Community based forest management
Most downloaded papers in Community based forest management
Forest Enactment Sesaot into regional Forest Park (TAHURA) through a ministerial decree No. 244 / Kpts- II / 1999 and No. 598 / Menhut-II / 2009 conflict between the various interested parties. Research with qualitative approach is wanted... more
How do humans come to care for their environment and what turns them into conservationists are central questions in environmental politics. Recent scholars have turned to Foucault’s ideas of “governmentality” to understand how... more
The facilitators guide provides all the necessary information, required tools, and steps involved in the preparation of community-based forest management and development plan. The guide was expected to help both the facilitators and local... more
Abstrak Kawasan hutan yang berada dalam wilayah Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Konservasi (KPHK) Kuala Lupak merupakan tipe hutan rawa. Hutan rawa sebagai salah satu tipe hutan yang ada di Indonesia mempunyai peranan yang penting dan... more
In resource dependent rural areas of developing countries, common property resource management has been considered as one of the most viable options for combining poverty reduction, enhancement of local level economic development and... more
People’s dependency towards natural environment including forestis a manifestation ofefforts to meet their needs. Commodity widely used by people surrounding forest is various undergrowth species found in the forest area. In... more
Title of thesis: Traditional ecological knowledge and (co-)management among the Mapuche: Exploring Lanín national Park (Argentina). Based on empirical field research, this thesis examines the relationship between traditional ecological... more
This paper seeks to identify the factors which are responsible for successful management of natural resources when communities are given opportunities to manage those resources. Applying the social capital framework, it analyzes empirical... more
Buku ini merupakan hasil studi mengenai masalah permukiman dan kawasan pertanian masyarakat yang berada dalam kawasan tiga taman nasional di Indonesia, yaitu Ujung Kulon di Jawa, Kerinci Seblat di Sumatra, dan Lore Lindu di Sulawesi.... more
Although Indonesia is experiencing one of the most complex transformations of social forestry policy in the world, there is a need to step back and more closely examine the politics, ecologies, and economies that provide context for its... more
Inclusion of marginalized sections and minorities remains one of the most vexing problems for democratic politics. This article discusses the enactment of a recent Indian law, ‘The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers... more
This paper is a synopsis of the results, findings and insights learned from a UNDP-supported project on "Leveraging Best Practices" among 100+ community-based sustainable development projects in the Philippines
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is the principal strategy in managing inhabited 'forest land' in the Philippines. It involves the participation of local communities in various forestry activities to achieve sustainable forestry,... more
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the policy and practice of community-based forest management (CBFM) in the Philippines over the last three decades -one of the longest experiences in Asia. As a form of structural policy... more
A realização desta pesquisa só foi possível com a colaboração das pessoas e organizações mencionadas a seguir.
Buku ini Menggambarkan Kerja-kerja Penetapan Hutan Adat dalam 5 tahun terakhir berserta dengan dinamika sosial politik serta kebijakan yang menyertainya.
Conservation of indigenous tree species is crucial for restoration of ecosystems and provision of livelihood support functions among rural communities. However, most tree planting initiatives have promoted exotic species, ignoring native... more
Participatory approaches to forest management have gained wide acceptance and have also become the primary guiding principle in the management of natural resources worldwide. Despite their widespread popularity, participatory methods... more
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is a major strategy in managing forest lands in the Philippines. Forest and land management activities implemented in CBFM project sites include management of tropical forests (enrichment planting,... more
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is a major strategy in managing forest lands in the Philippines. Forest and land management activities implemented in CBFM project sites include management of tropical forests (enrichment planting,... more
The urgent need to limit anthropogenic carbon emissions has led to the global initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD +). One option to facilitate the design and implementation of REDD + is to... more
A community-based monitoring system that focuses on natural resource use and forest quality in montane evergreen forest and miombo woodland areas was developed and implemented in 23 villages in 2002 as part of a participatory forest... more
In Ghana, forests provide many products on which the local population subsists. However, these resources are depleting due to a variety of factors including agricultural expansion and over-exploitation of forest resources. This paper... more
Timber production is an important ecosystem service of European mountain forests. This paper aimed to assess the current practices in logging operations and to identify the efficiency gaps in timber production. The study was located in... more
Chhattisgarh state in India has the highest incidence of poverty in the country with an estimated 47.9 per cent of the State‟s population living in poverty. It has the third largest area under forest and approximately 44% of the total... more
The poor performance of various people-oriented forestry projects has prompted the government to adopt the Community-based Forest Management (CBFM) program as the development pathway for addressing upland poverty and deforestation. The... more
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is the principal strategy in managing inhabited 'forest land' in the Philippines. It involves the participation of local communities in various forestry activities to achieve sustainable forestry,... more
This is to certify that Ms. Ranjana Budhathoki, a student of M.Sc. 2 nd year, Central Department of Environmental Sciences, T.U., has carried out this case study entitled "A Case Study on Assessment of Sustainability of Harisiddhi... more