phase of a square-wave grating appear darker than those replacing segments of the black phase. The direction of the brightness difference is consistent with... more
Objective. To study the ability of colour naming, colour discrimination and colour preference in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Design. Descriptive, consecutive sample. Participants. Fifty subjects 465 years with AD. Interventions. Testing... more
The ability to see colors is not universal in the animal kingdom. Those animals that can detect differences in the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum glean valuable sensory information about their environment. They use color... more
In order to ascertain whether the Bezold-BrUcke hue shift is of neural or pigment origin, five observers matched monochromatic spots of light, each with the same luminance, but one darkened by the operation of simultaneous brightness... more
Animal color pattern phenotypes evolve rapidly. What influences their evolution? Because color patterns are used in communication, selection for signal efficacy, relative to the intended receiver's visual system, may explain and predict... more
To assess the effects of a single 100-mg dose of sildenafil citrate on visual function in men with early-stage age-related macular degeneration. Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Nine men (mean age 71 years, range... more
In this paper, I argue that perceptual media like air or water are imperceptible, in the sense that they are not directly discriminated by our senses. I show that, despite their lack of phenomenological features, perceptual media... more